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Who's ready to give up on the war on terrorism?

Just so you know, I'm not. There is a certain level of payback coming to Osama. Iraq was merely a country on the list. It was inevitable. Just like Iran, then Syria, and so on. sounds like most of us are ready to throw the towel in already. I did my time over there, and to finish the job, I would do it again it they would let me.


ok, obviously i'm not going to sit here and make a huge list of countries that support terrorism. they're everywhere. and i'm also not a republican. for all i care both parties can bicker with each other and act like kids, leave me out of it. and it does make more sense to attack countries that support terrorist that we don't have good relations with. it wouldn't be wise to piss off everyone all at once. the point of taking on the smaller forces is simply a show of force to give other countries a chance to clean up their own before we have to take action.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not ready to give up on it either but I would fight it a differ ant way, I would disband the military as we know it, keep the Navy and Air force intact. I would build a purely defensive force and guard our own borders against all alien people, put more into intelligence, I know this is radical and probably not to well received but it is my opinion as to what is wrong. We spend to much on overseas and not enough here. There is a better use for the money.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The real question is... when are we going to start fighting it?

    ... Iran and Iraq had basically nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks... AREN'T THOSE THE TERRORIST WE SHOULD FIGHT?

    Why don't you mention Saudi that had the vast majority of terrorists involved in the attack and funded the vast majority of the attack?

    Or Pakistan, where Osama most likely is...

    Why do you keep talking about the countries that had little to nothing to do with the 9-11 attack, while countries that had heavy provable links (in the 9-11 report) you say nothing about?

    Why is it Republicans don't even know who we are fighting? How can we win a war when our leaders are too ignorant to fight our real enemies?

    I mean there are terrorists everywhere in the world... do you want to go into Asia and fight the anti-Chinese terrorists there, or the anti-government terrorists in many south American countries.. or the anti-Russian terrorists.. or the MANY terrorists the plague Africa?

    Just because a terrorist is middle eastern, it doesn't mean that they attacked us... apparently the current administration and it's supporters can't tell the difference... and believe me, there is one...

  • NO!!! All i have 2 say to people who are against the war is dont you remember how September 11 felt? Maybe you didnt know anyone there, but think about the child whose father worked there, or the people who lost the only person they had. What are we supposed to do? Sit back and let it happen again? NO! Next time you could be affected. That was people's lives that were taken. Yeah i know u are goin to say that we are taking people's lives too, right? Well can i tel you that my cousin Chris fought over there and he said that if only the media would show the good things happening over there, then people might change their opinions. He, like most soldiers there, areproud to be there and they havent forgotten why they are there. They remember how that september day felt!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The problem with the catchy "war on terrorism" tag is that it implies it CAN be won or that the enemy wears uniforms and marches on a battlefield whereas the reality is very different.

    To everyone - whatever your thoughts on the rights or wrongs of war please make sure you don't confuse the politicians ordering a war with the soldiers doing their job and fighting it.

    Peace (hopefully) out

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  • 2 decades ago

    Jafnarf, if Bush the First hadn't drop the ball when he took us to Iraq there would not have been a need for the re-run. It was about american oil profits then and its the same thing now.

  • 2 decades ago

    You see thats the problem, people like you want to continue to go back and do nothing. What you all should have done is gone in and blown the hell out all those who make threats. I do not want to hear that that is not a veasible idea. Bullshit, blow them up, get the hell out, and come home.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    But what about the little guy? The poeple who haven't seen their spouses or their fathers in months and years....what about the taxes....we're paying for this war and we weren't asked in the first place. The US has always been putting our nose in places it doesn't belong.

  • 2 decades ago

    Your right there are always a bunch of wimps that give up early. There have been in every conflict

  • 2 decades ago

    All Democrats...they may not admit to it but believe me when i say that if they were in power they would drop the ball...just like Clinton did...

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