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Do you think most people should go into the military or should they just live their life like they do now.?

Im not asking about the draft, im asking if you think a US citizen should do time in the military like Turkey, all men ages 18 to 26 are required to do at least 4 years in their military service.


Im not saying just anyone far be it there are some very unstable people out there but if they had the right medical checkups and were verified to be able bodied and not a danger to them selves then yes. My family beleives this as well do i. i did 4 years and had a blast. personally i was in the navy did 2 tours in support of iraq and afghanistan. so as a right to foreigners wanting to secure citizenship yes i think so. good point

14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    In some countries, men and women are required to serve in the military. Forcing people to do so won't guarantee that they will become better citizens, gain maturity or wisdom or even that they will get into better shape physically.

    The military in this country is a fine option for some, but it definitely isn't for everybody. Maybe a better option would be calling for one year of military or humanitarian service which would open up more options while still giving the US a specific period of service from each person.

    Personally, I think forcing anyone into military service is a poor choice. I wouldn't want to be alongside someone who it there by force and not giving their all. I don't want the person who holds the cure for cancer or AIDS or the next Shakespeare to be held back by a year or two of mandatory service.

    Mandatory service could be far more detrimental to this country than beneficial.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think all the mexicans coming into the United States should be made to join the military ! If they wanna enjoy the benefits of this country they should fight for it ! My husband served 8 years .... Maybe this would make the mexicans think twice before coming into the states and taking our jobs and living off our system .....

  • 2 decades ago

    less that 7 percent of Americans make it into military service. For most Americans to go into the military would be an unimaginable build up in the tens of millions. Our economy would be in shatters

    Source(s): Besides, ages 18-23 are mainly our bakebone and future... imagine all those not in school...I think you should compare our economy to turkeys and then our population
  • 4 years ago

    no longer particularly a militia provider yet you're able to be able to correctly be a commissioned officer of the U. S. Public wellbeing provider. You get to placed on a nifty uniform, get called by employing your rank, get the comparable pay and advantages as contributors of the militia and in no way could desire to installation over seas. Worst place they could stick you is on some Indian reservation in some podunk place out west. of direction, you will choose a 4 365 days college degree to get the fee so wager you're out of success there too. heavily, you do no longer sound like militia cloth to me. A "popular life" and "provider" are jointly unique. You provide up lots once you connect the provider and that "popular life" you look to choose is taken under consideration one of them.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, the military makes citizens strong (look at israel) and it makes us respect our heritage more. Though we probably shouldn't serve 4 years (maybe 2), it would build us up and make america one (not communism), but it would make us stronger in times of terror.

    Source(s): Fox News
  • docjim
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Interesting question, I feel every able bodied male and female should be required to serve their country for two years. This could be in any field of endeavor.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I dont know, this is hard, it's like the whole entanglement of WW1 .. militarism.. if other countries are sending their men... we need to as well. If the world was more at peace like a perfect scenario, then we could all rest, but we need people.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think you should have to do something for your country. Military service would do the population some good.

  • 2 decades ago

    Some people are just not made for the military, they would endanger them selves or others.

  • angel
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Yes they should, it would smartin alot of young men up and make them responsible

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