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How do you supposed I should break it to my bf that I don't think he supports me enough?

For the past 2 weeks I've been sick. I've been to 2 different hospitals because 1 hadn't seen the sickness I have. Saturday, I went to the hospital and they think I may have kidney stones. Well, the thing is, my bf acts as if he doesn't care. We're 19 years old and all he does is play video games and he won't even come see me. He came to see me yesterday and stayed for 20 minutes and left to go home to PLAY VIDEO GAMES. Do you think I should make him choose between me or the video game or should I just do what I have to do to make myself better? So many things have ran through my mind and I've even considered beating the you know what out of him...Help me!

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I'm a guy, I LOVE video games, and I STILL think your bf is a moron for what he did. You were in the HOSPITAL, and he only visited you for 20 min? I would have been there until you told me to go away!

    Step one: Tell him that it bothered you. BE SPECIFIC! Sometimes guys are dense and don't know we've done something wrong even if it is really obvious.

    Step two: If he doesn't think he did anything wrong, then dump his ***. If he seems genuinely sorry, then tell him you forgive him, but he's got to make more time for you.

    Step three: Make sure you tell him that you're not asking him to give up video games. I don't think it's asking very much for him to put you first and the video games second.

    Remember, men and women listen differently. Women listen for empathy and men are listening for a problem to be solved. So make sure you give him one. If he's not willing to work it out, or if he acts all offended and butt-hurt, then it's time to get a new bf. Preferably One that prefers a REAL LIFE woman to a virtual one.

  • 2 decades ago

    Leave him. The stress that you have about him not being there isn't worth the 20 minutes that he spends with you. And ultimatums are no way to keep a relationship working.

    You could try talking to him though, and telling him that you feel he would rather spend time with the video game than you and see what he says then.

  • 2 decades ago

    You are too young to be tied down to a male that won't take time out of his "busy" day to just spend time with you. If hes not spending time with you durring this difficult time then he most likley isn't spending time with you at all. If I were you I wouldn't even bother telling him its over I would just move on, take care of your self, get healthy and love will come in the future.

    I hope you feel better!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I wouldn't make him choose between u or he sounds too imature to make the right decsision so tell him I know that u like video games and stuff but could u please for once come and keep me company and stuff cause it would be nice to talk to someone about what illness that i might have.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I dont think you should give him the choice. He's obviously not worth the time. Find yourself a guy who will be there for you through thick and thin. Preferably a friend. Those are the best kind to date.

  • 2 decades ago

    Had the exact same thing happen, except it was to go play guitar with his buddies. Totally ridiculous. Seek out others who will support you, and break up with him whenever you get a chance. Don't stress out about it right now, though, he can wait.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    just say that "We need to talk" find where he lies in priorites. find where you fit in on his list of importance. maybe he didn't stay long at the hospital because it makes him uncomfortable. if you don't like where you are on his list either he needs to adjust the list or move on.

  • 2 decades ago

    He's obviously not mature enough for a relationship that you desire. I'd tell you to ship him out.

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