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Have you been saved by the Grace of God, through Faith?

If so, Whats your Testimony?

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I am, praise the Lord. I am now 23 years old, and was led to a Bible Believing Baptist church at age 14. After a childhood of foster homes...abuse, sexual and physical by family members, I was asked to ride the bus by a close friend. I was so lost and down by what was going on around me, I had nowhere else to turn...I kept going and about 3 months later, I was saved by the Blood of my Jesus Christ. I also met my hubby there. We have been married for 4 years, adn I am incredibly blessed to have such a good Christian man, and three wonderful kids.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I thought I could not live without beer. I absolutely loved the taste of beer. I had to have at least a case of beer every weekend, not counting what I drank through the week. I tried to quit on my own for years. I hated that I was hooked.

    My wife talked me into going to a revival one Sunday morning about 5 years ago. God's Spirit moved in my heart. I gave my life to Jesus that day totally. I gave completely and honestly.

    I came home, took what beer was left in the fridge and threw them in the trash.

    I have never had a craving, nor the desire for a beer since that day. Praise God I'm free. I now enjoy life more abundantly than ever before. I get a better high in church than I ever did with beer.

    Source(s): I testify that this is true.
  • 2 decades ago

    I honesty have too much to tell...I do have one story I'd like to share though...There was this one time I was feeling down and out...My best friend of 5 yrs was going through some things too. One night the 2 of us decided to go out and get drunk..We were just sitting in the park and venting to each other...We both decided that there was no need to go we proceeded to write suicide letters to our family...We then drove to this apartment complex and parked wayyyyy in the back where noone one could see us...We stuffed the exhaust pipe with a t shirt that I had in my trunk and kept the car running with the heat on...We were both drunk and passed out. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the window..It was this weird looking man, standing there, with the t shirt in his hand...he was like, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? THERE'S NOTHING THAT BAD IN LIFE THAT SHOULD MAKE YOU WANT TO KILL YOURSELF!!!" He appeared to be a homeless man, in whom I felt God sent him there that night...For if he had not come along my friend and I would both be dead right now...I asked for a sign before I did what I did and I always felt like that was a sign...The homeless man coming and knocking on the window to wake us up....

    "Just when the catipillar thought it was over, he blossomed into a beautiful butterfly"

  • 2 decades ago

    I think of my salvation as an ongoing process, something in which I should never boast, for it is not of my own work, but of Grace and Grace alone. Faith is my acceptance of this Grace, and I live in compliance with it by prayer, study and doing good works in fulfillment of the commands of Christ.

    I was raised Catholic, had questions and became emotionally and practically distant from the Catholic Church. I explored "Bible Believing" churches (in quotes because all Christians believe in Scripture; some just define themselves specifically thus), mainstream Protestant churches. I joined Bible Studies and spent hours in conversation with fellow Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus. Eventually, I let my heart open enough to hear Christ, and He led me home to the Catholic Church. He appeared in my dreams, and I saw visions on Him in the Eucharist while I was at Mass.

    I found a Catholic community that spoke deeply to me and with whom I could associate as a young, single adult. This community has been edifying to me in building my relationship with Christ, in working to resolve differences with other Christians on matters of eschatology and apologetics, and in working to find and live my calling.

    Probably not exactly what you were looking for, but I testify in the truth.

    Procedae en Pace im Nomine Christi

    (May you walk in the Peace of Christ)

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  • 2 decades ago

    Yes I was saved in the early 50's, I'm now 71

    & I praise Him for having mercy on me & giving

    me the precious gift of "eternal life ". We all have our ups & downs,but Jesus helps us go through it all by our faith in Him. We'll go through trials & testings, but He's always there.

    He's waiting for anyone to come to Him,repent of your sins & ask Him to be your Savior. I love Him because He gave His life for me & who-so

    ever will come to Him. I could never say enough

    in my testimony for what He's done in my life.

    Its the best life to live no matter what!

    God Bless you........

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes I have. It was the birth of my son that brought me back to My Father in Heaven. As I held my Son in my arms for the 1st time I couldn't believe that God had granted me this precious gift and intrusted him to my care. Wow!! What faith God must have in Me to believe that I can raise this little one. I recommitted my Life to Christ because I knew I had to raise My Son in the ways of the Lord. That meant going to Church and surrounding myself and my Son with Christian friends. When I had my Son Dedicated I asked to be Rebaptised.

    My Husband, however did not make the same commitment to Christ I made and does not come to church with us. It is something I pray about, but I do not force the issue.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yes I have been saved through the mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ by grace through faith.

    It would take a book to share my testimony

    Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:

    Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    2Cr 9:15 Thanks [be] unto God for his unspeakable gift.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have been and Praise GOD! My testimony is WAY TOO LONG to post it here. But if you want to hear it, you know how to contact me.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, If you would like to read it you may email me and I will give you the address where you can.

    I have been a Christian for the last 6 yrs of my 59

    Source(s): How do I know?... God told me so
  • 2 decades ago

    well, it wasn't that bad, but i had really low blood sugar, and i think i remember praying to God that I would get better. and so, i went up to take medication , cause i had a high fever, and i fainted and was falling backwards, and behind me was this old-time stove, when they were made of brick, and i almost hit it, and if i did, i would probably have brain damage or something. well right as i was falling, my step dad caught me right before i hit it. And then, we went to the doctors, and the doctor told me i had low blood sugar. and so i ate fruit. and i was all better =]

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