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is there any way to get a newborn to sleep better at night.?

28 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry, but that is part of being a parent. Both parents can take turns getting up at night. The baby will start sleeping longer. Don't try keeping the baby up because they need their sleep. Only time will improve your chances of sleeping all night long.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Oh, I feel for you! My daughter was up every two hours when she was a newborn. The good news was, she started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and has been eversince.

    Try swaddling the baby. You have to do it VERY tightly so they can't move their arms or legs.

    Try feeding the baby every two hours during the day. Even if they are sleeping, you need to wake them. (Only during the day!)

    When it's night time, keep the lights lower, and talk softly. This will teach the baby that it's time to settle down.

    Have a routine. Bath, bottle, bed. Keep doing the same thing every night. Good luck! It will get better, I promise!

  • 2 decades ago

    Newborns get up lots of times during the night to eat or simply because they don't have a concept of night and day. There are some things you can do to give your baby the best odds of sleeping at night like making sure the room is very dark and free of noises. My son had a white noise machine that made a fan-like sound which drowned out any background noises. Make sure the room isn't too cold or hot, usually around 65 degrees, and be sure (s)he is dressed appropriately. Mine wears close-fitting pajamas and a sleepsack.

    I chose not to co-sleep with my child and had great success with him learning to sleep in his own. Some say that babies sleep better when on their own but if you have a strong preference for co-sleeping, by all means continue.

    I know it's so hard to be so tired but hang in there because your baby will be snoozing through the night before you know it.

  • 2 decades ago

    FIRST OF ALL, the moran who told you to use a heating pad is crazy. Their skin is waaaaay too sensitive to place them on a heating pad. AND NEVER begin the sleeping with you routine. It is only harder to break this habit. I have two son's, and neither one of them have slept in the bed with me at all.

    My 1 year old son, had a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. He had acid reflux, which meant that after I fed him, he could not lay down for about two hours. I found the easiest solution to getting him to sleep longer was to use a swing. The rocking sensation of the swing allow him to sleep completely throught the night. And when the acid reflux got better, then I moved him to his crib. The first couple of nights were tough on him, but stick with it. Make sure the baby is full, and put them to bed. An occasional wake up means they are hungry. Feed them and get back to get. But honestly, the swing was the BEST thing ever invented. Oh yeah, and make sure that you are not letting the baby sleep throughout the whole day. Yes they need their sleep, but they will get it at night if you can chage their schedule.

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  • 2 decades ago

    That is one of the "joys" of having a newborn. As your baby gets older, he/she will sleep more through the night and less during the day.

    DO NOT have your baby sleep with you. I fell for that with my first and almost smothered him in my sleep. I also had a friend who did smother her baby--completely by accident--when she had the baby in bed with her.

    DO NOT put a heating pad in the crib(this is the one of the worst recommendations I've seen).

    What worked for us was to split the night into shifts. I would take care of the baby the first half and my husband would get the last half. That way you are both able to get at least 4-6 hours of straight sleep.

    Source(s): Me--Proud mother of 3
  • 2 decades ago

    i have told this to two of my friends that had newborns. I have an 11 month old and he has slept through the night since he was 4 months. They key is schedule, not like a drill seargant, but feed them at the same time everyday then, have them take their day naps in their crib. then they'll be used to the crib at night, then give a bath and lotion them, then give them their last bottle (or breast whichever ure doing) do this every night of course give or take a half hour. it wont happen overnight but it wont take long either. another suggestion which is completely up to u and ure feelings, but letting them sleep on their bellies. i knwo its dangerous but its the only way my son would sleep at first and believe me it made a WORLD of difference and eventually he now turns and sleeps however he wants (back belly or side). but it works and it worked for them too!! good luck with it!

  • 2 decades ago

    I am in no way a morning person and love my sleep-especially at night so I tried everything to make my baby sleep longer at night. The only thing that worked for me was to feed them really well, keep them swaddled up tight and dont turn on the light when you do have the get up at night. Also depending on how you feel about it but I always just woke up, latched the baby on in the laying down position and went back to bed. It worked for me with both my babies. Hope something in this helps

  • 2 decades ago

    I think some parents try to make their house too silent when the baby is sleeping. But in the womb the baby was around all kinds of noisy things.

    I always found my son slept better with some sort of noise then nothing at all. I used to keep a radio in his room and play soft music or always run a humidifier.

    Also swaddling can make a baby feel secure since they are used to being tightly held.

  • 2 decades ago

    Best to let the baby sleep in bed with mom (& you) but on her side. They don't know night from day yet, so don't worry too much. newborns wake up a lot in the night. breastfeeding will ease this. that's why new parents are exhausted. it will take a few years before the baby sleeps thru the nite.

  • 2 decades ago

    first of all, don't listen to the girl who told you to place your baby on a heating pad on its stomach. BAD idea. Babies are supposed to sleep on their backs till the are 1 year old. I know its rough with a newborn, I have 3 kids, my youngest is 6 months old. They just have to adjust, it will get better in a couple months, thats when mine starting sleeping through the whole night.

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