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3umar asked in Science & MathematicsBiology · 2 decades ago

science project????? Best Answer +10 points?

i need to come up with a science project, nearly anything is allowed, it must be related to Genetics, Plants, desieses, and other biology topics. what can i do??

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    What About Global Warming . . . .

    The greenhouse effect refers to the fact that Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere which acts like the transparent cover of a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to filter through while trapping heat.

    Greenhouse gases are trace gases of mainly water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. The Earth's atmosphere largely consists of nitrogen and oxygen, but these gases do not hold heat so they are not greenhouse gases nor contribute to the greenhouse effect.

    During the day the Earth absorbs heat from the Sun and re-radiates it back out to space. Normally this heat would escape each night and the temperature would fall rapidly. Instead, gaseous molecules absorb the heat given off by the planet, and re-radiate it out in all directions, reabsorbing it, and redistributing it again and again. This keeps the Earth's surface relatively warm and the average temperature comfortable. The greenhouse effect is key in Earth's ability to stay warm and sustain life.

    A look to our neighboring planets of Venus and Mars shows what happens when the greenhouse effect - which is akin to a blanket covering the planet - becomes too thick or too thin. Temperatures on Venus soar because of its very thick blanket or atmosphere. The runaway greenhouse effect here is staggering. Mars on the other hand has such a thin blanket (atmosphere) and a weak greenhouse effect, that the planet is very cold. Nearly all of the heat that reaches Mars escapes. Relative distance from the Sun plays a part in the global temperatures of the inner planets, but a greenhouse effect, or lack thereof, is largely responsible for the climates on all these planets.

    Scientists started using the term "greenhouse effect" in the 1800's. At that time it had no negative connotation. In the mid 1950's the term "greenhouse effect" began to be associated with global warming and also with the negative effects of our industrial age. This enhanced greenhouse effect, as it's sometimes referred to, is the result of burning fossil fuels. This releases additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at the rate of about 3 gigatons (3 billion metric tons) per year. Since carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbs heat, we can expect that significant increases in CO2 will tend to raise the global temperature, possibly contributing to global warming. Simply put, if greenhouse gases act like a blanket to keep our planet warm, we are thickening that blanket.

    The natural greenhouse effect on Earth is responsible for life as we know it. We may, however, need to become better stewards of our greenhouse gases in order to preserve life.

  • 2 decades ago

    A practical thing is to plant radish seeds in sand and make up a dozen concentrations of soluble fertiliser to water with. Start with the recommended dose and double five times in one direction and dilute by half in the other. Radish grow quickly so you can get a result. You need to do a little research and figuring yourself, but that's the idea.

  • 2 decades ago

    How about the placebo theory. There are lots of ways to test this theory, the best way to document it is on film if you have access to a video camera. One way to test this theory is get a daycare class to participate in the study by giving half or them alot of sugar drinks and the other half water and document them interacting. be sure to mark them somehow so you know which half is which, I recommend puting each half in the same colored shirt. Or you can make up your own way to test this theory, this is just an idea. You can get your friends or family involved too! good luck!!

  • 2 decades ago

    do a prodject on how the earth can filter water that fall through it yeah thaat one is funn just put dirt and stuff in a bucket with plants growing in it and sand and what not maybe some coal and put a valve at the bottom the put water in it

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Grow plants and water them with food coloring. Then use the seeds from those plants and see if the new plant has the same color

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    How about Transmutation, breeding one breed or type with another, like the Killer Bee's. Lol! Sorry Im going crazy! I know! Heidi

  • 2 decades ago

    you should do it on genetic modification tat covers everything in biology just waffle on about how its still incredably experamentle but is allowing surgery to get more advanced everyday

  • 2 decades ago

    Use your web site. Look under science. This will cover all of your questions. Good luck.

  • 2 decades ago

    Try to figure out the reasons why pigeons don't fly away sooner when you are about to drive over them!!

  • 2 decades ago

    cut open bulls eye in half and explain its parts its messy but popular ask your local butcher about getting one should be free and you will need a razer sharp knife

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