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Information on Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Does anyone have personal or professional experince with this condition? My daughter may have it, and I would love to know what kinds of things to expect, what might happen, any information really. She has an appointment with a Rheumatologist in June.


I have read information about this on the web, I am hoping for more personalazied information. Like how quickly it can progress, what to look for , or watch for, problems or complications to prepare myself for, ect. Just something more personal than a medical description of it.

The best information I have seen on this condition is at :

4 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have RA, and was diagnosed at 22 (one year ago), so I wasn't classified as JRA, even though I think I had a few symptoms as a child. is a great resource for all types of arthritis - there is a section with information about JRA and the different types, they always keep things updated with new developments, and there is an excellent resource called "RA Connect." There is a discussion board there where there are lots of really helpful people, some with JRA and some with RA, that are happy to share their experiences and suggestions with how to cope. I suggest you make a post on that board, introduce yourself, and you will get at least 10 answers giving info and support within a day. If your daughter is old enough, I would suggest you have her visit it as well.

    If I were you, I would try to move up the rheumatologist appointment if possible - it is very frustrating to wait to start therapy. I know it can be difficult to get appointments with some offices, but the sooner the better. This is a difficult disease that takes adjustment - the sooner you get a proper assesment, the sooner you will know what to expect out of life and learn how to deal with it.

    It is often difficult to live with RA or JRA, but many children adapt well and live full lives. Some may also go into remission in adulthood - on the site there is an inspiring article about a woman who had JRA, then went on to compete in the Olympics. Also, the new biologic meds are promising. They may not be just right for your dauhghter yet, depending on age and symptoms, and your doctor will decide the best course of treatment, but I have had great relief from my RA with Enbrel. These meds are injectable, were developed specifically for RA, and may stop the joint damage as well as provide symptomatic relief. Your doctor will be a great source of info once you see him or her, but you are on the right track to getting educated about it so you can make the most of your appointments.

    I really reccomend you visit the site and discussion board - you will get all the scientific information, but it is really the best place to find personal stories and support.

    I hope your daughter has luck with her treatment!

  • 2 decades ago

    I have no personal experience with this disease. However I can tell you in layman's terms what it is. You can also find answers on other websites such as Webmd or discovery health. Common abbreviations are R.A.

    R.A. is categorized as an auto immune disorder. This means that for some reason yet to be discovered, a person's immune system goes traitor and begins to attack their own tissues as enemies. There is as of yet no cure for R.A. or other auto immune disorders. Treatment is purely symptomatic and may include immuno supressants and other complimentary treatments to help preserve remaining tissue and to improve function.

    You might also check out the arthritis foundation. I saw recently on the national news that a young man was given a lap top with voice recognition software so that he would be able to learn without the discomfort of writing or typing. They would also have more information.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Imagine for a moment your arthritis completely vanishing right now.

    If, in a moment, your pain and stiffness melted away. And your joints all of a sudden functioned like a well-oiled machine.

    Like a magic wand was waived, you'd be able to jump up from your chair and run around the room like a kid.

    And imagine that you'd never have to suffer as much as a pinch of arthritis stiffness or pain ever again.

    I know this sounds impossible right now, but bear with me, because sometimes miracles happen.

    It was a gift from a woman on the other side of the world. From the kindness of her heart, she took pity on my suffering and taught me how to completely reverse my arthritis.

    Today, I want to do the same for you!

  • 2 decades ago

    My sister has it she's 60's and she got it really bad in her arms and hands to the point where she'd scream with pain.The doctor [specialish] is giving her a new pill that just came out for cancer and it's suppose to help this.She's been taking the pill not quite a week and her pain has left her[thank God].Her hands are still quite swollen yet.But she has to go for blood work every other week while She's onto it as it could cause cancer in her bladder.But her pain was so bad she's chancing it.

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