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What would you do if...? (Don't answer this unless your a true christian.)?

... you were put at gunpoint and the only way to get out of it was to deny God. So you would have to say that you don't believe in God. Even though you do. And if you didn't he would shoot you right there. What would you do? Would you deny him so you can live or would you die for your beliefs?


I have no doubt I would die for him. To deny him would be lying, which is a sin.

Update 2:

I'm a christian.

Update 3:

A christian is someone who believes in God. It's not a religion.

41 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would be shot on the spot without hesitation.

    "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

    For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Phil 1:20-21

  • Rich
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Pride is a sin. Am I answering the question because my pride will be hurt if I deny God then I will think less of myself and ego I'm not a perfect christian. I don't think God would be petty enough to want me take a bullet in my head if some nut knows what I believe in. Its not what others think its what I think and know in my heart. Do I have a right to deny my children a father over an issue of pride and being a tough guy. I dont think those motives would be pure and God would see through false motive anyway.

    Whats a true Christain anyway? Is there a council somwhere who decides or does God have that Job?

  • 2 decades ago

    there is no way I would deny Christ. I love him too much AND when it finally is my time to die I wouldnt go to heaven lol Id rather die quick and spend eternity with Him than live a long life and perish in hell. Plus He watched over and protects me, if its not my time then He wont let me die. I can get shot but not die, the gun may malfunction or the police may come. I have faith God will take care of my needs as He has been doing :)

    PS- people other than Christians beleive in God too ;) and I mean Jesus, other people that are not Cristians accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior so next time leave that out :)

  • 2 decades ago

    That is a very good question. I think that all Christians would say that they would take the bullet.

    However, you don't really know until you are faced with things even less important than your life. Have you ever not spoken up for your beliefs when you should have because you were afraid of what people would say or that they would laugh and mock you?

    It takes a get deal of spiritual maturity to withstand a lot of temptations. And when we realize this then we can ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us to always live humbly before the Lord. Always remember we are not strong by ourselves.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I would die in my beliefs and die as a marter or however you i would rather die as believing in god then denying god and you could still die if you did at gunpoint because a real person that wanted to kill with a gun wouldnt really care if you would deny or blieve in god and still would of kill my opinion i would die in believe because i wouldnt want to die as a denier and i dont think that would be good now would it?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am a Christian and I would die for love of Jesus Christ because I know He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If I were to deny Him, I would have no life in me anyway that would be worth anything!!! He is my very being.

  • 2 decades ago

    First off I have heard this often and everytime I hear this it's always some atheist, which I resent. Most atheists (including the radicals) will at worst get into screaming shouts, there are very few (and I cannot think of one occasion where an atheist has snapped like in the above situation, although that doesn't mean it's never happened) atheists who are like that. But have you ever thought that if you said God didn't exist then spent the rest of your life preaching or something along those lines you'd be forgiven? I mean Job at one point declared God didn't exist or was evil or something like that, but he repented afterword and was rewarded.

  • 2 decades ago

    Of course most Christians would say they would die rather than deny God. However, Peter (the apostle) said the same thing, and look at what he did. You don't really know what you would do unless you're in that situation.

  • Marty
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Knowing human nature and the strong urge to protect self, I hope that I would be faithful enough to die for my beliefs. If I would make the compromise, it would show that I didn't really believe.

    I wish that I could be sure of what I would do, but I don't want to be like Peter who was too sure of himself and denied his Lord. If the situation arises, God will give me strength to be firm in my belief.

    There are millions who have already made this decision; the most notable was Jesus.

  • 2 decades ago

    Oh, I'd rather die for what I believed and be rewarded in heaven for being a martyr for the faith. The Bible teaches that "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I'd rather be in His presence for eternity that to ever deny Him.

    Yes, I'd leave behind a family with small children, but they would know that their father died for what he believed in and never waivered. Who knows how much that would positively affect them for the cause of Christ. Who knows how God would use that event to insprie others.

    The story goes that a certain Christian was to be executed for his beliefs by beheading. Before his death the man witnessed to his executors and guards. When he was done he bowed his head waiting the death blow. But before he died one of his captors knelt beside him to accept the same fate for their faith.

    To me, that's what real men are made of.


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I Would Die For What I Believe!

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