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What should i believe?..any advice?

well.. this is my story.. a couple of years ago i met this girl.. we were best friend till about.. a year and two months when we realized we were in love... so... i told my parents...

my mom totally freaked out on me and kinda locked me inside the house, with no internet or phone in the house... she didn't let me go out or talk to nobody because she knew i was gonna go run after her...

my dad just said "whatever makes u happy"

i had to go to counseling because my mom though i was crazy...

it's been more than a year now... i'm still with this girl. i love her with all my heart... but i don't know what to do about my parents... they haven't met her yet.. and my mom tries to hook me up with all the guys in the city... i told her i'm with a girl but she refuses to listen to me...

should i bring her home?... i don't want them to say crap to her and hurt her feelings...

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    okay... i understand where you are coming from and good on you for saying something to your mum. JUST remember that mothers want what is best for their kids..and saying that i can tell you that you mum is prolly wanting the married life for you with a guy and one day have kids but you are on a different level that she does not understand. I think at this point in time you need to sit down and explain to your mum that you are a adult and she cant go on making decisions for you the rest of your life. You are in love and for that matter she should be happy that you have someone to love you in return! That is not to say that you wont have kids or wont do things in life that she thinks you can do with a guy. Also if you really really love this girl i would not take her home to be blamed from your mother on " YOU MADE MY DAUGHTER LIKE THIS" been there done that... you dont want to make your girl feel like your family will never come to terms with her being in YOUR life! As long as it takes to break that ice with your mum keep working at it, but dont bring your girl in the middle of it and you live to regret it because you mum might say some nasty things that will end up hurting the one you love. I hope this works out and if you ever want to chat about anything please drop me a line!

    Source(s): I am a mum and i have been in the SAME situation!!!
  • 2 decades ago

    Your dad is okay with it, your mom is not okay with it. There is a lot of tension in the home. I do not think inviting the girl would help relieve the tension. Your mother is trying to force her reality upon everyone (and probably suffering in the process...a wise man said that we suffer most when we fail to accept reality...that the gap we create between how we think things should be (our imagination) and how things actually are (reality) creates suffering and the larger the gap, the more suffering. Considering that your mother is trying to get you to date guys, the gap is very large. To bring the girl over to your house would not break this gap....she would either say meanful things or simply pretend that she is a friend.

    You should consider her feelings. If she truly wants to meet them, then take that chance. Otherwise, I don't think it is necessary at this time. All you can do now is wait on your mom and just love her for being your mom. If your dad would like to meet her, that can sometimes be arranged seperately at a different meeting without mom. Again, though, it is best to make sure that the two want to meet.

    And don't think this is just a 'gay' thing. Straight people have to deal with these types of things, too. I have not had any problem with my parents and my beloved. They really like him and were very interested to meet him. The same could not be said for my sister's boyfriend (well exboyfriend now). About four years ago when they began dating they weren't too excited about the fact that my sister was dating him (they had heard some things that weren't true). Needless to say when they did meet him, they had already made up their minds they didn't like him so it didn't really do any good. They never came right out and tried to break them up, but they certainly weren't shy about their disapproval of him. They were good, though, when the relationship did disolve and were very supportive. And when my sister found out she was pregnant, they were also supportive and they have learned to actually like the guy and his family (even though the two aren't planning on getting back together).

  • 2 decades ago

    If you love this girl, and your dad supports you, be okay with that for now. I don't know your age, but if possible, move away from your Mom's denial radius. She may or may not EVENTUALLY come to terms with your choices. Love is there, but your Mom Is now focused on her own shock and hurt, and will only lash out at you and your girlfriend. Sit down with her and explain that you are the same daughter she's always supported, and that you need that backing now more than ever. Tell her you want to share your life with her, but if she's only going to push you away, away is where you'll go. Take heart and stand up for yourself respectfully. As hard as it may be, you might be at a parting of the ways. Give it time. Your mom may come around and remember you're still her daughter. She's not obligated to LIKE your choices, just let you make them. Good Luck:)

  • 2 decades ago

    Have your girlfriend over and see what happens. Perhaps you and she should think about moving in together or finding roommates. Your Mom has to let you go to live your own life at some point; you might have to start that process. Love is a wonderful thing, so don't give it up. Good Luck!!

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  • Jordan
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I think bringing her home would be awkward for both the girl and your parents and probably you. Your parents will have to accept you and your choices in life way before they'll be ready to accept your girl and welcome her to the family. Maybe your Dad is more ready than your mom, and if that's the case, maybe you could find some times to invite your Dad around you and your girlfriend without your mom.

  • Jetty
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    you are something else i tell you that , telling your parents is a bold and brave thing to do. but is this really what you want, is she really the one for you, i can't give any advise because i'm in no position to. the only thing i can impart to you is this, GOD made man and woman so that they can live in the garden of eden but sadly there was this serpent that made them eat the forbidden fruit... and so they did, and GOD got angry with them and told them to never return to the garden, unless we be baptized and born again. my question is this would you rather live a life of harmony or a life of persecution and chaos emotionally and spiritually.? you have all the answer to the question, GOD made man and woman and not man and man or woman and woman. so why make life complicated, as it is the world has so much perplexion so why add to it.? i pray for you and may your parents understand you with whatever endeavor you are in, so good luck and god bless

  • 2 decades ago

    thats a very difficult situation but u see 2 months is really not enough time u should prob wait cuz me and my boyfriend had to hide it for over a year to be together and its only his parents but u'll see watch opera is has a couple of series on this anyway wait another month your mom still thrying to cope i know sometimes u wanna kill he i attached my mom once but u'll regret it it i'll only make things worse i hope ur mom will understand soo try talking to her one on one and if she does not listen insist that u guys do u have to talk well hope that helps and gud luck with your relationship will her and your girlfriend

  • 2 decades ago

    The natural way to go is girl meets boy and falls in love. Or boy meets girl and falls in love. It is unnatural for a girl to meet girl and fall in love. Reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah and the wrath of God. If you at all fear the Day when you will meet the One who created you, I suggest you turn over a new leaf and try to do what is right. In the end, only you will have to answer for your deeds and the choices you make.

  • 2 decades ago

    Follow your heart and go away with her, if your parents love you they will understand, plus you are a mature woman who can make her own desitions despite what your parents feel, in the end you are the one who is gonna get hurt if you play it their way.

    Source(s): Common Sense and respect for others.
  • 2 decades ago

    Look its you and your friend who are going to spend the remainder of your lives. So let you parents know its useless trying to convince you otherwise.

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