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Why do Catholics keep statues of Jesus' mother and say thank you Mary mother of Jesus? Don't they know that in order to get to God you have to pray through Jesus Christ? Don't you know that it is idolatry to worship statues and keep statues to pray to or through? No where in the Bible does it say that people can pray through Jesus' mother so don't you think you are in the wrong?

Please give me serious answers. Thank you.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    See even people who believe think its foolish!God will punish us all for these superstitious religions!Go and start a war with them that's the religious remedy!

  • 2 decades ago

    We don´t worship the statues of Jesus or the saints, they are just useful things to remember them. It would be absurd and ridiculous for example if you have a picture of somebody you love and think that the picture is the same person alive.

    About St. Mary: Like Paul F and cirestan said we pray to Mary to intercede for us. That´s not idolatry, we´d better ask what could be our idolatry in this world: money?, sex?, beauty?, power?, a person?. That´s idolatry, and I think this is a serious answer.

  • 2 decades ago

    is a statue of Jesus idolatry? I think so. I was raised catholic and I wondered the same thing. The closest I got to an answer was because Mary gave birth to Jesus and she deserves respect for that or something to that accord...

    but I am lost religion...

  • 2 decades ago

    Mary is the mother of God the Son, that is, Jesus Christ. That is why she is venerated or looked up to highly--she isn't being worshipped, but revered. Perhaps I'm splitting hairs here, but it is incorrect to say she is being viewed as a god(dess) in any way. She is just a very important woman in Cahtolic theology, due to her giving birth to Our Saviour. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Catholics do not worship saints or statues.

    Everyone in heaven or on their way to heaven are saints. You, me, my deceased grandmother, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mother Teresa.

    Catholics and many other Christians believe in the Communion of Saints where all saints are intimately related in the Body of Christ, a family. When you die and go to heaven, you do not leave this family.

    As part of this family, you may ask your family and friends here on earth to pray for you. Or you may also ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Andrew, or your deceased grandmother in heaven to pray for you.

    With love in Christ.

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 946 and following:

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The statue of Mary is actually a pagan symbol, so is the cross, the trinity, and the "Jesus fish". You can read all about these types of issues at They send you free literature of the truths of the bible and all prophecies. The Catholic religion is deceived, but so are all others. The Bible says to "Prove all things" arm yourself with knowledge.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    >>>Why do Catholics keep statues of Jesus' mother<<<

    Probably for much the same reason that people keep photographs of relatives and friends -- as a reminder of them.

    >>>and say thank you Mary mother of Jesus?<<<

    This doesn't mean that we never thank Jesus. I do all the time.

    But I also thank people who pray for me, as we all should. Mary prays for me, so she is one of the people I thank for it.

    >>> Don't they know that in order to get to God you have to pray through Jesus Christ?<<<

    What makes you think we don't? If you attend a Catholic Mass and listen carefully -- or even not so carefully -- to the prayers we say, I think you'll find that your opinion above is based on sheer misconception.

    >>>Don't you know that it is idolatry to worship statues and keep statues to pray to or through?<<<

    Yes, we do know this -- which is why we don't do it. No Catholic ever prays to a statue or worships it.

    >>>No where in the Bible does it say that people can pray through Jesus' mother so don't you think you are in the wrong?<<<

    No. You are in the wrong for believing that we pray to (or through) Jesus' mother.

    With regard to Mary, all we do is ask her to pray for us -- just as you ask people to pray for you, and just as other people ask you to pray for them.

    If imperfect people on earth can pray for you, what makes you think that Jesus' blessed mother in Heaven cannot pray for you?

    If you think it's wrong to ask Mary to pray for you, then logically you must also conclude that it's wrong to ask anybody at all to pray for you.

    But no Christian ever says to another Christian, "No, I won't pray for you -- pray to God through Jesus yourself!"

  • 2 decades ago

    It's called an icon, not an idol. And there's nothing wrong with it, since it's obvious you don't understand Catholicism (neither does Lovepurple obviously; funny but I couldn't even see her preacher's lips move while she typed that bit of stupidity [he must be a great ventriloquist]).

    And it's hard to give someone a serious answer when they're basically accusing people of doing something wrong.

  • 2 decades ago

    It is called intercession. While I am not Catholic, and personally don't pray in that way. I was debating this with some catholic friends and they said to me "Do you ever ask a friend, family member or church member to pray for you about a situation?" I said sure. She said that is intercession as well. But instead of going to a friend, they are going to one of the saints to pray petition God on their behalf. Certain saints are prayed to for certain things.

    They do pray directly to God as well.

  • DannyK
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Why does that bother you?

    Shouldn't you be more bothered that many people do not worship God at all?

    We both worship Jesus as well and that is a good thing.

    We are not the demons you would like to believe.

    Acting "holier than thou" only divides us further.

  • 2 decades ago

    Catholics do not pray to Mary. We ask her to intercede on our behalf. We ask her to pray for us. Just like if you know someone who in the hospital and your preacher asks everyone to pray for that person, that is what we ask of Mary and all of the saints.

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