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Who made the bible?

Don't tell me that God do it.

Some person had to take all the books into one,so.. who was s/he?


I'm agree with you.

God ispired the bible, and the disciples of jesus write the chapters, but whom take them all together and said "Well this is gone be the bible"

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one knows the human authors of the books of the Old Testament.

    The New Testament was authored by Peter, Paul, James, John, Mathew, Mark and Luke. We know next to nothing about these men save what was written about them in the New Testament.

    During the opening years of the 3rd Century AD, the bishops of the Christian Church got together and began to sift through hundreds and hundreds of "gospels". Most were easily set aside as uninspired. Usually because they had a strong gnostic or Arian bias, or because they were just plain silly.

    These men took the Old Testament from the Jews as they considered it to be, accepting its inspiration.

    Added to the New Testament Gospels, Epistles, Acts and Revelations, the whole became the Septuagint (so named for the 70 Jewish scholars in Egypt who'd put together the Jewish Canon of the Old Testament).

    Jerome translated these books from their original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) into Latin and the Vulgate was the result.

    Martin Luther decided he had a better idea and tossed out 7 OT books and parts of 3 others. After all, what could Jewish scholars possibly know of inspiration as pertained to their holy books? And thus was born, via King James of England, the King James Version.

    Protestants still use this and its newer translations. They term those OT books dumped by Luther the Apocrypha. They do not accept them as inspired because they were all written less a century before Christ. (If you can figure out why THAT makes a difference, do let me know!) Anyway, the fact that Jesus was quite fond of quoting passages from these books apparently cut no ice with Martin Luther or any other Protestant church founders.

    So we have today a book with a multitude of authors from more than a milennium of times and a plethora of places and a multicultural set of backgrounds. All of whom say pretty much the same thing. That is: There is only one true God. All others so called are fake. This God created everything including us and when we screwed up he sent His Son to save us from our stupidity and cupidity and if you want eternal life you'd do well to heed Jesus and follow His way.

    And that's the way it stands.

  • 2 decades ago

    Of course, God "inspired" the Bible, and it has been written by many different authors.

    But, and I don't remember the actual name for it, a tremendous Catholic meeting deal was held a few centuries ago, where the highest leaders of the church debated which books would be accepted as the scripture and which would not.

    It must have been in the 1400s or something, because Martin Luther's Bible, when he translated it from Latin to educate the civilians, is only the Protestant Bible (Old and New Testament), and the modern Catholic Bible has some 30 more books.

    And that's the Christian Bible.

    I guess the Old testament was compiled by the Jewish people long before the New Testament. And I don't know who did that. It must have been done more than 2000 years ago.

  • wach
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Oooh! You beat me to it! i've got constantly wished to alter my typical Greek Scriptures for the kit too, alongside with including the kit appendix for the reason that's larger :D. lol and if there replaced into room i could even attempt to function the RFtS to it besides, only have each and every thing in one giant e book. they only difficulty i could see however, is which you may no longer have the go references :( And as a approaches because of the fact the will for a leather-based Bible is going - i do no longer think of that's as needed because it was in case you're desiring a Bible which will final a protracted time. the recent laminated Bibles are conserving up way, much greater constructive than the older ones. My first Bible have been given wore to a frazzle after getting used to a lot and my 2nd have been given blood stains on it after a conflict with a wasp (do no longer ask). yet my present day laminated Bible nonetheless seems staggering or maybe has the lettering on it after 6 months :O. The previous Bible's could lose their lettering after approximately 6 days it looked like xD =edit= lol yeah you're ideal, the kit is probable greater desirable than adequate. If somebody tried to function the kit and the RFtS the Bible could probable be 0.5 a foot thick and unopenable xD

  • 2 decades ago

    The Old Testament comes from the Jews.

    The New Testament was compiled by the Roman Catholic Bishops from a great number of books. They decided which were truly to be considered scripture and which contained doubtful material. This was done at the Council of Carthage in 397. Earlier lists varied slightly, but from this date all the book lists considered "biblical" are essentially uniform.

  • 2 decades ago

    How we got the bible was because the early christians often quoted from the letters that were written by people who seen Jesus, these letters were gathered together and became the bible we have today. I really believe it was the Holy Spirit working in the church to bring this about.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    All kinds of people from that time period were writing about mythology and had different stories to tell called Gospels. The organized Christian church of that time decided which gospels would be included in their created Bible and which ones would be deleted. As expected, the church authorities selected the Gospels that told people to go to church every Sunday and give money or burn in hell as punishment.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but "Holy" Men Of GOD Spake As They Were Moved By The "HOLY GHOST" (2Peter:chapt.1: verses 20 & 21)..Believe It Or Not!..I'ts Your Choice!

  • 2 decades ago

    The bible was invented by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 CE (ad). It was compiled by a council he created for that purpose. Constantine was a lifelong Mithran and based his universal (catholic means universal in Latin) religion on Mithraism.

    Constantine's bible was edited by King James VI & I in 1611 CE (ad). King James authorized a commission to produce a "protestant" bible because he was born a Catholic and wanted to prove his loyalty to the Church of England, a protestant church.

  • 2 decades ago

    Who wrote the Bible ?

    I personally believe the Bible was wrote by a group of men who wanted to have control over the population.

    Control people by manipulating their fears, believes, money....and sex life.

    I personally believe the God they talked about in that book

    is a fictional character based on Godzilla.

    ooops! sorry, Godsillo !

    And I do personally believe this group of men were gay, since they humiliate women in in this book from beginning to end.

    ...and then later on they form the church

  • The old testament was put into one volume by the Jews. The new testament was put into one volume by the early church at one of their councils in about 300AD. Altogether God orchestrated the who process. Men are merely an instrument in His hands.

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