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What does religion have to do with adoption?

My wife and I apparantly can't have children on our own, so we are looking at adoption. We thought that it would be good to adopt some kids from a war torn area (Afganistan), just to find out that we can't, because it's AGAINST THE MUSLIM RELIGION.

Sorry for the rant, but other than changing our religion, we can't see any other way to adopt these kids. Anyone have any ideas?

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Adopt children from elsewhere. There is plenty of misery to choose from. Children desperate for a home and a chance. Do some research and I am sure you can come up with a huge (sad isn't it) list of locations where children are suffering.

    What you want to do is very noble. If only there were more willing to take on this task.

  • 2 decades ago

    Hope you're not culturally sensitive...

    It isn't against the Islamic religion, but it is a significant factor.

    It's the Muslim duty to look after their orphans, even if all direct and indirect family members have been killed and the child survived, a friend of the family or associate will often take on the responsibility.

    Afterall their Prophet was an orphan, so to do anything less would be considered neglect on their behalf.

    Another matter considered is whether a child will live in a place that is in his/her religious, moral and ethical interests.

    Some cultures promote or reward greed, drugs, violence, un-natural sex, premarital sex, adultery, low respect for parents, and other facets or practices which Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and any genuine religious group are against.

    Unfortunately it's a common problem everywhere these days, but far more prevalent in areas of western societies.

    Some people might think 'We're saving him from Islam' which is fallacy.

    A child given good religious support growing up can have the option of leaving it later if he decides to, or relax his religion. (the Quran states 2:256 "there is no compulsion in religion..." and the idea of punishment for leaving, and most negative aspects are mere media propaganda and ignorance).

    Aside from adoption, if you changed your religion to Islam, you could marry a widow who has a child. If you can treat them perfectly equally, Islam allows you 4 wives, and you'd be doing a great deed by supporting a single mother and her child.

    On to the other side of the coin...

    Compare if Westerners would consider it acceptable to let their children be adopted by say, Hindu couples from Asia?

    Try not to think about it in terms of 'We know what would be best and the child would be better off.' as they will tell you the same thing.

    So what will it be like growing up in a country that can be racially intolerant, knowing he has come from a country that is considered 'an enemy' and not really being like everyone else? You know it means little and it's what's inside that counts, but kids are kids and don't just pick on the 'fatties' and '4-eyes' and they can be cruel.

    No matter where he was born or raised, he'll always have his skin colour and heritage as a target.

    What about when he starts looking to find his 'roots' in life? He won't take anyones word for anything because he is always going to get conflicting opinions, so he'll go to find out for himself. And what will he think of the country that 'adopted' him when he learns the truth?

    You should thoroughly research and live in Afghanistan for a while before you consider adopting from there anyway.

    What you're doing may seem quite noble, but the first consideration is deciding the best choices for any child and his future... which is why you're asking.

    I'd personally recommend adopting from your home country and culture because there are plenty of single moms selling themselves to support habits and giving some innocent kid no chance of a decent future.

    Source(s): 20 years travelling, living working in different cultures, was married and wife couldn't have kids.
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's not your fault! and if you're really called to help those guys then you'll find doors open without you bashing yourselves up. There are missionary and secular organisations trying to get help to those guys but it suits some people to let needy folk grow chips on their shoulders for future conflict! Anyway, say you helped a kid and they adopted another belief as a result, the other Muslims could "do them in" by sharia law! It's a peaceful religion.

  • 2 decades ago

    Um, this is just a guess: Family wealth goes to the children. In the Bible, the next of kin got the children and other possessions of the deceased, keeping the tribe's inheritance inside the tribe (Numbers 27:1-11). I would guess that Afghan law reflects this custom, since Muhammed got a lot of ideas for his fraud from plagiarizing the Bible and/or since Ishmael (a descendant of Abraham) probably structured his laws closely with his father's.

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  • 2 decades ago

    First of all i do not understand people who behave or live their lives without searching the true sources and live their lives with sensations.

    Its not true that Islam does not accept adoptation. There is adoptation in Islam and there are many couples who adopt children if they capable of doing it.

    Please do not live ur live with sensations search for the truth always and u may adopt a child anywhere u want.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well Im not sure but some one once told me that in Islam it is not allowed for someone to bring up children who are not of their own genes or bloodline. So children in Muslim cultures who are orphaned or need to be cared for by people other than their birth parents, are looked after by uncles, aunts, grandparents etc, so that they share the same bloodlines.

  • 2 decades ago

    This is a classic case of religion interfering with people,

    give into the stance of these people and whilst your intent is good, you are would be hypercritical by agreeing to it and letting this religion dictate to you.

    Only the children suffer.

    Try the Red Cross, your Embassy, and the Administration of the Collision.

    Good Luck!


  • rian30
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    You will be raising them as christians . that is the problem.

    Why should you rant??

    Mother teresa refused to let a christian couple adopt from her orphanage because they were not catholics!!!

    If a protestant couple can not adopt from a catholic orphanage , why do you think Muslims are being rigid?

    And to think the child were not even from catholic family but hindu!

    You think you are being nice, they think you are trying to get a convert.

    Missinaries hang around to get their hands on orphans in non christian countries. Often they just get them first before the local orphanage reach their.

    Sorry to say, but these tactics do irritate natives.

  • 2 decades ago

    The Holy Scriptures mentions several instances of adoption. For instance: Eliezar and Abraham (Genesis 15:2-4), Moses and Pharaoh's daughter (Ex. 2:10), and Ester under Mordecai (Esth. 2:7). So my advice to you is ask God for guidance and ask him to lead you instead of following man's traditions.

  • Rami
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    what is adoption first

    it is taking care of an orphan

    the error in that is

    you give him your name as father this might couse him marrieing -in the future- his sister without knowing her


    you can take care of an arphan without giving him your name and the orphan does not inhariet

    unless you say so in a well


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