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Is it cheaper to replace the thermostat and pump at same time vs. separately?

And If so, do auto shops charge you (itemize) seperately to get more money from you, when both need to be replaced and they find the t-stat ok then say to swap out the pump cuz it's bad?

3 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a tough question, and a lot depends on the shop doing the repair(s). Also, on virtually every vehicle, this is 2 separate jobs. If the shop simply charges by-the-hour, the coolant is already drained to do one part of the job (say the water pump), so it will save time changing the thermostat. If the shop is a "flat-rate" shop, they will charge you the time the labor guide shows for EACH part of the job. The catch is, the shop that charges by-the-hour may estimate more time than the "Flat-rate" shop, so you could pay more in the long run. The best bet is to get estimates from several shops. It's very confusing, but I hope this helps you understand a bit better!

    Source(s): ASE Master Technician
  • Boom
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    t-stat is so cheap you should have it done at the same time if you have any doubts about it at all, the whole deal should run about $100 with parts.

  • 2 decades ago

    in all reallity you should replace both at the same time ...

    Source(s): 15 yrs. in auto maintance
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