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Hari Krishna??? Why do they put the yellow stuff on their foreheads? The clothe bags on the hand? And why dont

5 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    haha, hindus, primarily pray to 3 deities..........

    they are shakti (kali), vishnu, and shiva........

    krishna is incarnation of vishnu......

    so ppl who workship vishnu are called vaisnavas,

    and those who workship shiva are called shivaites,

    now , shivates, wear ash on their heads, 3 horizontal lines, which represents shivism,( shiva wears the ash like that, so followers also do the same)

    and vaisnavites wear the "yellow stuff" as u put it lol, they are 3 lines upwards, ie, vertical lines, to represent that they are vaisnavites......

    they are monks, and they give up the world, and dont keep any posessions, they dont enjoy any luxuries, and are always trying to help the world......

    they should not keep any posessions as a rule......

    so they beg alms from day to day and carry them, and carry ash sometimes, in those bags.....

    and why not?????

    u mean why yellow? , yellow clothes are worn by vishnu,

    yellow is supposed to represent wisdom or intelligence, i am not sure......

    and if you are confused with krisna and vishnu, like i said, krisna is an incarnation of vishnu, so workshippers of krisna are considered vaisnavas........

    did u get the idea??

    and the robes they wear are in orange color, orange color represents renunciation and purity.......

    the orange clothes are there to remind them that they are monks,(and have to be pure in thought word and deed, )

    and that their purpose is to serve(help) humanity......

    got the idea?

  • 2 decades ago

    By the power of Google, I bring you a Hare Krishna web-site, that tells you all thing Krishna.

    I believe that 'the yellow stuff on their head' is mud from the river Ganges, but I might be wrong.

  • 2 decades ago

    They are a cult. A lot of the guys have shaved bald heads. It orignally came from Hinduism if I am not mistaken since Krishna is a Hindu god. They have twisted things around a lot and are not the cleanest people.

  • Ether
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Why don't you do an internet search on it?

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  • 2 decades ago


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