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? asked in Education & ReferenceHome Schooling · 2 decades ago

High School or Homeschool??

I'm 14 and right now I'm in 8th grade. I'm homeschooled. Next year I have a choice to go to the local high school or I can stay home schooled. When I did go to the public school I got sick every other week and missed a lot of school anyway. But when I wasn't appsent all my teachers and the principals didn't like me and they gave me a hard time. And failed me even though I passed all my tests. But everyone thinks I should go to public school to socialize. When I have more friends now than I ever did in school. I don't know what to do. I'm happy with homeschooling because I learn something and have more me time. But if I don't go to the public school I have to deal with my grandparents complaining that I don't socalize and stuff. What do you think??


A couple people said that I made up excuses for being sick. I always had a doctors note. I'm allergic to maple trees. And every spring and fall I end up with fevers because of it. And I had a 8 year ear infection that just ended last year. And I always made up the school work and passed the school work.

Update 2:

I'm aloud to join the high school teams while being home schooled and I'm in a band with my friends if I went to the public school I wouldn't have time

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are happy being homeschooled-KEEP AT IT!! Don't worry what everyone else thinks, do what YOU want to do. I have just finished my freshman year as a homeschooler, and I enjoyed it, GOT PLENTY OF SOCALIZATION, and had fun while I was at it. If you do not like public school that's OK. Everyone is different. In your case, with your allergies, I vote for homeschool(+ you have friends-do you really want to give them up?) Ask your parents what they think-they CAN be helpful sometimes:)

    Source(s): Have a great year wherever you decide to go. -A happy, well socialized, 15year old homeschooled girl.
  • 2 decades ago

    You should do what makes you happy. If you feel better about homeschooling then definitely homeschool.

    I have issues with the socialiazation argument - when do you get to socialize in public schools? You spend the whole time there being told to sit in your desk, be quiet, work on some assignment, and only speak when spoken to. There are very few teachers that allow any socialization within the classroom. So, socialization is left to between and after classes or during lunch. At those times you have the little groups dividing themselves up. It's very difficult to make new friends (trust me, I know, I changed schools half way through my junior year), and you only learn to socialize in whatever way your particular group socializes. Today's high school students are not exposed to dealing with different generations and are ill-equipped to deal with the social aspects of the real world.

    If you're already homeschooled, then you are probably aware of any homeschool groups in your area. Where I'm at there is an amazing band, orchestra and choir. Most of the kids are late elementary to junior high age, but they sound better than a lot of the high school groups I have listened to. The sports teams are great too, and there are even national competitions for homeschool teams.

  • 2 decades ago

    It sounds like you really would rather stay in homeschool, but you don't like the hassle your grandparents give you about it. It also sounds like socialization ISN'T a problem for you. If you go back to the public school, chances are you'll be really bored, because you're probably ahead of your grade level.

    This is really a choice YOU need to make because only YOU know what you really want. If you enjoy homeschool and having the extra time to do what you want, then keep homeschooling. If you'd rather be in public school, then go there. It really doesn't matter what we think - you're the one who has to live with your decision.

    I've often found writing in a journal helps me sort out my conflicting feelings about issues like this. Somehow, it helps to get everything down on paper. Then I can look at it as if I was a third-party (you know, not involved).

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think if you are happier at homeschooling do it. High school is such a mess kids still harrase and pick on you in high school. It sounds like you have no problems with the socialization factor. It is your choice if you want to be homeschooled than do it. Don't let others pressure you into going back to a public school. I f I could have been homeschooled in High School I would have choose it. I am 31 years old now and I hated that I had to go to a public High School.

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  • Offkey
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    I've read what you said at first plus what you added.

    You're 14 but you don't make too many mistakes and you do seem to be logical in your explanation. So homeschool seems to be working for you.

    What's more, you seem to have friends your age and take part in activities. I really think that you should stay homeschooled. You don't seem to be shy. I'm sure you'll make even more friends once you get invited to parties.

