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What is the origin of homosexuality?

Just a theory I was thinking while answering some questions: could homosexuality could have been derived from liking someone because of their features, and then loving their character and personality to eventually changing into something much more deeper?

It's just a theory (I'm not judging), and I thought that maybe you guys might know...

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think just as the first person, that we as homosexuals are attracted to the same sex as heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex.

    have heterosexuals chosen their lifestyle or are they born that way? most will say that they are born that way. as a straight man is inherently attracted to women. they probably can find another man good looking, but does not go further with any action of sex with him. Why? because he is not Sexually attracted to him.

    Same as a gay man, we can find a women absolutely gorgeous but does not want to have sex with her.

    We as humans can recognize beauty that can surround us (as with other people) but to be sexually turned on is something that is a biological feature within us. Any person can physically have sex with anyone we choose. for example, a straight man can physically have sex with another man but is he gay? or a gay man can physically have sex with a women is he straight? I think that sexuality is a very deep subject that has a ton of variables that can not be simply categorized in to it is this because of that.

    history has shown that homosexuality has been around for as long as sex has been around. knowing this i have come to the conclusion that homosexuality is a biologic thing.

  • 2 decades ago

    Everyone is a twin when they are conceived.

    There is the possibility of both sexes present, or 2 males or 2 female chromosomes,,,Either way there are always 2 sexes...sometimes different(homosexuals),,most of the time, the same(heteros)

    When there are female and male present, one will get absorbed into the other.

    When the female absorbs the male, this will create the Lesbian female, and when the Male absorbs the female, this will create the Gay Male.

    When there are two males or two female,,,a straight male or female will be created.

    This also explains why you might feel that you are a man trapped inside a womans body and vice versa.

    Source(s): Sociology theory
  • 2 decades ago

    I have to agree with everyone here...It is something that you just know...I can look at a man and say wow he is really great looking, but i have no desire whatsoever to have a sexual relationship with him...

    I think i can love a mans character and personality but still not want to be with him as a partner...

    If someone is straight, how do they decide? They just know...They are not attracted to someone of the same sex...They are not asked why they like who they like...they just do...

    So i guess there is no clearcut answer...except that we as gay people like who we like because we do...not because we have some deformed method of thinking,or some obsecure way of choosing a partner...

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm not really sure that your theory is going to hold water, at least it doesn't for me.

    I wanted to have sex with women long long before I ever wanted to date them. I can remember having sexual thoughts, feelings, desires, etc for women since puberty.

    And I came out via sex. I have lots and lots and lots of sex with women, some of whose names I don't remember right now. I had a lot of threesomes with my boyfriend at the time, and I was sleeping with this girl for about 4 months that I really didn't like or have anything in common with at all; the sex was just really good. I did that for 3 years, and firmly came out as bisexual about a year in.

    I've only started actually dating women as opposed to just sleeping with them in the last two or three years. And I know a lot of people who have kinda taken that path, and others who have fallen in love first. I didn't realize I was gay because I fell in love with a girl, I came out as gay because I f*cked more of them then people have fingers and toes.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Adam and Steve. We've been around forever. We have the same origin that straights do. Homosexuality is common the in animal kingdom and if we were'nt needed, evolution would've weeded us out long long ago. Stereotypically we are the artists, the musicians, the one's who see beauty and bring it out in the world (I DID SAY STEREOTYPICALLY) So we bring good to the world.

  • 2 decades ago

    Homosexuality is found in different species throughout the animal kingdom.It has been found in dogs, cats, sperm whales, tsetse flies, and of course, humans. Many may claim that homosexuality is unnatural, but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.:)

  • 2 decades ago

    I don't think anyone knows the answer to this.

    Ask yourself this equivalent question. What makes heterosexuals attracted to the opposite sex?

    It always comes down to nature or it hardwired in the brain or learned from our upbringing?

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe in re-carnation, therefore I believe that we have chosen this life to learn some lessons. being a homosexual is the experience some one might have chosen to learn some lessons from it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The "origin" of homosexuality lies within each of us. For each of us it is different.

    I simple like men, and I dont want to change.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't think so.

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