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Wife is bi-curious - women help?

My wife has recently became bi-curious and wants to try a threeway with me and another woman. Upon further investigation she also admitted to wanting another man too. From the first time I found this out, I have been upfront and honest and told her i can not allow another man to be with her. She claims that this is acceptable. what should i do?

22 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I say good on you for standing your ground!!! i wouldnt want another person touching my partner. I mean fair enough if you both wanted to have a threesome but you dont. So does that mean that you would have a threesome with a woman??

  • 2 decades ago

    keep telling her that it is unacceptable. you are married now. she is not the only one in the relationship and shouldn't be allowed to get her way. especially with something like this. if she's bi curious now, it's a little too late. she should have gotten all those things out of the way before you were married. be careful with bringing another woman home. it could be a trap. if you and her sleep with another woman, she will look at it like you got to sleep with someone else and she will want to too. i think you should seek some marriage counseling.

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe you and your wife should really consider the consequences behind this issue, because for every action there's a reaction. It may seem like a good idea to her, but in the long run can she detached that memory from her vows that she made to you meaning forsake all others and only be with you. Lusting is tempting, but resisting temptation will make your marriage strong and enduring. Good luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    You are both morons. First of all, why do you say it's ok for a woman to be in your bed with your wife but it's not ok for a man to be? It seems she is open to ANYTHING, which means you're not satifying her at all. I won't tell you what I would do because it blow your mind, whatever is left of it.

    Why do people get married? This question pissed me off.

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  • 2 decades ago

    she's perverted man. leave her. you'll be the one to get hurt in the long run. it's up to you. if it's all worth it, by all means go ahead. but you said yourself, she want to have another man. having a threesome with another woman is probably something she planned to entice you in the idea then she would suggest another man since you agreed on another woman. the mind of a cunning woman.

  • 2 decades ago

    shes totally out of her mind, any man that would allow his wife to sleep with another man is not in the right state of mind, marrige is something sacred and she should respect the fact that you dont want to throw your vows out the window. 3 sums are just the beggining of problemes in the relationship and may even lead to infedelity. good luck!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Tell her if she wants another man she needs to leave you then bc that is wrong. I can understand a woman bc she wants to do something to a woman she cant do to you but there is nothing another man can offer her that you can't. Give her the ultimatim

  • 2 decades ago

    Keep the marriage bed for just you and your wife. No others allowed. If she can't remain faithful to you then you have to ask yourself what you want. I pray that the two of you will abide by and uphold your wedding vows to be faithful to each other. God Bless!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    if she wants another man then she must not be wanting to be with you anymore. now hear me out. i think it's cool that u let her be with other women. some guys do not allow this. and yes there r guys that like to see their woman with a guy. but if u do not want your lady messing with another guy then she needs to be ok with this. if she is not then i don't think u will be able to stay married to her. u need to talk with her and explain that u can go with a lot of things but her being with another guy u can't deal with and u r not going to deal with it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    alot of men feel that a threesome is ok if the other person is a girl and women feel thats its ok if its another man so it goes both ways. go for the threesome with the other woman if ur wife is bi it will please both of u

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