    I read once that one good thing about being homeschooled is that you have more time to do what you like. It seems that it's what you're doing. Why would you change that? If you're going to uni, you'll have plenty of time to meet new people, anyway! You'll probably lose most of the friends you got in high school!

    Someone said that going to high school is good because it gives you responsibility. I think that, when you are used to studying on your own, you are more prepared to go to university because you're used to not have a teacher telling you when to do things.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You have a lot of things to consider. Ask yourself some questions and look at many perspectives.

    Who teaches you when you are homeschooled, and can that person really give you the broad perspective you would get in high school?

    What do you want to do in the future, and which approach would better prepare you for it?

    What kind of high school credits will you get if you continue with homeschooling? Will you be eligible for university entrance or college entrance?

    Not everone is a "social" person and some of us are quite happy on our own or with just a few friends. How do you feel about that?

    Do you think it might be good for you to learn to cope and manage in situations where you are not quite comfortable? Sometimes that is good preparation for the realities of life.

    To comment briefly on a few things you said ... as a retired treacher and principal, I don't think that all the teachers and principals didn't like you. That may be your perception of it, but we all have faulty perceptions sometimes. Nor do I understand how they could fail you if you truly passed all your courses. Sometimes schools have an attendance requirement in order to pass.

    In reality, you are probably partly correct about some things, and incorrect about others, but school, like life in general, is what we make of it. We are each responsible for our own happiness and success. We become stronger people when we face situations that may not be totally in our comfort zone. We also become stronger people when we accept responsibility for our lives and situation, and try to see what we can do to change situations. The only way to change how other people treat us is to change how we treat them and react to them, and then that will change how they react to us. It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. Let go of the past, and move forward in the way that will most ensure for you a happy successful life.

    Good luck with your choice, whichever way you go.

  • 2 decades ago

    well, I think you should do what your heart tell you to do. If you don't you might have regret.

    If it was me I would look at the pros and cons of both homeschooling and public school.

    Basically, I had a choice to stay in the public school or go to a private school. I chose a private school. I had though about the pros of going to the private school such as smaller classes- more attention from the teachers. But I don't really remember thinking about the cons. But now one of the things that I wished my school had was the prom. I think that is the one thing that I missed because I had gone to a private school and not a public.

  • 2 decades ago

    Keep homeschooling. If you are happier at home then stay there. I've been homeschooled since the 5th grade and now I'm in 11th grade and I can tell you it is so much easier. When you get sick you can still catch up and you have a closer relationship with your family. Don't pay attention to what your grandparents say. Stay socialized and you will be fine.

  • 2 decades ago

    The only thing that public school has to offer is sex, drugs, alcohol, rock music, poor classroom behavior, etc. If you have the opportunity to learn at home, do so. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize at your local church (first and foremost), YWCA, YMCA, bowling leagues, 4-H, just to name a few. When my son was home schooled his senior year, we found a local home school group that all got together and had various activities. They even had a basketball team in which my son was able to participate. Some of the Christian schools will allow home schooled students to take specialty classes like art, music, drama, etc., with their regular students. Some will allow home schoolers to be apart of their various sports programs. Maybe you could include your grandparents and show them what you are learning through homeschooling.

  • 2 decades ago

    Do what your heart says, if you happier at homeschooling, then stay at home. You have your whole life ahead of you to make friends, and the ones you make in high school end up moving away and starting family's any way after high school. By the way, you seem to be very mature and smart, like I said above, just listen to your heart and you'll never go wrong.

    Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    me and my lil sis are homeschooled and are going to public school next year we had a choose too and let me tell you it was a hard choice but we finally decided to go to the local schools. I can't really tell you what I think cuz I still have some doubts but I feel fine about going back so my advise is to think about it and which ever you feel more comfortable with than do it. If you want to talk or need some help with it jus contact me.

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