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Whats the best way to clean the area when your infected with genital Herpes.?

shes trying to keep the area clean but is experianceing a lot of pain whats the easiest way to keep the area clean.


see the thing is its accually my wife and she had gotten it from me i wont go into details but ive been having outbreaks from it since i was 10. it happens whether you guys wanna be ***** about it or not its a simple question and ive tried doing a search on Google and it gave up nothing

Update 2:

Well she is currently seeing her Obgyn about it and her put her on Valtrex, she says it feels better at night but is haveing a real problem trying to get the area cleaned for it hurts somethign firece

19 Answers

  • Alli
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A couple things help me when I am having an outbreak.

    First, the medication. She needs to be taking some kind of anti-viral medication, like Valtrex, acyclovir, or famvir. These are all used on herpes outbreaks. Also, if she is in a lot of pain, she should take an Ibuprofen or two, or maybe even some prescription pain medication, like Vicodin. I was in SO much pain during my first outbreak I was prescribed Vicodin.

    And second, she needs to be as comfortable as she can! No tight fitting pants or underware. PJ pants are the best and soft cotton underware. What helped me too was to take A LOT of bathes! And, this is going to sound stupid, but it works, and my doctor told me to do it - have her blow dry her genital area dry - never wipe dry! Wiping can irritate the area even more and also spread the sores. Blow-drying the area on low heat is best.

    I know how she feels! I was in horrible pain during my first outbreak. I even had to call off of work for two days! Good luck to her!

    Source(s): Personal experience. I have had genital herpes for over 5 years.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Natural Safe Herpes Remedy -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It upsets me that other people think that anyone who gets an std is either a slut or a whore, because that is not always the case. I have genital herpes, and hpv and I was not, nor am I a slut, skank, whore, or any other demeaning name. I got this as a by product of a very vicious rape. There can be any number of reasons somebody gets an std. Now, that said, on to your question. I have found that sometimes, no matter how clean the area is, the itching and burning is just really profound. During an outbreak, she needs to try to keep her other stress down, because stress can cause the body to do a countless number of things, including making herpes last longer and the pain intensified. As for cleaning the area, I find that a warm bath with lavender and chamomile really helps. Not only is it soothing to the skin, but it always puts me into a psychologically calm state. The cheapest thing I have found, no ****, is Johnson's baby bath and turn into a bubble bath in the tub.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): BREAKTHROUGH in Herpes Research
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  • 1 decade ago

    Herpes can be excruciatingly painful. The easiest way is to use a sitz bath with warm water. Be sure to clean out the sitz bath well after each use and use disinfectant to clean the sitz bath. Don't try to scrub or wipe. That will be too painful and might make the lesions bleed. I hope you are under a doctor's care and are taking an antiviral medication. Herpes can't be cured, but it can be treated. The outbreak should heal up after a few days or a couple of weeks at most. Keep your doctor informed on how you are doing.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    How To Clean Herpes Outbreak

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If he hasn't been tested then he can't swear that he is clean. It could be some irritation or a side affect from your treatment, but I think you should go back to the doctor and get tested for herpes to be on the safe side. Many people have the herpes virus with out having many symptoms or break outs of it, your new partner could be carrying the virus with out having break outs.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus. Many of us already have the cold sore virus dormant in our bodies, and never have a flare up of cold sores. We contracted it as children, as it is a very common virus, and children pick it up easily as they often share food and drinks, and may be less concerned about hand washing and hygiene. Cold sores can be transmitted even when the person does not have a cold sore, though it is less likely to happen then.

    remember that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!

    I got diagnosed with herpes type 2 about seven years ago, when I was still in college and had a stupid one-night stand. However, Not only was I able to remove all traces of the herpes virus from my system in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating again!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I tested positive for herpes around 7 years back, when I was in college and had a senseless onenight stand. I am sure many girls say this but trust me I never did that sort of thing. I only made a mistake that one time and, straightaway, it appeared like I was going to have to live with the problem for the rest of my life. The worst part was feeling I could never be intimate with someone I liked again. After all, who wants to be intimate with a lady who has sores around her you-know-what? But after an acquaintance shared this video , everything has changed. Not only was I able to remove all traces of the herpes virus from my body in less than 3 weeks, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met my soul mate and I'm so happy to tell you that just last week, in fornt of everyone in a restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me! This program gave me the chance to be happy again, and to experience true love.

  • 1 decade ago

    some people posted some really harsh answers! I am not sure what to say to keep it clean. I remember when my cousin got herpes and she was in a lot of pain. You should deff not scrub it, wear cotton underwear that will not irritate it like some undergarments, and try lavender and chamomile like a previous person suggested. Good luck and hopefully the outbreak clears up.

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