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javelin asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 2 decades ago

Do people talk like they type?

It is horrible trying to read these questions with all the shorthand and no punctuation, and leaving out capital letters. Sure, I can't spell either, and yes I make a typo now and then. But if you are really looking for an answer to a question, why not phrase it locigally and use grammer and punctuation so that those of us who try to answer can understand what the question is?

33 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, these are mostly kids who don't know how to type, don't want to learn, don't bother with details in school such as spelling and grammar, use short cuts like u, ppl, and the rest, and are really babies when it comes to language and therefore think it's clever and cute and so cool to spell things weirdly. After they get done flooding the internet by dint of numbers with their childish taste and antics, they say "That's the internet! Get with it."

    There's no talking to them about this - they are the object of fuss by their parents, by the schools, by the media, by product vendors, so they are Number One, The Boss.

    After they have refused an education and dumbed themselves down and are passed over in favor of the ones who can organize their thoughts and write clearly and correctly, they holler, "Elitist!"

  • 2 decades ago

    The problem with that is no one will every know how to spell. I also think many are under-educated. I'm not blaming them directly, teachers pass along students who can't read the diploma they are receiving. I believe it's 30% of the kids in High School will not graduate (1 in 3), that's great the McDonald's and Burger Kings will be overflowing with applicants that can't spell or read, perfect.

    We are becoming a 3rd World Country in education. I think the kids today need to step up and take some responsibility for the future of this country. You don't understand that the jobs we (over 30) have now; you will not be able to fill once we are gone. You will not have the education to work in this jobs. I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities out there, but this is serious. If we have a generation who can't spell or read.

  • 2 decades ago

    Someone else just called it "slang." No wonder english in America is the most difficult language to learn. I was born here and can't understand half of what people are saying. It started out as a pretty helpful site to get quick practical information when you need help with something and it's turned into a contest for the most points. Someone yesterday was even copying ans pasting the person asking questions' comments as his answer.?? To reduce personal stress, you have to learn to ignore them.

  • 2 decades ago

    I know what you mean. I apparently offended someone the other day by pointing out that their question was in the form of a run-on sentence.

    Yes, I do believe that you can tell a lot about someone by the way they communicate with text. Style, form, syntax... --- I would find it hard to fathom why someone would use these elements while speaking, and yet ignore them when using text (I don't believe that most of the users you are referring to even are aware that they can check their spelling with the simple click of the mouse).

    But in this world, particularly in this country, 'quantity' has become much more revered than 'quality'. AOL-text is just one symptom of this sad condition.

    I hope I made myself clear...

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  • 2 decades ago

    Unfortunately with the condition of our educational system there are too many people who are uneducated but have completed 12 years of schooling. I'm amazed at the fact that before your answer is actually accepted to you can read what you wrote and CHECK SPELLING and so many don't use that function. It's not like the any key, folks. It is spelled out for you. Use it.

  • 2 decades ago

    I understand your point of view. I think that 3 reasons why people do not pay attention anymore to proper grammar and spelling are: 1. laziness, 2. interactive technology, 3. insufficient education.

    People who write how r u, and brb, and ty, etcetera are technologically driven by chat rooms and texting via cellular phones to use shorthand because it is cheaper, and to keep up with fast moving chats in chat rooms.

    Insufficient education can play a role in bad communication skills, they just don't know how the words are supposed to be spelled.

    I know several people with PhD's who use shorthand and acronyms just because it does not interest them to write properly, it bores them to write out entire sentences.

    Where do I stand? I adjust my writing skills to the preferences of the people I communicate with. In this case you prefer proper there!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I type very fast, and talk very slowly. I am (and I think most people are) clearer when writing than when speaking, because you can edit your writing more easily than you can your speech. So I think no, people don't speak like they talk.

    As for questions with a confusing wording, I think the problem is that these people haven't developed their skills to express themselves clearly. It a problem of education, not of grammar.

    And then again there are people who just cannot stand misspellings, and will dismiss you just because you've got a mistake, without even caring for what you are asking.

    The problem is deeper than it seems.

  • 2 decades ago

    yorelj riaht I meean weeea all need otoo cleaan up Ouur writting (lol just kidding) It is actually annoying to hardly see correct English anymore, and sometimes I also am guilty of using slang words and no capitals. At least I TRY to make sure my spelling is correct, and is there not a Spell check for our use? Why doesn't anyone use it lol.

  • 2 decades ago

    It's called laziness. It's faster & "easier" to type in "shorthand" than it is to spell everything out. Unfortunatly, it's like the Zantac 75 commercial where everything takes to much time & people want things now.

  • Seeker
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    I really hope not because if they do we have really got some morons out there. Some of these questions sound like they are coming from four year olds who have English as a second language. But, I'd say yeah they do because all things in this word there is a balance good and evil geniuses like you and I and then these morons.

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