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Who saw the Davinci Code? what did you think?

I won free tickets to see it tonite, but I dojn't think my wife wants to go see it. She is very religious, and when I told her I got the tickets, she did not seem excited and I think she has tried to delicately talk me out of going. I say it's a free movie, and we had nothing better planned, and I love to go to the movies. I don't think she wants to go with me, should I not go, or get ripped and go by myself or with her?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you've read the book there are no surprises. It is an excellent retelling of the book however.

    Let me note that none of the underlying concepts (which is what the ultra religious people object to) are new. Books about how fradulent the DaVinci Code is are amusing... I think "the lady doth protest too much."

    The idea of the bloodline of Christ being contained in a human vessel is an old one, and was the prime cause of a couple of gencidal purges in Europe in the middle ages as I recall from reading a "factual" historical book on this very idea when I was in college 20 years ago.

    Is it likely that Christ was married? Yes, honstly it is. He was considered a Rabbi -- and my understanding of historic Judaism tells me that no one could be a Rabbi who was not married.

    There are no concepts or ideas in the movi,e or the book that are anywhere near as far-fetched as the ultra religious would like you to think. Opus Dei DOES exist, as does its headquarters in New York City (where we lived until a few years ago, and still can easily visit[the city, not Opus Dei hq]), the use of the Cilce and self flaggelation is documented by groups like ODAN (link below). While no one knows what the caused the downfall of the templars -- the things that Brown accuses them of have been considered possibilities by some SINCE THE TIME THEY WERE ERADICATED. I could go on -- but I don't want to utterly spoil the movie.

    Even if all the things that the ultra religious are trying to debunk were not historically possible or even actually true -- the story overall is <u>supposed</u> to be fiction. Why should fiction about a Church be placed in a different category than fiction about a government, or about a political organization? It shouldn't.

    Go, enjoy the movie. Brown is a so-so author, but the story is compelling because of its nature and the basic societal premises that it calls into question.


    Reynolds Jones

    Schenectady, NY

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I can't say anything about book-movie relations, cause I decided not to read the book before the movie. I can't say this movie is a masterpiece, but still it's worth watching once. Great cast, Tom Hanks, Odry Tatou and an english actor, can't remember his name Yan Mc..? , he impressed me most of all, truly wonderful acting. The music was quite good too, especially in some scenes. For me the plot lacked action, too many dialogs. In general I'd advise you to go to to the cinema , I don't think that there is anything too offensive even for religious people. It's just a theory and fiction movie, consider it from this point.

  • 2 decades ago

    WOW! I totally loved that movie. But if your wife is very religious, i wouldnt take her. It puts a whole new meaning on the word Christianity. It really...umm, goes against it by saying that Jesus was a real and mortal man, and that he was married to the so called "Prositute" Mary Magdelane. And that Mary was really the holy grail...and. **** sorry, i dont mean to blab the whole story.

    Try and see if a friend will go with you instead of your wife. But if you do take your wife, help her realize that it is just a fiction story, its not real, and dont believe it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Thoroughly enjoyed it.

    You should try to get your wife to see it. I went with my father, who was in town visiting and my older sister...we're all's just a movie.

    It angers me that some people think that I could be so feeble minded that I cannot go see a FICTION movie without it swaying my beliefs...


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  • 2 decades ago

    It was a good movie, I didn't read the book, but my girlfriend did and said it was pretty close to the book. I liked it, but then again I like anything that disproves religion. DOGMA was awesome.

  • 2 decades ago

    i havent seen da movie but i have read da buk...and mann...its awesum....if u have free tickets u r lucky...i am not even old enuff 2 c it...tell ur wife it is a fiction story...sumthin made long as her faith is strong...she doesnt have 2 worry abt anythin dat is bein dun or said in a movie or a buk...njoy...

  • 2 decades ago

    It was okay.

    the 2 points I get from this answer are almost as satisfying.

  • 2 decades ago

    a good story. a better one is Can superman beat the x-man? vote at;_ylt=AgqGZ...

  • 2 decades ago

    VERY over hyped!

    Source(s): god nose
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