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  • Whats the best way to clean the area when your infected with genital Herpes.?

    shes trying to keep the area clean but is experianceing a lot of pain whats the easiest way to keep the area clean.

    14 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?

    I have an 84 Honda Saber V65 VF1100s it was built with a fairing/noscone on the front, however Honda denys they ever manufactured a Saber with a faring. But the headligh has a foglike appearance to it my dad when restoring the bike removed some but how do i get the rest off it looks as if the (Foglike appearance) is inside the headlight assembly, but when i use my nail or a hard surface to remove it, it comes off. How do i get this to come off with out scratching the headlight cover its self. Other then this unappealing sight the bike has been completely restored to its former glory and is as fast as it was when first built and runs like it too. brand new paint job and all.

    11 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • So which one is it?

    One of my other questions about chirstmas and it being the celebration of jesus birth. then how come so many people say that jesus was not born in December. if he wasnt born on December 25 then how come we celebrate hsi birth on that day and we celebrate his resurection or death on Easter. this is really starting to confuse me, i was always taught this as a child now everyone is saying its not the case.

    my other question:;_ylt=At1DU...

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • this is something that has really bothered me for 3 years...?

    My best freinds wife is Seventh Day Adventist, and upon her first time of coming to my home for Thanksgiving, my wife, me, and my buddy got into a discussion about christmas. she gets upset and storms out of the house without saying a word. when my buddy goes to see what the problem is, she gets really irate and screams that christmas is the work of pegans and that we are being horrible parents to our daughters for celebrating a holiday that was originally brought into mainstream christianity by pagans who she swears are devil worshipers. now my question is where is she getting her information from cause i was always taught that christmas was the celebration of jesus berth.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • why is it that jesus was this huge icon but now adays...?

    when someone preechs along the same lines most people dismiss them as being crazy or pshycos

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • what state do you think will be hit with a devistating hurricane this year? and why?

    i personaly think and hope that lauisiana gets hit once again so we can see everything go to hell again and then bush can be blamed for the problems with the local goverment.

    seriously though hopfully we dont get anymore (wont happen) but hey if its gonna hit someplace why not new orleanes again i mean they are still displaced and the city is still in shambles

    8 AnswersOther - News & Events2 decades ago
  • sex with my wife is really boring...?

    ok we used to have some really good fun but we have both come to the conclusion that roleplaying is just out of the question. but we have experianced with new positions we have successfully done 17 positions but others we are just not able to do due to being unfomfortable. thing is sex feels more like a job then it does two of us connecting on a loving level. i love my wife more then anything but it just seems like we are not connecting like we should. its getting to the point where i just dont want to have sex.

    33 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • I am married and have a question as to why women...?

    always expect you to know what they are thinking, wanting, feeling or anything like that.. my wife and i have been married for oveer 5 years and been together over 7 years. we have 2 daughters ages 5 and 2. i personally do not know what shes thinking and when we are in bed she constantly gives me these deep breaths and says "well", well what i dont knwo what you want unless you tell me. she useually gets mad as hell then rolls over and goes to sleep. something im missing here. i mean cmon i dont have telepethy.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • Has anyone heard of The Way international?

    We have their HQ less then 5 miles from my home in ohio. they say they are a biblical research center but rumors have it the central figur beleives he is god reincarnate. and others say they want you to give up all your possetions to them and live the life they set for you.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • heres one for ya?

    Jehova's witness' why is it this religon condones the practice to go from door to door pushing their religon and beleifes onto others. i havent had a faith since my teens but i do respect ones faith and beleifs when i ask these people to leave they constantly try to keep me at the door i even had one guy go as far as to put his foot in the door keeping me from shutting it. that is when get got a fist in the mouth. some of you might condem me for doing so but hey i beleive when you ask someone to leave they should leave no questions asked.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • for all those who follow God or Christ...?

    I personally was raised in a southern Baptist home and am married to a catholic whos family accepts me but i am not an active member of a church or even follow the book my faith has left me when i was in my teens.

    Why is it that everyone seems to follow God or Jesus Christ for some reason? everyone seems to think that with everything the bible says (a book written by different people over 2 millenia ago) that it is completely right. If everything the bible says that god was a rigtous god and loved everything and created man then why would he allow man to create something do kill something that he created? why would he allow disease to run rampit through out the world? why would he allow childeren (the most innocent of all living beings in the world) to go hungry? i want a real answer dont give me this crap that its all amatter of faith, if its a matter of faith then i say to hell with that there is no god and there was no jesus as the bible portrays him.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What would you do if the constitution was rewriten in spanish or another foreign language?

    personally myself i think i would renouce my citizenship.

    8 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • who was quoted by saying this?

    "Give me a museum and I'll fill it."

    he lived from 1881-1973

    4 AnswersTrivia2 decades ago
  • Who is this quote by?

    "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

    this person lived from 1879-1955

    7 AnswersTrivia2 decades ago
  • who was quoted in saying this?

    "Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."

    hint this person lived from 1866-1946

    3 AnswersTrivia2 decades ago
  • Do you think most people should go into the military or should they just live their life like they do now.?

    Im not asking about the draft, im asking if you think a US citizen should do time in the military like Turkey, all men ages 18 to 26 are required to do at least 4 years in their military service.

    14 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago