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What do you think of this?

Okay guys, all of you who thought I should let those 3 boys out of jail that trashed our shop last week, here's something new for you to chew on. Does this change your mind, or should it change mine?

Last night, some fellow gang members of the ones who trashed my shop last week, came to my HOME, and totalled my wife's custom El Camino. Right out in the driveway. No fear. Well, they were scared of the bigass shotgun blasts in their direction, but nonetheless... They wanted to intimidate me into letting their compatriots' bonds be reduced so they could be bailed out of jail. I'm assuming to continue with, or begin another crime spree. So you tell me...Should I be a scared little girly man and let these guys go, or stick to my guns? I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to stick to the plan and prosecute them, and shoot anyone else who so much as makes the dogs bark. But what do you bleeding heart liberals think I should do about it. Who are we going to lay the blame on this time?


Yes, the police were called, and a report filed. Ironically enough, I called the police to report the shotgun blasts, which was my neighbor defending my home. I was asleep and totally unaware until I was awakened by the gunshots. Go figure. They must've made a LOT of noise, but my bedroom is at the opposite end of the house, and it just didn't wake me up. A gunshot will get my attention though. Guess that's just a Marine thing.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do what you think is best to reslove the situation,.... any questions, soldier?

  • 2 decades ago

    Your The MAN!!! Don't listen to any of those "Tree Hugging, Coffee Shop MORONS!!!" You are completely right! They deserve to get punished for their crimes and hopefully while they are in Jail it will help them grow up and be responsible. If you let them off they will only continue down the wrong path and more than likely kill someone or get themselves killed!!! You are doing them a favor. We have Laws and people need to obied by them! Everyone should be accountable for their own actions, no excuses!!!

    Good Luck and God Bless You and Your Family!

  • 2 decades ago

    Right on! I live on forty acres, in the desert, and would shoot to defend my property. Stand up for your rights. Move if you can. Come here to AZ where marshal law is allowed! I have nothing but peace!

    I had a similar problem before I moved. I stood my ground, had insurance and prevailed. I also taught a few lessons before I moved. Good Luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    Good for you. I blame their parents, and them. In that order. Keep sh*theads like that in prison where they belong. When you sleep at night, just think of how much they're learning to enjoy being bent over a metal sink. That's what I'd do if I were you.

    Oh, you wanted a bleeding heart liberal response? Sorry, I can't turn my brain off at will.

  • 2 decades ago

    You are experiencing exactly what the protesters wanted to do to the united states. This "people" are demanding that you allow criminals free or they will continue to exert force until you abide by their rules. This is totally unacceptable. In my opinion you are doing the right thing by sticking to your guns (pun intended).!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    DO NOT do anything to let them out of jail. Let them stay there where they belong. I would do anything I could in self defense in order to prevent future crime against you and your family. Do whatever it takes...don't let the illegals get the best of you. Keep them in jail!

  • 2 decades ago

    give em hell sarge!! I lived in a small central california town for 30yrs and as time went by more and more illegals moved in almost all the whites moved out including me , now mexican gangs run the town!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No that **** don't fly with me,I had said before that I would have gone the opposite of what you were doing,but I don't like ppl trying to intimidate me,thats just gonna PISS ME OFF.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Unfortunately, some gangs are like this. I hope you reported it to the police.

  • 2 decades ago

    Blame the mexicans.

  • 2 decades ago

    First of all, no, its not a "Marine" thing. I am retired Army, doggie to you jarheads, and my solution is simply to kill them as qiuckly as you can. Semper Fi, Bro.

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