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Catholic is not Christian?

I've heard it all to often, but the assertions are launched by those who broke away from the Christian Church and defined man-made doctrines that were never accepted previously. Then they claim themselves Christian, and their origins to not be Christian. Your proofs are unfounded against the Catholic Church because it relies on your man-made interpretation of the Bible. Catholics may not be Protestants, but they are most definately Christians. I want your proofs. However, I recognize with will get a lot of Jack Chick style accusations that either are fabrications or that just don't mesh with what you claim Christianity to be as defined by a few guys just a few hundred years ago. But proofs that the Catholic Church is not Christian.


No, Mary is not placed higher than God in the Catholic Church. Again that is exactly what I am speaking of in my frustration. You have been taught lies about the Catholic Church and then wage them against Catholics.

It is sad to see the ignorance in such a large way. Mary is a human who we honor because Christ honored her. We pray to her because we believe those in Heaven are alive and invested with the Love of God and thus, care about us as much as God does. And just as I ask you to pray for me, I can also ask Mary to pray for me. It is all through the mediation of Jesus Christ. No more Mary comments. Catholics do not worship her or place her above God.

Update 2:

I guess some think that prayer can only be for God and thus it is worship. However, this wasn't even a concept that Luther or Calvin had. Protestantism derived this out of a desire to be separate from Catholicism. Prayer is not necessarily only to God. It is through God to the entire Body of Christ, which Mary is a part of. I can pray with whomever is a part of Christ's Body. That is Christian in essence.

And do not accuse the Catholic Church of paganism. It is ludicrous and supported by your lack of attempt to even explain the position. The correlations you make to pagans are weak or false with no true connection. I'm surprised that I'm not even hearing any of some of the good arguments that are out there.

Update 3:


you make me laugh. You adhere to the Gospel of The Left Behind Series perhaps?

And about the canon of the bible... it is ridiculous to propose it was the Catholic Church that fuddled up the canon of the Bible. I don't mind if you say that you don't believe the deuterocanonicals are divinely inspired, but you have got to be joking that you think Catholics are not Christian because of how they have changed the canon of the Bible. By that logic, we should condemn Luther as a heretic.... wait so maybe then you agree with the Catholic stance on the issue. Good.

Update 4:


You offend me. You are passive agressive in saying that I should do my own research. You say you do not want to offend, but you then say that I am uneducated in Scripture and in theology. I have studied Calvinism, Luther's works, the Orthodox faith, the Anglican church, Taoism, buddhism, hinduism, new age movement and, of course Catholic theology. I have read Thomas Aquinas as well as Charles Spurgeon. I have heard every passage of the bible many times over. I go to bible studies with Catholics and Protestants. Do not assume because I am Catholic that I do not know my Bible. It is a false teaching. Catholics know their Bible but just aren't as showy when it comes to quoting it.

And what is your authority to say that your interpretation of the Bible is accurate and thus can call the practices of the Catholic Church unbiblical. In all doctrines the Catholic Church backs with Scripture. You may not agree, but you must say that you do not have a greater authority.

Update 5:

Ken Sisk---

You are like a man outside a house trying to peer in through a frost covered window. You catch glimpses of activity and deem yourself knowledgable of their intent. I would have to say you are more knowledgable than most on Yahoo Answers. However, you provide context to prove a pretext. You did not show the respect deserved and provide the scripture which the Catholic Church uses against your accusations. This is not a forum for debate, but a forum of complete answers. You provided your side of the argument and flaunted a knowledge of the Catholic Church, but left it incomplete in your argument. You speak of 'co-redemptress' because you've read a couple Catholic writers. You denounce 'co-redemptress' because you were taught to by your apologetics teacher. This is obvious in the way you write. You give an incomplete Catholic stance then knock it down. You set up the pins and bowl them over. This type of defense of faith is a terrible result of poor apologetic practices.

27 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Catholics are Christians....

