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Favorite Answers16%
  • My new refrigerator sounds like a clucking chicken?

    I bought a new fridge last fall, it's a Frigidaire. It makes the craziest noises - just like a chicken clucking - I kid you not. What is that and how do I make it stop?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • My clothes dryer vents outdoors now I have lint in the garden?

    I have problems with my clothes dryer venting outside and there's a bunch of dryer lint in the garden now - why is it doing this and how do I stop it? It's a newer dryer less than 2 years old. We clean the lint trap every occasion we use it. Ideas?

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What the heck is going on with Answers?

    I came into have a brief look and see what questions are on and my id is changed to a name I've NEVER used "out of commission" and none of the questions answered are ones I personally responded to ~ what the heck???????

    Is there some cross over of id's??????

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is it that folks on Answers don't have money for a doctor but ....?

    they have money for computers and internet service? How many times have I seen folks who say they have no money to see a doctor for an ailment, yet they can afford cell phones, computers, nice clothes, fake fingernails [love that one] etc. Am I alone in my thinking here?

    9 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • The soles of my shoes squeak - how to fix?

    I bought new Clarks in the spring and I haven't worn them all that much until now that the weather is cooling off. The soles squeak something awful. It's too late to return them. I heard if you put them in the freezer they shrink and the squeak stops - it's not true, this morning you can hear me coming for miles around. It's a bit of a laugh at work. If I take them to the shoe repair...will they reglue or some such "fix"? What shall I do to lose the noise!! Any shoe repair experts out there?

    11 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Long division vs short division?

    Short division is when you have: 5)45 = 9 easy enough. You put your answer at the top of the work so it will read )0.9. Short divison I learned in about grade 7 after having done long division for a couple of years. Short division is done in your head where long division is more manual but visible.

    To do a larger problem like 36.6)45678.98 how do you do the calculations the really old fashioned way where you write the numbers down the left hand side of your work (where I've placed the asterisks in the example below) versus the top left to right?





    Anyone as old as me who can tell me? What websites can you refer me to?

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • Now I think I've seen it all....?

    moments ago, I heard my dog barking in the yard, I looked out to find a boy of about 10 years old, penis in hand, trying to pee on my dog. What is this world coming to? Tell me what bizzare things you've seen in person!

    12 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • Organ donor tattoo?

    Do you think a universal organ donor tattoo is a good idea? If yes, what symbol do you think would most obviously signify you were an organ donor?

    20 AnswersCommunity Service2 decades ago
  • Why do they park cranes with Jibs in the air?

    I drive past an industrial area on my route home and there is a company that uses a lot of cranes in an open area. I see they always "park" these cranes with their Jibs pointing skyward.

    Wouldn't it be safer to park them laying down so they don't fall on someone?

    Is it because of lightening strike concerns?

    Any crane operators out there?

    6 AnswersSafety2 decades ago
  • Reward for Lost much?

    I lost my dog overnight. I went online and registered him for free and I called the City Animal Pound and confirmed no Yorkshire Terriers were turned in. Within an hour the Pound called to say my dog was turned in. It's quite a drive to where these good people drove my dog to the pound and I learned they treated him royally over night. What is a good amount for a reward? $100.00?

    18 AnswersDogs2 decades ago
  • How to rid Four squares on my desktop?

    Four squares have shown up on my desk top, I've done all I can think of to get rid of them.

    They go diagonally from the left side bottom up to the right top. They interfere with any picture I put on my desktop.

    Anyone heard of this and can help me solve? I seem to recall having a square icon on the desk top that I didn't recognize and I clicked on it to see what it was because it was not identified and since then I can't rid myself of these squares.

    I've performed every change in display, etc.

    4 AnswersSoftware2 decades ago
  • You have to quit smoking to go to university in Korea - comments?

    SEOUL (AP) - Getting into a university in North Korea will come with a new requirement for students - giving up smoking.

    For years, the communist country has been staging an anti-smoking campaign, with leader Kim Jong Il even calling smokers one of the "three main fools of the 21st century," along with people ignorant of music and computers.

    Comments ???

    11 AnswersCurrent Events2 decades ago
  • Pedophiles in Holland - here is the headline - what do you think?

    AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals.

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago
  • Do you feel the need to 'accomplish' every day to feel good?

    Today, I was up at 7:15, played on answers for 1/2 hour, had my shower, went to Tim Horton's, read the newspaper there, had coffee and bagel, then to Canadian Tire to buy bungee cords, then lugged 150 interlocking bricks 1/2 a block with about 10 trips, then took dog to groomer, then went shopping to 4 stores for plants, then picked up dog, went home, planted all the plants, had coffee with my neighbour, had a bath, watched tv, and now am back on answers. This is a good day...If I don't get stuff done, I feel like I've wasted my day...anyone else feel as I do?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • DREAMS: I have really whacko dreams?

    My dreams are really realistic and upon awakening and even as the day wears on, I have to stop and think about whether certain things were real or dreamt.

    How do others of you perceive your dreams? Intense? Entertaining? Keep it clean please.

    8 AnswersMental Health2 decades ago
  • Tom Cruise's Star has Dimmed...Why do you think that is?

    On Yahoo Entertainment News it says that Tom's star has dimmed and his publicist says it's only because Tom, Katie and Suri have been in the news so much recently but it's "nothing that Tom has done." I disagree - Tom has proven himself to be a bit of a nut and that's why his star has dimmed - Your comments please.

    25 AnswersCelebrities2 decades ago
  • Effexor:has any woman had symptoms of menopause when began taking Effexor?

    The week I began taking Effexor, I started getting hot flashes, and my period hasn't been seen since, 2 months ago, which is unusual. I'm 47 years old. I have vivid dreams and I have awakened sweating bullets - which is not entirely unusual. My period disappearing is out of the ordinary and I didn't have hot flashes previous to this. All I have learned says this drug is supposed to take away hot flashes. My doctor says it takes away hot flashes. Anyone else?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago