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Lv 5
canary asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 decades ago

Why do insignificant people feel the need to bash Bush?

Get over it. He IS the president. What would happen to the US if Democrats had brains?

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't feel that these people are insignificant. I just think that they lack understanding. We mock that which we do not understand. A lot of Democrats/Liberals don't understand that the world is not always a warm and fuzzy place. It's not a warm and fuzzy place when I have to get up and go to work in the mornings either but there are times when you have to work and there are times when you can play. This is one of those unpleasant times. Sometimes leaders have to make unpopular decisions knowing that what they are doing is what is best for the country in the long run. Why can't we have our instant gratification on this one? Waaah! It's just like payday. You have to work for a while first doing things that nobody likes then you get your reward in the form of a paycheck later. By the way the Fed is having to raise interest rates to cool off the economy so that it doesn't grow out of control raising the risk of inflation. So much for the weak economy. Another thing, If the bashers on here think this war has been soooo bad..... Research the sacrifices that we had to make here at home because of WWII. You think the gas situation is bad now? The habit of making repairs yourself began during WWII. If your whatnot broke during WWII there weren't enough resources for you to go buy a new one because those resources were diverted to the military. And there wasn't anybody to fix your whatnot because they were at war and doing that for the military. People need to quit whining so much about our government and start learning to appreciate what we have.

    Bigfatdumbloser why would you call anyone milking a cow on a farm a stupid redneck? That's the kind of work that has to be done if you want something nutritious. That's the kind of work that has to be done if we all want to eat. Just another Liberal Democrat stereotyping Conservatives and not understanding the way things work in the real world. Thanks for helping me make my point.

  • 2 decades ago

    Here's something I will always remember. A little girl whined to her mother, "I can't learn math because my teacher is STUPID!"

    We can all understand the frustration of this little girl. Growing up can be confusing, scary, and often exasperating.

    Citizens in a democracy can feel just as powerless sometimes. They feel insignificant. They want to vent their anger at the world towards the only recognisable figure they can: the President of the United States.

    Presidents during times of war have always been vilified. Everyone from Abraham Lincoln to Harry Truman (whose popularity dropped to 22%).

    Not all democrats are clueless. Zell Miller and Joseph Lieberman are very intelligent, thoughtful, and well spoken. It just appears the democrats are working without a brain because the press only reports on the "bomb throwers". Michael Moore can always get the headlines, but when Joseph Lieberman visits Iraq and praises the progress made, the press ignores him.

    There are still smart democrats out there. But no one is paying attention to them.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    IF the Republicans had not stolen an election, we would not be in a war,have 2,685 dead, 2 tax cuts to the rich and an 8 TRILLION 400 BILLION National Debt, we wouldn't be disliked by most of the world!

    If Clinton could have run again he would have Kicked Bush's a__!!! Bush, a C- Yale graduate versus a Rhodes Scholar who later graduated from Yale Law School and taught law. NO CONTEST.

    Only Republicans could get the entire world to hate us in 2 short years!! Clinton was well liked!!

    These died TODAY! They would be very much alive if Bush wasn't president!!

    US Private 1st Class Caleb A. Lufkin Walter Reed Medical Ctr. - Baghdad Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack

    US NAME NOT RELEASED YET Baghdad (southern part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack

    US Captain Doug DiCenzo Baghdad (southern part) Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack

    One of them was from My state, who did not vote for Bush!!

    You think we are insignificant? We will see how significant you are the next 2 elections. Then you and Ann Coulter can bash a Democratic president

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, what you need to understand is that the 'insignificant' people are the ones who are being screwed by the Bush Administration.

    And besides, Democrats are not "insignificant". We are the more sophisticated, civilized and classy political party.

    I can totally picture you right now staring at your three horses on your tiny, INSIGNIFICANT farm in the middle of Arkansas. Stupid redneck, go milk a cow.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    why do insignificant people feel the need to bash Clinton?

    Get over him... he ws the president... what would happen if the Republicans had brains? (we probably wouldn't be 8 trillion in debt?)

    Why are Republicans such hypocrites... they bash Clinton for 8 years and then don't expect the other party to do it because "he IS the president"?

    That didn't stop you? You had no respect for the president in the past, so that makes YOU INSIGNIFICANT... by your own standards...

    You guys are clowns... you can't even write a question without insulting yourself...

    pachl@sbcglo.... hahaha... I was about to think you had a brain until you praised Zell Miller... he's clearly insane... hahaha... Zell Miller... that's hillarious... thanks for the laugh...

  • rosi l
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    No one is "insignificant", the bashing I don't understand. There are elections every four years, if you don't like him or whomever is in office, vote for their opponent. He is the President of the United States with his attributes and his faults, if you can't respect the man you should at the very least respect the office of the presidency enough to not diminish it by name calling. Some of the posts on Yahoo Answers seem so bitter and hate filled, at least concerning President Bush. I sincerely hope the individuals behind them aren't as ugly as they seem.

  • ilse72
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    This country allows freedom of speech which means the public is allowed to voice their views on the president...even IF those views aren't the same as yours. I don't think people "feel the need to bash Bush" they are just exercising their freedom of speech.

    I'm curious, what makes a person insignificant? You are just as insignificant as everyone else so why is your view more important than someone else's view? And, why do you take someone else's view so personally? People's views don't bother me because I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don't have to agree with their opinion but I am always courteous enough to listen to it and to realize that I don't have to agree with it. Our differences and our different points of view are what makes life interesting. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

    Source(s): * Experience and Life.
  • Stuart
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Surprisingly, it's not just the insignificant who think George Bush is an incompetent moron.

    It turns out that 71% of all Americans think he's an idiot. You can check that fact by taking a look at the latest Gallop poll, wherein 29% of the American people think Bush is doing a good job. (That means - and I'm writing slowly so you'll get this - that 71% DO NOT think he's doing a good job.)

    You can continue defending him. We all know that the Emperor isn't wearing anything at all.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Are you claiming that the vast majority of the people who are against Bush, are insignificant. I would say his remaining small band of followers are insignificant. Being President, doesn't make him smart or honest. He is a dunce and nothing can cancel that out.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have little use for George Bush, didn't vote for him and disagree with many if not most of his policies.

    But my disagreement is expressed in rational debate on the basis of facts.

    What I see here and in most public forums is merely adolescent nonsense put forth by people who lack either the education or intelligence to make a rational argument.

    Mostly, I suspect, they are simply children, angry at not having a date, worried about their complexion, or otherwise demonstrating the typical emotional problems of teenagers and young people everywhere.

    Bashing Bush makes them feel important when, in fact, they are simply impotent or, as you say, "insignificant."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why ought to we the yank human beings bash Mr. Blair, while he have being our allied in the combat against terrorism. If there have been any bashing that's going to likely be against you and the persons that think of such as you, that are against the unfastened worldwide and professional terrorism,, why, nicely by using fact we are in conflict and all you do is bash our component, our way of struggling with the conflict. Bashing you asked,, who's?? Be extra civilized.

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