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lilsuzzie asked in PetsDogs · 2 decades ago


We have a dog and cat. Even tho they get bathed and brushed once a week, they both shed terribly. Can anyone help me in controlling this shedding?????

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Add some extra omega fatty acids to the diet.Canned salmon is a good and easy to use source of omegas.I started giving my 80 pound lab 1/2 cup per day with her morning feeding one year ago.It has not only reduced shedding,but also keeps fur soft and shiny.You can also buy Omega supplements at pet stores.

  • 2 decades ago

    Bathing them so often could actually be the cause of the excessive shedding. It dries their skin and fur out. Dogs should be bathed at MOST once a month. If you do it because the dog is stinky, try some bath wipes or dry bath powder instead. Cats don't really need to be bathed but if you want to do it, they only really need it at most every other month, or twice a year. Cats have thinner skin than dogs so are more sensitive to hot water causing dry skin. The best thing you can do for the shedding is a half hour of brushing DAILY for the dog with a shedding blade or slicker brush, or this thing called a "Zoom Groom" that is sold at PetSmart, Petco, and probably even WalMart. The cat should be brushed every day with a soft slicker brush for about 10 or 15 minutes. Any longer and the skin can start to be irritated.

    Source(s): Dog bather at a reputable pet store.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    bathing that often can not be good for oyur pet........ maybe once a month for your dog, if he/she really gets in a mess then maybe 2 times a month but no more, cats are only supposed to be bathed maybe once a year, cats are pretty clean animals and will keep themselves clean.Bathing them that often could cause your dog to have mange, then you will proboaly have to put him/her to sleep. And your cat could get mange too. It could also cause their skin to get very dry, which will make them scratch alot, which can then make them bleed!As with the sheading thing im sorry but there is nothing you can do about sheading. Do you have a long haired dog or cat? If so get them cut for the summer and that will stop the sheading. We have 2 malteses and we just got them cut because they were sheading alot too. But now that we got them cut, they dont shead anymore at all! So maybe if you can get them cut it will help. If you cant cut them, well then brsh them twice a day for about 3 weekes them give them a bath, then see if that helps, if not then just keep brushing them. No more baths once a week, okay? Hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Feed a kibble that contains no corn, wheat, or soy, artificail preservatives, or beet pulp. Those are the most common cause of excessive shedding. This month ,they will be shedding their winter wardrobe, to exchange for the summer wear, however excessive year 'round is most likely caused by those ingreients listed above in their diet.

    Source(s): dog breeder since 1968
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  • 2 decades ago

    You usually can not control shedding it depends on the kind of dog. What kind of dog is it? A cat always sheds.

  • 2 decades ago

    Bathing your dog and cat once a week is way too often. Once a month for a dog is too often and I don't think you're even supposed to bathe cats. Ensure their coat is glistening and not dry by adding an oil - olive oil is good - to their diet - but ONLY AFTER YOUR CONSULT WITH YOUR VET.

  • 2 decades ago

    there is no way to really control shedding but you can make it look like they don't shed brush every day and vacum every other day.

  • 2 decades ago

    Brush them every day! Also look at this site:

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    well you cant control sheding, Sorry but if you set them both out side you can control how much of their fur gets on your stuff

  • 2 decades ago

    I personally think it is because they need supplements added to their food. I reccomend mackeral.

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