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A Marriage Amendment is the stupidest thing I've head of yet. Doesn't the Pres. have bigger problems now?

War in Iraq, nukes in Iran, nukes in N. Korea, the frederal deficit, the lack of job, immigration, education, health care crisis . . . and he's worried about GAY PEOPLE GETTIN MARRIED??!!


If marriage is only to have children, why do old people and infertile people still get married??

11 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's an election year, relax, it won't pass. The repugs just want to make sure they get the bigots to the polls so they're jerking on their hate-strings a bit.

    Even if the Senate approves, I don't think 38 states will ratify it. It's a very large step backwards for human rights and civil liberties.

  • 2 decades ago

    He has to use his position of leadership to try to save his party because all indications point to the democrats gaining control of the gov't in Nov.

    And the edge that republicans got in the last 2 elections was using social issues that cater to the party extremists and give them a reason to vote. Many of these extremists would stay home and not vote at all because even a guy like Bush is too liberal for them. So republicans especially frequently use this ruse to lure out an important electorate to the ballots -- whether or not the promise being made is even within any control of the politician making it.

    So by calling for this amendment now (timed perfectly for Nov. elections), republicans are seeking to keep this segment of the electorate on their side, knowing that they have likely lost many others.

  • 2 decades ago

    It's a red herring to distract from the bigger issues.

  • Gladys
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Angry people never get satisfied. "but there are many things like this in our marriage and it seems to be a huge issue to him.." If you do what he wants, what will be next?? So as far as I can understand is not you. Do what he wants with the clean and packing, still he will have lots of other things that make him angry..The inner reasons are with him... I`m a last minute person also...that`s never been a good reason to get angry, my husband knows it and he`s ok with that..but he laughs and enjoys life, he has more motives to be happy than angry or unsatisfied---I`m sure your husband too but it`s his choice,,,that`s a problem that comes from inside out..

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You have to remember that the President does not, on his own, come up with all this stuff. That's what his Cabinet and advisors are for. Then there are the special interest groups who are able to get his attention. They are the ones who come up with various ideas then convince him to back them or not. That's where politics comes into play.

    This particular president and his cohorts, all very conservative, are of the belief that morality needs to be legislated. That is, THEIR idea of morality. YOUR idea of morality is irrelevant if it disagrees with theirs.

  • sassyk
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    This is a promise he made to the right wing Christian Coalition in return for votes. Gotta keep his promises. Wouldn't want him to be a flip flopper.

    Truthfully, I don't think he cares. He is a moron.

  • dam
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    It's about time somebody stood up for a few morals around here. My complaint is why has it taken so long for this issue to be addressed?

  • 2 decades ago

    LOL, well I guess it's a place to start!

    I mean, we need morals in this lost world

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    What can I say...the man's an idiot.

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree he has much more important issues to focus on, but what can you expect from an incompetent Republican?

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