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I am married and have a question as to why women...?

always expect you to know what they are thinking, wanting, feeling or anything like that.. my wife and i have been married for oveer 5 years and been together over 7 years. we have 2 daughters ages 5 and 2. i personally do not know what shes thinking and when we are in bed she constantly gives me these deep breaths and says "well", well what i dont knwo what you want unless you tell me. she useually gets mad as hell then rolls over and goes to sleep. something im missing here. i mean cmon i dont have telepethy.


ok a little back ground on her

she is not a stay at home mom but, she does work at the local License department issuing drivers license. she hates it cause she gets people in there all the time that cuss her out becasue of some really childish reasons. i know she wants to quit and ive told her if she wants to quit quit but if she quits i want her to go back to school not just sit around the house and do nothing but take care of the kids. i she quits we would make it i would just have to pick up 2 extra days of overtime cause i make 2 times what she makes. we have never been on a vacation together and we never had a honeymoon because we couldnt afford it.

Update 2:

im not trying to be bossy by asking her to go back to school if she goes fine but we are a blue collar family hard working where eveeryone helps out on the income and the house. if your not going to school then you should be working if not working then you should be doing something constructive not just sitting at home. i was in the military deployed to iraq 2 times and she never once had a job she said she hated not having a job or anything to do. so when i got out and came home i asked her to get a job to get her out of the house doingsomething earning her own money.

17 Answers

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    a little secret here just for you... ok, picture this... she has had a long and trying day and she is tired !! bone tired !! she comes home and there are candles lite everywhere, rose petals scattered on the floor making a trail to the bath room where there is a tub full of almost hot water with scented bubble bath or oil... more candles and a glass of her fav wine.. maybe a single red rose with a card that says * I love you *.... make this a once a month date with her and you will win more than her heart !!!! she needs something and just does NOT know how to say it... we all do that, men and women... ohhh, make sure the kids are at grandmas or a friends for at least 2 hours, or more if it can be arranged.. and while she is soaking , play soft music and TALK to her.... God bless

  • 2 decades ago

    Some women expect you to know them so well that you know all their deepest secrets, in all areas.

    Truth is, if you are paying attention, you know how she thinks most times.

    She would likely say you don't know because either you aren't listening or paying attention.

    Hey, not saying I agree 100 %, but that's entirely possible.

    You can take more time to talk, both outside and in the bedroom.

    Right now, my friend, sounds like she is frustrated and because of that, not respecting you, thus why she's dissing you.

    Suck it up and start talking. Maybe get a night with the kids being taken care of someone you trust and go out, have dinner and just talk.

    With the right approach, she'll love you for it, and she will likely share a lot.

    Listen closely.

    At least you are noticing before it's too late, unlike many guys. This is just a typical marital challenge, nothing more.

    Hang tough.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    First of all, your post indicates that you seem controlling to her so she sighs of disbelief when she looks at you in bed. She's probably thinking how disrespectful you can be or you remind her of all the personalities she has to deal with at her job. You stated that if she quits you want her to go to college and not stay at home now what kind of husband are you? That shows you're being disrespectful. Basically, you're boring to her and if thats the case I bet one of these days she'll find a new bed partner. So, read books about how to rekindle the flame in your marriage. Give her a back massage the minute she sighs or kiss her passionately and mean it. Stop being so bossy. Be romantic and not a prude. Be sexy in bed even if it has no intercourse by wearing sexy pajamas or go in bed naked and see if it changes anything. Just be funny and supportive not her boss. Good luck..

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Sit her down and talk to her. Outside of the bedroom. After you've put your daughters to sleep, make her a coffee or something, and sit down with her and talk to her. Say exactly what you've just said here. Just tell her that you'd like to do what she likes, that you like to do things that please her in all aspects of life; but that you honestly don't know what a sigh, or any woman body language, means. That you want to make her happy; but that you need her to be more vocal about what she wants.

    As for us women, we do assume guys can understand a bit to much. Sometimes I really screw wuth my hubby's head, lol, without meaning to, just say something that a girlfriend would easily understand, and it takes me a minute or two sometimes to understand that he has no clue what I've meant. Us women understand the 'sighs' and 'looks', and it does take some time to realize you guys don't. Tell her this, that you really don't understand, but you want to understand.

    Try the coffee or whatever first, as a peace offering. Give her something, make her comforatable; anything that would but her in an amiable mood. Then bring it up, and don't get flustered if she gets frustrated. Just say again that you just want to make her happy, and if she doesn't want to be more vocal at the moment, have her write down or tell you right then what the different looks and sighs; or tell her that you just want her to tell you what she's thinking, that you married her because you loved her, all aspects of her, and would like it if she shared all of herself with you.

    About the sigh when she's in bed with you, it really does sound as if she wants you to touch her. It sounds like she's a bit to shy still to grab your hand and put it on her; or ask directlt for something. Next time she does this, see if this theory is correct, touch her gently at first, see how she responds to you. If it's an obvious negative response, which I doubt it will be, being female and understanding womanly wiles; then just wrap your arms around her, and hold her close. If she responds slowly, go slowly for her; and if she responds strongly, well.. I think you know what I mean, and I really hope that I've made it a bit clearer for you.

    Don't give up on her, just keep trying to get her to explain for you. Even if you have to make yourself look like an idiot doing so; along the lines of "I'm male, I'm an idiot, I don't know what ..... means..." (And don't get me wrong, I don't think guys are idiots, but it's more likely to make her smile or try to defend you than get angry or frustrated at you.

    Good luck, and good on you for asking rather than letting it just lie and get to be a problem later on.

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  • 2 decades ago

    is she a stay at home mom? sometimes they can feel they have no life or this is not how they expected their lives to be... she might be thinking what u are thinking...she might not feel that attractive... she also might feel she is being pulled from all directions between home/mom/wife. it is not a ez task to be a mom especially stay at home u feel lonely and don't have time to socialize w/people of your own age.. talk to her tell her u love her/u find her attractive and see if she needs help w/home or kids.. get her to go do something for herself by herself... u know why u married her now is the time to remind her.. good luck...

  • 2 decades ago

    She's waiting for you to feel up her and have sex. A hard day at work and stress, she just needs to relax, and nothing beats a good orgasm, just play with her down there, it takes alot of time, then she'll be feeling so good that she won't be mad anymore.

  • 2 decades ago

    There a book to answer that question. My friend men have been asking that question the world over for over 5,000yrs.

    Read the following book. Yahoo Answers won't help. Read the book. It will help. BIG TIME.

    Source(s): Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray
  • 2 decades ago

    Because men are predictable...You always expect us to know what your thinking. Then if we don't we get accused of not knowing you.

    Plus being with someone long enough you should be able to figure them out.

    If you knew your wife well, you would at least a few things.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sounds like she's being a pathetic difficult child. Although i'm female, I don't get the female obsession with expecting the male species to be psychic. They all need to grow the f.u.c.k up. F.U.C.K.E.N. hello!! If you don't tell him what you want, he's not gonna know.

  • 2 decades ago

    Dude, please. This is where you have to pretend she is still the hot little vixen she was when you were first going out with her and having hot sweaty monkey sex all the time. I know and you know she doesnt have the body to pull it off anymore and you are bored with the same ol thing anyway. This is where you have to "act" like she's as hot as she thinks she is. Just pretend its Angelina Jolie in your bed and "act" accordingly.

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