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What kind of fabric and color is suitable to cover a lampshade?

I have some blank lampshade covers (wire frames and plastic). I tried to cover with some fabric to match curtains and wallpaper but I found the lighting too dark. Need it to be bright. What is suitable fabric that could be white and bright, but easy to clean and won't age easily over the years. Is it linen or muslin? What about plain cotton or lace?

3 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends On the Mood You're trying to create. General Lighting...You can use just about anything.Use your Imagination. If It's task lighting,go with a light color as you will need more light. For Task lighting I would use an Ivory color or even white fabric or clear or colored beads,get creative. I would use bleached muslin.

    Source(s): personal experience.Diy .com
  • 4 years ago

    u have dark pores and skin tone so gentle colorings fits u like purple, white, blue ,purple , or rainbow colour tops & plus stay faraway from dark tops that fits ur pores and skin , continually purchase branded cloths

  • 2 decades ago

    human skin has always been my favorite

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