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I need topics for children's stories that I want to write. Can anyone Help me?

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not giving in to peer pressure is a good thing to write about, especially in this day and age.

    The importance of walking one's own path - whether that is resisting labels (being different is cool!) to doing the right thing, which might not be what everyone else is doing

    The importance of honesty

    Good manners works a charm

    The importance of hygiene! (Teeth brushing in particular - you could have someone who gets toothache because they don't brush their teeth or someone who gets tummy ache because they don't wash their hands before eating)

    Why it's good to be a bookworm!

    Something about children who won't go to bed - why it's good to go to bed at night to sleep!

    The importance of eating a balanced diet - especially important nowadays.

    This list could go on and on.

    If the 'stars' of these books were cute animals, so much the better!

  • 2 decades ago

    How about-

    1. The Mad Scientist

    2. Tutenkhamen

    3. The Phoenix

    4. Captain Planet's Teachings

  • 2 decades ago

    I recomend writing a sotry that will teach a valuable lesson or something that will encourage them. Maybe yyou could write a story about a young girl who found a lost puppy and wanted to keep it but decided to do the right thing and put signs up saying "Found dog" . That would teach them the lesson of doing the right thing, even if you may not want to do it.

  • 2 decades ago

    How about a gang of children losing their way to home and finding themselves in a very different culture with a different tradition and trying to adapt? It sounds so ordinary but the details you add may create a cult!.. Good Luck ;)

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    well jennie, kids love pretty much everything that has to do with fantasy. like for example beauty and the beast or sleeping beauty. it also depends on what age brackett your looking at. id definately go over 6. probably 8-12. which is in the 3 to 5th graders. probably go along the lines of fantasy or possibly mystery. nothing middle schoolers or high schoolers would be interested in because its just not the same for them.

  • 2 decades ago

    Children come in different sizes and one story doesn't fit all. For the very young child, nonsense rhymes are fun, as are very simple stories about things that exist in their world. Talking sunbeams are great for the pre-kindergarten crowd. As a child grows and his/her universe expands, you can widen the range. This is where early forms of fiction begin, to help the child develop an imagination. It's the first stage of looking beyond the box. Once kids start school, the range increases again and stories can be set in different or unusual locations.

    Once children reach the 10+ age, you can begin to introduce conflicts and moral preceptes. You have to be sneaky, of course, and introduce it in an engaging way. Think about Harry Potter for a minute. Rowling took her readers through wonderful flights of imagination, but the good guys always stood for virtuous things, like loyalty, friendship, compassion, and helping the underdog. She did it in a world of fantasy, which really appeals to children because the world we have created isn't always inviting for a child. We have too many rules, too many 'have to' and 'can't do' aspects to everyday life. But Harry Potter shows kids that they can learn to fly if they want to, and kids need all the encouragement they can get.

    Once you hit what is euphemistically referred to as the 'young adult' area, they like to focus in on people who are very much like themselves, in situations that relate to conundrums in which they find themselves. They are interested in romance, in passion, and in their peers.

    Sorry to be so lengthy in the answer, but children are so different at the different stages in their lives. If you really what to know what a group of kids is interested in, listen to them. Hang out in the park, at the skate rink, or wherever kids gather, and simply listen to what they are talking about, and base your story on that.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    an adventure. a young boy or girl is unhappy where they are so they embark on a journey to find what they were missing.only to find that the only thing they were missing was the ability to see how nice things were at home.

  • 2 decades ago

    ask a child form k-2 what would they like to have in a story.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    have talking animals and have a moral to the story.

  • 2 decades ago

    How about virtures. Like patience, kindness, tact, etc.

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