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What Godly miracles have you seen in your life, if any?

I believe in God and His mighty power, so to all who really believe I pose this question. It makes me smile to hear what He's doing for other believers!

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christ saved my soul for one!... Thank you Jesus.

    Three years ago he healed me of epilepsy.

    When my daughter was two years old we were getting ready to go out and I just put her in the tub, seconds later I heard her screaming from the next room. I was only away from her for a moment. I ran to her and her face was covered in blood. She had cut her lip up really bad and laid it open with a razor. I jerked her out of the tub and placed a towel over her face and began praying in the spirit for healing. I didn't even think of taking her to the E.R. God just took over. I'm not sure how long I prayed but after a while I felt this perfect peace and removed the towel. Her lip was perfectly new, not a spot of blood. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!...

  • 2 decades ago

    There are many miracles, but I have seen an couple of amazing healings that could only be God's doing that I will share. A young man in our church came down with something that caused him to be in a wheelchair. It was some kind of back problem where he couldn't stand up, much less walk. I saw when he got healed. It was after church and most people were gone. There were a couple of men praying with him still and suddenly he got up out of his wheelchair, walked back and forth across the front of the church, praying as he went. He is still out of that wheel chair to this day.

    Another healing was my mother's healing. She had was is known as Arnold Chiari Malformation. It is something people are born with and usually doesn't cause a problem unless you hit the back of your head. Most people don't know that they have it. Then you can become unsteady and end up with many spinal problems. There are so many things it affects, it is unreal. You can not lift over five pounds without extreme pain, if not at that time, later on. This malformation can only be diagnosed with an MRI, the effects show up on other kinds of neurological tests. Last year, she went into the hospital for a TIA and they did two MRIs and could not find any sign of the malformation. I think this was God's way of showing her she was healed. By the way, the only way to fix this malformation is with brain surgery that only works 50% of the time and it will also reoccur if another injury comes along. These are two amazing healings to me.

  • 2 decades ago

    Over my lifetime, there have been many. The miracle of childbirth. The miracle of God's hand being on my children and myself while they were growing up. The miracle of seeing my grandson be born. These are so wonderful. Great miracles have also been removal of Satan, demons, and curses. The removal of sins such as drinking, permissiveness, and removal of smoking. You do not have any idea how great it is to be blessed with the removal of these. There are also miracles that are between God and myself. There are some things that should be kept only between God and you. Thanks for the great question.

    Source(s): lovedit
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Have you any children? I consider myself a christian but have my own views on abortion and other issues in the church, but the first time I heard the heartbeat of each of my children my views changed dramatically. I believe that the greatest miracle is the gift of life. I think that any of you out there with kids will know what I'm talking about. If you don't, go to their bedroom while they sleep and watch them. There is no bigger miracle in my life.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I knew a girl who was dying and needed a liver transplant, she was in a coma. Because of swelling in her brain she was going to die that night.(The doctors said she wouldent live through it).I prayed. The next morning, she woke up. And survived.

    I was a pagan. I lived a very sinful life, I was the last person anybody would ever expect to become a christian. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ 10 weeks ago.(although, I had studied christianity before that)

  • 2 decades ago

    I used to be the worst alcoholic ever and i relied on it to have fun... I was too worldly and God Almighty does not like that coz it says in the bible either u r hot or col, u can not be warm and so i realised i was fooling myself, calling myself a christian and relying on earthly goods to be happy. One day i saw this other program on Godchannel and when the pastor said strech your hands out and praise God i did it. I cried so hard that day and since then i have not even sipped alcohol. Its been two months. May God fulfill yo life the way he did mine. God bless u.

  • 2 decades ago

    Personally I believe the fact that a guy such as the one who posted the first answer, he's vile in his answer and I wonder if he speaks to his mother with that filthy mouth, yet isn't it amazing that with one question he can seek forgiveness and be granted it? God hisself is the miracle. And it's proven in the most simple of ways. We need not look to far to see it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    My son was 3 mths old and still in the hospital on the ventilator. The hospital called me and said they were transferring him to another hospital and he had to have a tracheostomy (they were going to cut his throat!) So I went to a coworker and she prayed right then and there. Next day when thay got ready to load him in the ambulance, he spit his ventilator tube out and started breathing on his own. Never had the trach! God is Good! And God Bless You!

  • 2 decades ago

    i'm agnostic and have no religion. But when i did believe i remember looking at the moon through an eyeful of tears. I cried for hours looking for my own faith. When i looked up next the moon had many magnetic rings of different colours rotating around it at different speeds.

    I cant explain it, but i do admit it was a higher power i cant explain

  • 2 decades ago

    Besides the insulting and disgusting answers by pegleg here's a real answer...How about Mike Utley(formerly ) of the Detroit Lions walking again after being told he was paralyzed for his life?

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