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bad in laws? or just my bad luck?

ok this is kind of long to explain. ill make it as short as i can. i been married for 8 yrs. and we where financially bad. and had to live with his parents and grandparents for 8 yrs. have a 6yr. old son. well all this time his mother and family had always been on my case and judging me for everything. sometimes i feel they do things for purpose just to make us argue. they are very catholic. im not, im christian. i was raised beign a christian. and since day one from the start , i noticed they never liked me. they been doing my life miserable . but i know his mom brain washes him alot. and last year i got in to a deep depression. well things just got worst to the point of separation. now we got back together to be happier. and now we decided to move out of state for our own good and our sons good. but it seems they are starting war on us. i think they are not happy with the i dea of us leaving. he is a big mamas boy. and im surprised he decided to move. i dont what to do with them.?


also she is putting all the help. like money wise on his face to make him feel like he cant doit. its a routine of hers. im just scared, im so sorry to say but they are beign very selfish.

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pack it up and move it out sista!!!! I know how you feel. My in-laws are CRAZY! I never had to live with them and we live over and hour away, my monster-in-law still finds ways to butt in and cause problems..look for my question in this same category tell me your opinion please....If we were able to move farther away I would gladly go. I send you lotsa brownie points also for living with them for 8 looooooooong years, that my friend takes a STRONG woman! (married to mammas boy here too) I feel your pain and I wish you all the best of luck. <hugs> Hang in there. If you really love him hold onto him, Dont let the inlaws break you apart.

  • 2 decades ago

    It sounds like a common problem. I know many married people whi feel the same way about their in-laws. I my-self have never been married, so take this response with a pinch of salt. In most cases I've seen and heard of, the man eventually comes around. It may take a big life event-like a separation, or it may be something small-like he didn't like what his mum said about a dress he bought for his wife. Regardless, the fact that he has recognised it is problem and wants to move out means that he will be more open to constructive crticism about his family. But remember, it is HIS FAMILY you are talking about and he bound to feel protective towards them. Just as you would towards yours. Don't do anything drastic just yet. Once you have settled down in your new place and have developed some physical and emotional distance between you and your in-laws, reassess the situation. They may start to behave in a different way towards you. It might be genuine or it might be so that they can spend more time with their son and grand-son, either way so long as they are nice to you just go with the flow. If things don;t improve then talk to your husband about it. If he loves and understands you he might be able to help. Good luck.

  • 2 decades ago

    He has a lot of growing up to do still, and doesn't make it easier if you all had to move home because you couldn't handle adult life (not that I am saying this to accuse you of anything I am saying this as this could be how his mom is taking it). Nip whatever this is in the butt now with the family (and seek your place in it) and with him, so you know what to expect. Cause i tell ya he may not blame you now (if he already isn't), but if you move away and your still having problems financially, and the stress kicks in, this part will come into play.

    And very well could be that by you approaching the family (mom) about how you interupt things by them and how they treat you, could be your shining momentas, then she can see what kind of a strong women you are and how worthy he should be to have you to love and how grateful she should be that he has a women to love and not a girl. Good luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    Leave. Dont look back and never ask them for anything else, 8 yrs. of housing is enough. But remember if he is a real Mamas Boy, she may try to make him feel like he cannot succeed without her help.(Some Moms do that, its about control) Dont take it. He has a chance to leave and be a man for his family. He is a husband and father. He is also a son, he should send a card on Mothers Day. Good luck honey.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You need to let your husband know how you are feeling. You have been together 8 years. It is time for the two of you to be together as a family with your son and not living with his family. Living with family members is hard for everyone and it is very stressful. His family should support you and him for moving out on your own as a family. Don't let his family start any more arguments between you and your husband. Good Luck!!

  • shae
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    It's hard to say since the explanation is one-sided. Sounds like you have been through alot. If you have moved out of state that should stop most of the day to day arguments unless your husband or you continue to speak to them. I'm sure your husband decided moving was the best thing to make your relationship work. If you don't need to communicate with them don't but do remain civilized when you do. Your husband is the one who can ultimately make a change with his family in the meantime just remain positive and supportive. I think you made it through the worst part and it's bound to get better.

  • 2 decades ago

    You're moving!!!!!! That is the first step. Americans are not meant for extended family living. Be happy your husband is willing to make that step and just go from there. Forgive the past stresses and don't worry about them. Of course it is going to be difficult for your in-laws to adjust from seeing/living with their son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren every day to seeing them only a few times a year if they are lucky, but lots of extended families live that way. They cannot affect your nuclear family if you don't let them. As long as your husband is strong in his resolve to move and doesn't harbor any feelings of guilt, all should be fine. Your in-laws are adults and will figure it out. It's time for them to retire from parenting and find things they enjoy.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sounds like you and your husband are doing the right thing by putting some distance between yourselves and the in-laws. Help your husband stand firm with the decision to move. Encourage him, keep letting him know that he made the right decision. Would your mother-in-law listen to you if you spoke with her in private? For instance, if you told her that it's time for you all to move on, and that you appreciate all the help they've given you over the years, that you need to be your own now, and that they will still be in your life? Maybe it won't do any good but at least you tried!

  • 2 decades ago

    obviously they don't hate you, they took you into their home for 8 years, which by the way is no fun for anyone. Unfortunately, since you are on the recieving end of their good graces, you have to suck it up. But, you need to move. I don't think it needs to be out of state, I mean, they should still be able to see their grandson, etc... I really think that if you just get your own place, everyone will calm the heck down. Try that first. The rest will fall into place

  • 2 decades ago

    Find A Differant Place To Live.

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