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Lv 7
Alli asked in HealthOther - Health · 2 decades ago

My 2 year old ear piercings never healed right, what can I do?

I got two piercings in my upper ear cartilage about two years ago and they have never healed right. They aren't too painful, but everyday it seems like I have to clean them, because there is usually some yellow crusty stuff and sometimes even a little dried blood. It's hard for me to sleep on them and when I do, they hurt even more.

How can I get them to heal? Any tips or tricks? Thanks!


I've had my cartilage pierced over 6 times and they have never healed right, and I have my belly button done (7 years now haha) thanks for the idea though!

I have 9 piercings total.

5 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep them clean, try not to play with them. Make sure the jewelry you have is genuine gold or surgical stainless steel. Soak it in sea salt water at night or when you can. Hint...Epsom salt, bactine and peroxide ARE NOT good. If things get worse, talk to a piercer and I'm sure they can help you out.

    Also find jewelry that's comfortable in them. CBRs/rings might be easier to use than post earrings(bad idea) or barbells(curved or straight)

    Source(s): 23 piercings...I've encountered ALL problems.
  • nimo22
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    This just doesn't sound right. You should take them out and let them heal and maybe you can try again later. Mine is pierced and it hurt for the first few months, but then healed and didn't get crusty or anything. However I had my belly button pierced and it woudln't heal right to I eventually took out the piercing and let it heal and will try again later. The same thing just happened to my friend, she had to take out her belly button ring. Sometimes your body rejects piercings as they are foreign objects, I think some parts of the body are more likely to reject piercings for some people. Cartilage piercings take a long time to close over, so even if you take out your earrings, the holes might stay.

    Oh, and what type of posts are you using? It's possible you are having an allergic reaction. If you think that's the case it might be best to switch to sterling silver or solid gold posted earrings.

  • star
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Ewww...I would just take them out, that's what I did! The cartilage area never seems to heal right, so I wouldn't even mess with it...the more simple (looking) the better, anyways!!! Go get your belly button pierced, that heals mine done 11 years ago and it's still good!!!

  • canary
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    it's definiteyl time for you to see a dermatologist! an antibiotic like cephalexin might help

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  • 2 decades ago

    Pleaseeeee mam check a doctor. please

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