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Any other mothers have problems with their newborn spitting up?

My son is a little over 6 weeks old and we have been told by the doctor that he has acid reflux. They put him on Zantac and that isn't working so they are trying Previcid now.Anyone else have similiar problems with their new born and if so, are there are other suggestions to help ease it?


But it isn't just normal spitting up. We are talking over a half of an once. Yes he is on Infamil but he did it while he was on Similac as well. And I am doing both breast feeding and bottle because I can't produce enough milk for him.... Now I am all scared.

Why shouldn't he be on meds? What are the side effects? Sorry gals, I am a new mother and I have no idea and I trusted our doctor to tell us what to do but even this stuff we are giving him isn't helping... He had trouble gaining weight because of the spitting up.

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    When my daughter was 5 and a half weeks old, she starting spitting up everything that was put in her body. She had lost 13 ounces, and her pediatrician thought she had the stomach flu. I tried pedalyte, but that didn't help. After losing 6 more ounces, I called another doctor's office and told them my problem. They told me to bring my daughter right in, I did. The new doctor told me that she was allergic to her formula and to try Simalac Lactose Free, giving me three cans just to try. We switched her formula and she was a baby after that, gaining weight and healthy. Now that she is older, she is still lactose intolerant, but that is no big deal, they make tons of stuff with soy now. Also we stayed with the new pediatrician.

  • 2 decades ago

    My daughter is now 15months and has acid reflux. We only found out she had reflux when she was 7 months old. She actually only really spit up once in a while, it just didn't always come all the way up. Does your child have any breathing issues? My daughter also is asthmatic. The Pulmonary specialist I took her to said that asthma and reflux go hand and hand so I would keep a close eye on him. She also was on Zantac at first and it didn't help much. The prevacid has helped tremendously. I would suggest putting a little bit of rice cereal in his bottle. Sometimes that will make the formula a little thicker which helps it to stay down better. After feeding keep him upright for at least a 1/2 hour.

  • 2 decades ago

    OK first off, don't worry!!

    My first son constantly did this. I breastfed him because he just wouldn't tolerate any other milk and if I tried, 90% came back!

    Many babies do this but there are ways to minimise the problem and trust me, they do grow out of it. The amount of milk returned always looks more than it actually is and if your baby is gaining weight and is generally well, then this will settle down in time. If there are problems then baby will probably be projectile vomiting his feed back and believe me there is a huge difference in just 'spitting up' and projectile vomiting! The extent to which my son did this was variable but generally constant. I guess he was around six months before it started to settle down. I always remember feeding him and being afraid to move him afterwards. If you are exceedingly anxious this won't help. Please try to relax a little and try to enjoy him more. First time it's really hard to do this because you worry constantly. If he's gaining weight then he'll be fine. Once you start weaning - and don't be in too much of a hurry to do so, because people will tell you that this helps and they need something more 'solid' than milk to help. I did find that if my baby cried a lot, and we never knew why! - that this made things worse. My mum was always saying he couldn't possibly be hungry, but he probably was and of course the more he cried, the more air he inhaled so when I started to feed him, back came the milk with all the wind! Feed often if your breastfeeding and relax. If you think you have insufficient milk, take time out, go to bed, let the baby feed constantly or whenever he wants. Eat well and relax and you will find your milk supply really improves - it's a simple supply and demand, the more he feeds the more you'll make. Hope things get better soon!

  • 2 decades ago

    First, I would ask if you are breast feeding or if you are using formula. If you are using formula you should try to switch to one that is lactose free or even a rice one if it is really bad. I wouldn't let a doctor put my child on meds like that some anti acids have major side affects that have dangerous health risks. I would also highly suggest getting a second opinion. I did have problems with my youngest, however, they didn't last as long as 6 weeks. Her problem was that she couldn't take the formula she needed to be nursed instead. Once I started nursing her she stopped spitting up.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Spitting up is actually normal in babies. Is it projectile (when he spits does it spray out forcefully)? This is more likely to be a concern. Frequent spitting can be related to allergies to formula (cow's milk protein and soy protein are very likely to cause allergies in babies); you might want to work with a lactation consultant to bring your baby fully back to the breast. This is the healthiest option for your baby and is likely to reduce or eliminate the need for medications. Another cause of spitting up can be overfeeding (a baby's stomach only holds 2-3 ounces, so if he's getting more than that at a time, he's likely to spit a lot). When you feed your baby, avoid overfeeding and feed your baby in an upright position instead of laying in your arms. Keep him upright for 30 minutes or so after he eats (gravity will help reduce the spitting). You can get foam wedges to place under him while he sleeps, or you can elevate one end of his crib mattress. Talk to a lactation consultant or La Leche League Leader about exclusive breastfeeding, too!

  • 2 decades ago

    you need to get a new doctor those meds are for adult!!!!!!!!!! have u try goodstart? i loved it when i got my son on it after breast feeding and it is cheaper... the most expensive doesn't mean anything!!!!!! and does eh throw up when u breast feed? if not try doing half and half... i breast feed that is what i did when i switched him over to formula... at first more breast milk then formula so his body can get use to it.. and also you will have to pump.. i use to get up in the middle of the night usually about 3 hours after my son would wake up to eat of if he wakes up every 2 hours wake up and hour after he eats to pump .. and u will produce more milk i also did this during the day when i was in High School as I'm a teen mother. he is 3 no more formula please find a new doctor ... I'm not aware of them come out with infant zantac or previcid they dot have children's out.. can u email me at i would like to know the doses they are having u give him... mother is a nurse.. and has been for a LONG well please email me hope this helped Sherrie

  • 2 decades ago

    My son is 3 months old and he has acid reflux and spits up a lot too. My doctor had us switch formulas until we found one that is easier on his stomach. Nestle Good Start has worked the best for him since they have proteins that are already broken down. My son sees a stomch doctor tomorrow for his acid reflux. They are talking about putting him on a acid reflux medicine so that he doesnt end up ruining his esophogus from all the throwing up. He has been throwing up since he came home from the hospital. So, I would say definitely try different formulas and talk to your doctor about maybe seeing a infant stomach doctor.

  • 2 decades ago

    Is your son eating the enfamil with the added rice starch? I know that it helps with spitting up . Also try feeding him and holding him upright for at least an hour after he has eaten. If that doesn't work, consult your doctor again.It isn't good for him to be spitting up some much for a long period of time.

    Source(s): Healthcare employee
  • 2 decades ago

    my son was also spitting up.Dr sent us 2 get an upper GI done @ the hospital.they found nothing.they had me switch the formula 2 soy but that dried out his bm' we put him on nutramigen by has really helped.the formula is milk free,soy free,lactose free and hypoallergenic.give it a 2 ur Dr. ped said only keep him on it 4 a few months,and so far its been 2,after this i will go back to soy.good luck.e mail me!!

  • 2 decades ago

    when my grandson was only 2 weeks old he started not just spitting up but ejecting his formula across the room. We took him to the hospital to be checked, withing 2 hour we were set up for surgery. The muscle in his digestive system had closed and he couldn't keep his formula down.THis needs to be checked right away. It's not a dangerous surgery, only took 15 minutes then he went home 2 days later.

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