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How long can they keep 17 yr old in the "hole" in county jail without hygeine products or shower.?

After a court appearance he was upset and raised his voice so they transferred him to the "hole" and didn't tell him how long. He has not had a shower since Wed. and has no personal hygeine products. He is 17 years old, found guilty of escape and damage to gov't supported property for attempting suicide by jumping out transport vehicle at 65 MPH on interstate when he was 15. Originally would't go to school.

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Calm down, mom. I'm sure if he were still at home and skipped a shower or brushing his teeth for a couple days it wouldn't be a huge deal ... so don't make it a huge deal now. And ... having been locked up for 15 years myself, I can tell you that being in the hole isn't always a bad thing. Boring - yes, but SAFE too. It will give him time for some thinking. Eventually he'll run out of stupid and insignificant things to think about and start thinking about his chosen course in life. That's just what he needs, so back off and let the solitude serve him.

    The worst thing you can do is reinforce his "poor me" attitude. It's time for him to get his **** together and start acting like a man in his decisions. If he insists on being stupid after this ... make him go it alone.

    Legally, he has to be offered a shower every 24 hours. Realistically ... there ain't a damn thing you can do about it if he isn't offered one. Lawsuits won't make a damn bit of difference.

    Source(s): 15 yr ex-con, 3 years "hole time", 64 day hungerstrike, certified paralegal
  • 2 decades ago

    Your only hope would be a petition from neighbors & friends to a sympathetic judge or DA. Your chances of this today are slim to none. Our justice system, unfortunately, has turned to one of intoreance and retribution, with much of the publics support. I have a son in the "system", waiting for appeal. You can try talking to a social worker at the facility, but your son has to learn if he fights, he will die! County guards are the worst. They will break him or he will die. It will go unreported to the press, or be listed as a suicide. My son barely escaped a "suicide attempt" when inmates tied a rope around his neck and tried to throw him off the second floor landing. No one saw a thing! Other inmate suicide attempts were successful, and also never made the papers. Two inmates died in the hole last summer at a state facility, from dehydration and heat exhaustion. They taped a 14 year old boy being beaten to death by guards because he resisted! So far, no charges in any of these cases. No public outcry either! He has to chill out, and make some friends. Otherwise he will not survive.

  • 2 decades ago

    if he tried to commit suicide, being in jail isn't gunna help! he needs to go to a mental hospital. get a lawyer to explain this to the judge, along with the fact he needs hygeine products and a shower! also, you said he raised his voice, which means he probably has a lot of bottled up anger, so i think you should get him to a good therapist.

  • 2 decades ago

    wow what a creative defense. You must have had an excellent lawyer. what were his ijuries? jumping out at 65 mph. How long was he hospitalized? Course every drug overdose arrestee also claims suicide attempt.

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  • mike
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    How long? As long as they want to. next stop "state prison". Rotten teenagers turn into rotten adults. I though you had to be 18 to get into county-jail. Here's a hint. Dont back-talk to guards. MIKE

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Your only concern is his hygene???? What about concern for his mental health instead??? It's obvious the boy is insane! If this is the example of parenting he got at home, it's no wonder he';s in the trouble hes in.

  • 2 decades ago

    If he's an American citizen, not more than 12 hours...If he's an immigrant, until the stink will bother the authorities...

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    poor kid that sucks!! get a lawyer and SUE ,he is entitled to basic needs ..hygiene is #1 one daily showers.If he tried suicide he should be in a mental hospital not jail.

  • 2 decades ago

    He needs to quit breaking the law.Then he wouldn't be in the hole.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Contact me for help and answers,I've had years of experience dealing with these things.

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