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  • how can I stop a water leak in my car?

    I think it is the windshield. How can yuou diagnose where the water comes in and how to stop it?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do I grow broccoli correctly?

    When it grows, the broccoli head sprouts quickly but spreads out and turns yellow and appears to seed. Should I trim off the top head?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Is Guitar hero available for the original Xbox?

    I do not have a Xbox360, I want to buy Guitar hero for my Xbox, do they make it?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Are the ESPN and Baseball Tonight experts Stealing their paychecks or earning their money? Ravech got it right

    The St. Louis Cardinals are 2006 World Series Champs.They are usually so wrong when making their predictions. They hardley ever pick the right team to win. Going into the Playoffs, almost Every guy on there picked the the Yankees to win the W.S., The mets and Yanks to play for the W.S. and the Cardinals to miss the playoffs in the last week by loosing to houston in the division. Then they picked the Cardinals to lose to San Diego in the first round, then lose to the mets in the NLCS and get spanked by the Tigers in the W.S. But what happened is the Cardinals out pitched every team in the Playoffs, played better defense than eayone, and got timely hitting when they needed it. At the beginning of the year, many people picked the Cardinals to be good, but by the end of the year, no one gave them a chance. The experts are usually wrong, and with predictions as bad as theirs, they should only be qualified to be weathermen. That is the only profession that can be wrong as much as them

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Is Tony Larussa the most successful St. Louis Cardinals manager of all time?

    He has the most wins of any active manager. He is 6th all time in the histroy of baseball in manager wins. He has 977 wins as a Cardinal manager. The most is 1041 by Red Scheondiest, which Tony will pass next year. Tony has won 2 world series, One in each league. He has won the division title 6 times in ten years as cardinals manager. He always wins with teams made up of some good players and some role players, but they always win. Is Tony the greatest manager of all time?

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why were most people so wrong about the St.L Cardinals? They are the best baseball franchise ever. 89m payroll

    The experts at ESPN and on Baseball Tonight picked the yankees to win the world series, The mets to beat everyone in the NL and the cards to miss the playoffs in the last week of the season. All the Cardinals did was win the division, Beat down San Diego badly in the first round, beat the Mets in the series that everyone thought would be over in 5 or 6 and beat the Mets at home in the rain by striking out Carlos Beltran with the bases loaded and 2 out in the 9th. Why are the so-called experts usually wrong. And when they make these predictions they are so sure of themselves and make these statements with such conviction. Sports experts and Weathermen are wrong so often but they are never held accountable for their grossly incorrect statements. What about the entire world picking Chicago bears to spank the Arizona Cardinals only to have tha cardinals blow a big lead and the kicker missing the winning field goal.

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How bas are the Cardinals gonna whip the Cubs this weekend at the New Busch Stadium?

    I just scored two tickets for Friday night's game at busch. The hated cubs will be in town for a three game series. With the cubs so horrible and the Cardinals are the maybe the best of the National League, How bad are the cubs gonna lose. Cmon cubs fans, lets hear it, The only thing you like better than rooting for your looser cubs team is hating on the Cardinals and being jealous of them and their record, and championships, and players, and stadium, and Owners, and Sponsors, and fans, and Penants. Her's your chance to speak up. I smell a sweep in St. Louis this weekend and the baby cubs will go home crying that they are 12 games out of the division at the beginning of June. Cubs suck and Always will, Go Cards.

    4 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago
  • UFC-how bad does Royce Gracie's head hurt after getting it pounded in by Matt Hughes? Who's the champ now?

    So much for Brazillian Jiu- Jitsu huh? Gracie had no chance! I just wish the Ref would not have stopped the fight. Then we would have seen a truly dominant fighter whip Gracie. The ref saved Gracie from absolute pain, and prevented Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from looking worse than it already did. Gracie guaranteed that he would submit Hughes, but if they fought 10 more times, Matt would hurt and punish him every time. Gracie is not strong enough to submit Hughes, and we saw that in person. I had to hear from so many uneducated people how Gracie was going to submit Hughes, and all those people were just as wrong about that as gracie was about the dominance of his Brizillian art. Hopefully that is all we need to hear about the dominance or lack of dominance of Gracie Brazillian martial arts. USA USA USA!

    4 AnswersMartial Arts2 decades ago
  • Where are all the Royce Gracie fans that told me how bad he would beat Matt Hughes? Whos still the Champ now?

    UFC-60 The week before the fight, alot of people told me over and over the Gracie would submit Hughes, and the fight would be over. Gracie did not look like he was even in the same class as Hughes. At no time during the fight did it seem that Gracie had the chance to submit matt. Hugned rolled on top of gracie and proceeded to pound Gracie's head in. I wish the ref would have not stopped the fight, so hughes could have beat him some more, then rolled him over and submit the Brazillian Champ. Gracie could not Beat Hughes if they fought 10 more times. Now I hope we do not have to hear anymore about how dominant Gracie Brazillian Jiu Jitsu is. Gracie would not shut up about Gracie Martial Arts, saying over and over that his art is the best and he could submit anyone. It was gracie that was absolutley DOMINATED by Matt Hughes. Screw brazillian Martial Arts. USA USA USA USA USA!

    4 AnswersMartial Arts2 decades ago
  • Who saw the Davinci Code? what did you think?

    I won free tickets to see it tonite, but I dojn't think my wife wants to go see it. She is very religious, and when I told her I got the tickets, she did not seem excited and I think she has tried to delicately talk me out of going. I say it's a free movie, and we had nothing better planned, and I love to go to the movies. I don't think she wants to go with me, should I not go, or get ripped and go by myself or with her?

    9 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Why should I stay a Cubs fan? Am I asking for Punishment?

    The cubs have been so bad for so long, why should their fans stay loyal? Do cubs fans enjoy loosing? Are they so used to loosing that it is what they expect and accept as their destiny?

    12 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago
  • Where can I get Cub-hater shirts, hats or whatever else dogs the cubs.?

    A cardinal bird pooping on the cubs logo is the best. The cursed logo is good too. I am looking for something like the goat curse. The shirt I have is too offensive to wear to the ballpark.

    3 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago
  • Who do you think was snubbed off the U.S. National World Cup Soccer Team.?

    What alternate players deserve to be starters. Remember, If you add a player, then players must come off the national team to make room.

    3 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)2 decades ago
  • Why are cubs fans so jealous of the Cardinals?

    Is it the rings, the Players, The success, the new stadium.

    Is it that the Cards are sponsored by the Biggest and best brewery in the world, instead of chewing gum. Budweiser rules, cubs suck!

    14 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago
  • With a history of being cursed, Why to the Chicago cubs continue to be horrible? Will they ever win again?

    Goats, Bartmann, Lou Brock, losing seasons, Curses, World Series absences, and a century of being pathetic.

    7 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago
  • Need to hear from girls that can help me with my wife.?

    Girls who enjoy anl sex? What do you like about it. What can I do that my wife would enjoy it more. We have done it, but she will only do it when she is drunk. I need to hear from girls about what they like and how they like it. What I can do to make it better.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • What can I do to get my wife to enjoy anl sx more. She will only do it when she is drunk. What do girls like?

    We have done it before and she liked it, but said it hurt during, and hurt the next day. I want to do something she likes and enjoys so she will want it more. Girls, any Ideas?

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Why are the cubs so bad historically? Can one professional team be this pathetic. The cubs are pitiful.?

    If the cubs go 100 years without winning a championship, can they be demoted to a AAA team or maybe play in a womens softball league?

    15 AnswersBaseball2 decades ago