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American National Spanish??

As an American citizen how do you feel about the recent recording and release of "Nuestro Himno," a Spanish version of the "Star Spangled Banner"? The creators claimed they were doing this to provide Spanish-speakers who wanted to become American (or just come to the U.S) a way to "show solidarity with undocumented migrants" Adam Kidron, President of UBO Records.

Some of the words were changed, so it is not a direct translation.

If you live in a different country, what would your reaction be if your country's national anthem was re-written in a different language? I understand that there is no national language in the U.S. How come this wasn't done when there was an influx of Italian/German, etc immigrants previously in history (when there was certainly a lot of public animosity).

Please provide a thought-out answer...


The words weren't changed merely in the spirit of translation...the song has changed thematically.

Update 2:

I didn't want to interject my opinion but now I kind of do but here's a point worth noting...(someone brought it up - thanks!)

The U.S Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the anthem are all written in English. I know we all came from somewhere, bur our ancestors had to learn English in order to live here with any level of success. Wouldn't it mean more to come to the U.S (LEGALLY), go through the process of learning English and then hear the Star Spangled Banner for the first time and understand what it means...b/c only then will the powerful emotions be worth feeling? If a person wants the benefits and freedoms we enjoy which are described in fighting words in our anthem, then one should be able to understand it in the language in which it was written.

Thanks everyone for answering this question - I'm enjoying reading what everyone is saying!!

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I AM Hispanic.I was born and raised in Austin,TX. as was all my family.I have absolutely nothing against Mexicans but,i honestly believe that the Star Spangled Banner should be left alone.Some things are better left untouched!!.What next? The Pledge of Allegiance...... Be Blessed! Monica

  • 2 decades ago

    It is 2 am here and im out sorry I missunderstod you question my apology, I find no offense about the translation I keep that as long as it doesnt ridiculize it what I dont agree with is people not learning the language of the country they wanna live at and become a citizen of , no matter which one it is, If ppl wanna really help it would be best to have english lessons as mandatory for those who wanna live in the USA to try to make things even and get a start , history changes and unfortunatley there´s lots of latins moving to the USA so it is like the more ppl the more they can move and change things.I´m neutral and I can see the goods and bads on both sides...I wouldn´t mind if the swedish anthem was translated just to let ppl know what it says I´d mind thou If it was translated for a certain group of ppl who live here to understand it....

  • 2 decades ago

    My answer is more agreeable to Bush and Carter. The National Anthem is a traditional Nationalist song that is meant only for the USA. and it'as struggles to become what it is now. Mexicans have their own national Anthem and I think it's a disgrace to thier own country to sing another nationalists song. Also I think it's and insult too the USA to sing a patriot song in any different language than thiers.

    Furthermore, when we have the Olympics each country that wins a gold sing thier own National anthem in thier own language, that's what it's meant for.

    The Spanish are trying hard to be claimed American citizens no matter wut so i think they use this as some point thier trying to prove.

    They are not fair because America is a melting pot. That's what it was from the start when it became USA. Thhat would mean anybody from any national origin even since the 1700's should be able to sing this song in thier own language, and that to me is confusing.

    Keep the anthem traditional. Along with Oh beautiful, this land is my land, Dixieland, and any other patriot song.

    (just my opinion.)

  • maxima
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    You've made a logical point, but the issue isn't just with language and symbolism. GW has dropped the ball on illegal immigration and is finally voicing objection to the Spanish anthem. Over the past 7 years, Bush has courted the Hispanic vote and ignored the growing burden of this illegal invasion. Honestly.. Couldn't we enforce our country's border? Cheap labor and political power are more important

    Source(s): I tend towards the right
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  • 2 decades ago

    I think it's extremely impertinent, to say the least, to go into any country and change their national anthem into a different language, change the words, the feeling and meaning itself. I feel very indignant. A National Anthem is a sacred piece of music to the people of the country it represents, and to mess with it is almost sacreligious.

    And the national language of the United States is ENGLISH!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think the whole thing is stupid...a whole lot of fuss over nothing...I remember when Jimi Hendrix did a version of the National Anthem at Woodstock, and some people made such a stink over it...get a life, chill out, sit back and enjoy the music. PEACE

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    GOD!!! Why are people soo racist? i dont mean you... BUT...god if an american person goes to Mexico or anyother latino country they can do whatever right?Why?! Just because they are sacred or what? Some Meican people go to the USA because they need jobs and they need to support their famuliy and they dont have the same opportunities in Mexico as they do in the USA...But as the new governor came in they started taking immigrants out...its not their fault they make it harder for them or for us in that matter to get the stupid visa or the passport they cant just cross their arms and say ok family die of hunger....AND if any one reading this is one of those racists try AND taking your family to an unknown couty and learn their language and get used to everything it just wont be that to the anthem they are just doing their own versio i dont think their is anything wrong with that...if it bothers someone they should just ignore it...THANKS for asking this question...

  • 2 decades ago

    First it was voter ballots and driver licensing written exams. Now it's our national anthem. Next it will be the oath of office for the President. PUT UP THE FENCE AND GET THE HELL OUT !!!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    i dont think its necessary to change it we do live in a free country however our lang. is eng. i would not go to mex. or any other country and say no i want your anthem changed to suit my needs i dont think so should we change our const. or bill of rights to suit our mex. friends no should our national pastime be soccer instead of baseball.lets go out to the soccer ball game and have a burrito and not a hotdog.NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

  • 2 decades ago

    some americans speak spanish. it doesnt meant that the anthem is going mexican.

    im swedish, and i think that it would be cool if our anthem was translated into different languages. its like sharing your country with the world!

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