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What do you think about Rihanna and her new song "Unfaithful"? Can you believe her?

I swair she is bragging about trashy can you get?? Gees, girls these days like her have no class and have no idea what it means to be a real woman.

She is a disgrace to women.


the video is awful

the other day was the first time I ever saw it, and I was in shock

it was just awful

Update 2:

why is that cexisnowbunny?

Update 3:

no, the song is only realistic for losers who are coldhearted and heartless, I would never do such a thing!! I will never buy any of her stuff. I don't support cheaters and those who brag about it.

Update 4:

also, deerwoman, I heard the words, and it was enough to make me sick. ewwww.

Update 5:

to JoeJoe: sorry, but shaking butt comes nowhere near someone cheating on their boyfriend day after day, bragging about it, and worst of all, he knows, and she is just whining about it in her little song. She probably wrote this song from experience. I wouldn't doubt it. Disgrace to women everywhere, ewww.

Update 6:

to trueblue:

dear, no one cares about a woman feeling bad, especially when she keeps on doing it, and besides, she knew it was wrong from the beginning. I have no pity for women or men like that. Noone cares that she feels bad. Just think how that guy must feel in the video. the end.

Update 7:

to amablebebe:

it is gross, that is why I brought it up. It is not something to brag about, yet this song is all about it, so that is what she is doing. Certain people like you say don't be so hard on her, well, she shouldn't have opened the door, and then sang a song about something horrible, like she is promoting it or w/e.

I don't know why it is that people try to take up for cheaters, and it figures that she actually did something like this. ewww.

Rihanna sux.

Update 8:

to amablebebe:

In the video her boyfriend DOES know she is cheating...what are you talking about????

Of course he knows...that is what the song is about..

do you even have a clue what you are talking about or what?

Update 9:


yes HE DOES know.

who cares what his face says, that is because he is covering it up...what are you talking about?? she didn't make 2 different songs..the only Unfaithful song song she has is the one where he knows all about it...just because the video "LOOKS" like he "might" not know from your little perspective, doesn't mean that your perspective is right. Get real YOU CANNOT be serious!!!!

Are you ACTUALLY saying that even though the song clearly states that he knows all about it ...but since it doesn't look "like he knows" in the video..that in reality..he doesn't know at all?

No, I know there is no way you believe that..unless you are like 10 or something.

Update 10:


Excuse me? Did you actually just write that I am a disgrace to women?? Hahahahahahahaahhaha..

Didn't you write in your other question about how you can totally relate to that song because you are a cheater just like that nasty Rihanna who is bragging about cheating?

And you say that I am a disgrace to women, when you just admitted that you were basically doing the same thing she did and is now trying to get famous for??

Get over it. Wake up to the real world and realize that that kind of stuff is not normal, and it is not OK to feel sorry for the cheater. ughhh, get real.

Cheaters are gross, and for a cheater to call someone like me (who knows better and would never do something like that to another human being) a disgrace is just ridiculous.

Thnx, but the only disgrace is Rihanna, her promotion of cheating to today's youth, and people like you and amablebebe who take up for the cheaters and try to make them look good and respectable.


14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    i pretty much would have to agree

    fo sho

  • 2 decades ago

    I dont think that anything is wrong with the song. Rihanna is just saying her feelings. It have tons ofworst songs with women degradging themselves by shaking their butt in a camera so all of you need to back off of Rihanna

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    YOUR a disgrace to other women. She is singing about a real feeling, and a things that other women are going through whether you would like to believe it or not. What about all those rap songs that talk about hoes and bitches, why dont you waste your time trying to stop that? Because i think its about time you wake up and realize that women are allowed to express their feelings and oppinions too, even if they dont agree with yours...... eeeeewwwww!!!

    Source(s): real life baby
  • 2 decades ago

    I agree I mean I like rihanna, but she didnt have to go there. She should have kept on singin the fun party songs. Becuz that song is stupid if she knows he knows she's cheatin why is she still cheaten??

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  • 2 decades ago

    really i like the song,though cheating isn't something i would do,the song is very realistic,i think she is very pretty and love her voice,dint be so hard on her,she has other songs too,also,if you really listen to the words,they are saying that she knows that her actions are killing her husband,whoever?/ and that she doesn't want to do that anymore.its just a song.

  • 2 decades ago

    I liked the song, thats all it is also is just a song , its another trick to sell her music .

  • 2 decades ago

    ok if you have listened to the lyrics she is saying that she feels bad about it here are some of the lyrics to prove my point

    I don't wanna do this anymore

    I don't wanna be the reason why

    Everytime I walk out the door

    I see him die a little more inside

    I don't wanna hurt him anymore

    I don't wanna take away his life

    I don't wanna be...

    A murderer

  • 2 decades ago

    The song is good but whats its about isn't

  • 2 decades ago

    i think its a funny song cause i mean why doesnt she just break up with her bf is she likes the other guy better hahahaha

  • 2 decades ago


  • 2 decades ago

    Get over it and stop bothering me.

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