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Sex on the first date.....?

Why is it that women who have sex on the first date are considered to be whores, but yet, the guy isn't? Since the guy is ALSO having sex on the first date, doesn't that make him a "man-whore"? I hate it when women are tagged like that, but the guy isn't!


Ana: does it MATTER whether I'm a girl or a boy? And if it does, why?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    hey.. I'm a man and i also agree... its a double standard.. but i don't consider girls to be whores or slutty even if they have sex on the first date... it all depends on the mood and timing... if sex happens.. then sex happens... nothing more or less... I've had sex with a few girls on our first date and never thought they were whores. ... the guys should be the ones called the man-whores... lol considering most men would sleep with anything that can fog-up a mirror.

    Virgo - that still sounded sexist... it shouldnt be a double standard...

  • 2 decades ago

    Is it fair? No, absolutely not, however, cultural norms in most cultures expect women to exhibit chastity as a virtue. While it is not fair, the view of male and female sexuality has evolved a lot from where it once was. If the trend continues at some point the moral standard may be equally applied to men and women. This won't be for a long time to come. Unfortunately for now you are stuck choosing to wait a little longer before having sex or assuming the labels that others will give you. Either way, at least you have a choice.

  • 2 decades ago

    It really doesn't matter what other people think. If you have sex on the first date do you feel inside that you have been a bit of a whore? I know lots of girls who enjoy casual sex with hot guys... they're not whores because they are responsible, they use condoms and they're descreet about it. Having sex with lots of people, without using protection, in horrible places and with people you don't even know is what a whore is. Men can be whores to. But they are mainly considered knob heads.

  • 2 decades ago

    Although the double standard is still alive and well, it's not as strong as it once was. Both males and females get labelled when they have sex on the first date. Perhaps males tend to brag about it more, but you can't tell me that girls don't exchange the same kind of "conquest" stories as the boys.

    There are people who think sex is dirty and evil, and there are people who think it is natural. If you have sex and tell people, some will react positively and some negatively. That's just the way it works. It's your own decision, but you must make it knowing that people will judge you, male or female.

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  • 2 decades ago

    i'm a guy and i believe that anyone who has sex Male or female are whores the guy should be labled as one also cuz why do it on the first date wait till you get married

    and i hate it when women get blamed too cuz the guys are at fault too so all the man whores out there you do not have my respect

  • 2 decades ago

    I think if more women put out on the first date, then it would become more socially acceptable & the women who did would less likely be called whores. Just a theory...

  • Jan
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    totally agree with you!

    i presume that you mean if both the guy and girl have only just met and they sleep together without getting to know eachother first?

    the way i see it is, everybody has their free will to do as they please. why should anyone be labelled for a choice they decide to make? it is nobody's business and people will always talk, i say let them!

    but, you do have to be careful, especially women. it's a sad state of affairs that in the 21st century we still have these double standards where sex is concerned!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    In my adolescent years I would get a kick out of the way my friends and I guess ,myself would ask a girl out, and the first night we would tell them anything and do anything just to get in their pants, and if we got so lucky, the next morning when she called to continue the relationship, because she believed what we said, we thought they were easy and cheap, but we were the whores, they were just taking us for our words. I think it's better to just be honest and let her know that "If you want to have sex with me on the 1st date you had better respect me in the morning!

  • 2 decades ago

    unfortunately, this double standard persists (and probably will persist forever) from our long evolutionary history. remember that the main purpose of sex in all species is procreation....

    it is to the female's genetic advantage to select a mate with good genes (strong, healthy, attractive, successful, able to control large territories/lots of resources), then make babies with him and keep the babies alive via nourishment, protection, and teaching. this is how she keeps her genes in the gene pool.

    if the female veers from this, either by mating with a male of poor quality, or by leaving/killing the young to mate with other males, she fails. her genes do not survive. she is not a successful animal. in humans, we tend to judge a male's quality over a period of time, not right away. if she has sex right away, she is risking her offspring having bad genes, or a bad father in general.

    males, on the other hand, play no role in gestation and feeding the young. actually, if they stick around, they usually just make more work for the females (more babies, as well as food requirements... males historically always got the best food, females and young got the leftovers). the males' job is to secure the largest territory and mate with all the females in it, early and often. he has basically an unlimited sperm supply, so there is very little time or energy wasted in mating with females of poor quality. in short, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by having sex with anything that moves.

    so women are expected to exercise prudence and judgment. if she doesn't, people think of her negatively, ie your word choice "whore." we seem to be hard-wired to think like that.

    in your question you seem to imply that men are not labelled negatively at all. i don't believe this is true. i think his peers probably think of him as some kind of hero, and the guy in question is probably pretty proud of himself. but women as well as more mature men do not glamourize male sexual promiscuity. they understand that in this day and age, women and men need each other, and any children that are produced from the relationship benefit from the financial and social stability of having two parents present.

    in a social context, a guy is more likely to be the one to brag about it later, and in doing so give others the impression that the girl is easy (whether he intends to or not). the girl is more likely to be discreet. while discretion is admirable, people view secrets as scandal. so if words gets out at all, it's like two strikes against the girl and zero against the guy. it's a shame, but then again... sex is really out of place when love and commitment are absent.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    nooo a whore or woman is one that sleeps around with anything and everyone..If either are just in it to have sex an leave then ya whores.. sometimes there is such a thing as love at first sight..and i agree our world has 2 sets of rules.. men are pigs...and woman are biotches..such is life in a nutshell ...LOL

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