    Christianity is a major world religion developed in the first century AD based on the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah or Christ of Israel. Followers, called Christians, were initially viewed as a sect of Judaism. It quickly developed as a separate religion as Jewish Christians became outnumbered by non-Jewish converts and, through a strong missionary emphasis, Christianity became a diverse worldwide movement.

    Their scripture is the Bible, which contains the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). Except for cults, aberrant sects, and Liberal Christianity, those who claim to be Christians have historically believed the following: There is only one true God eternally revealed in three distinct Persons - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Trinity).

    Human beings are sinners who (without the grace of God received through faith in Christ) are eternally lost. Jesus, who is God in the flesh, died on the cross and rose physically from the dead as the sole and sufficient payment for the sins of humanity.

    As a whole, however, the differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism are still seen most clearly in the issues of the Reformation. The 16th century reformers distinguished themselves from Catholicism in two key ways.

    First, they saw the Bible as the sole foundation for authority (sola scriptura) rather than the Pope, church dogma or tradition.

    Second, the reformers taught salvation by “grace alone” (sola gracia). They also insisted that sola gracia could be faithfully maintained only by understanding the gospel to be the message of a free pardon and righteous standing with God through “faith alone” (sola fide) in the imputed righteousness of Christ.

    The Roman Catholic Church claimed (and still claims) to affirm sola gracia, but anathematized sola fide, teaching instead that grace is received and maintained by a combination of faith plus works (religious rites, sacraments, or human endeavor).

    Chris·tian (krschn)


    Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

    Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.

    Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.

    Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.

    Showing a loving concern for others; humane.


    One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

    One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

    Christian Denominations and Sects

    African Methodist Episcopal

    African Methodist Episcopal Zion

    African Orthodox Church

    American Baptist Churches USA



    Anglican Catholic Church

    Antiochian Orthodox

    Armenian Evangelical Church

    Armenian Orthodox

    Assemblies of God

    Associated Gospel Churches of Canada

    Association of Vineyard Churches


    Baptist Bible Fellowship

    Branch Davidian

    Brethren in Christ

    Bruderhof Communities

    Byzantine Catholic Church

    Calvary Chapel



    Cell Church

    Celtic Orthodox

    Charismatic Episcopal Church


    Christian and Missionary Alliance

    Christian Churches of God

    Christian Identity

    Christian Reformed Church

    Christian Science

    Church of God

    Church of God

    Church of God

    Church of God in Christ

    Church of God of Prophecy

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Church of Scotland

    Church of South India

    Church of the Brethren

    Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America

    Church of the Nazarene

    Church of the New Jerusalem

    Church of the United Brethren in Christ

    Church Universal and Triumphant

    Churches of Christ

    Churches of God General Conference

    Congregational Christian Churches

    Coptic Orthodox

    Cumberland Presbyterian Church

    Disciples of Christ


    Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

    Evangelical Congregational Church

    Evangelical Covenant Church

    Evangelical Formosan Church

    Evangelical Free Church

    Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Evangelical Methodist Church

    Evangelical Presbyterian

    Family, The (aka Children of God)

    Fellowship of Christian Assemblies

    Fellowship of Grace Brethren

    Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches

    Free Church of Scotland

    Free Methodist

    Free Presbyterian

    Free Will Baptist


    Great Commission Association of Churches

    Greek Orthodox

    Hutterian Brethren

    Independent Fundamental Churches of America

    Indian Orthodox

    International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

    International Churches of Christ

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    Living Church of God

    Local Church


    Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

    Mar Thoma Syrian Church


    Messianic Judaism


    Moravian Church

    Nation of Yahweh

    New Frontiers International

    Old Catholic Church


    Orthodox Church in America

    Orthodox Presbyterian


    Plymouth Brethren


    Presbyterian Church

    Presbyterian Church in America

    Primitive Baptist

    Protestant Reformed Church


    Reformed Baptist

    Reformed Church in America

    Reformed Church in the United States

    Reformed Churches of Australia

    Reformed Episcopal

    Reformed Presbyterian Church

    Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    Revival Centres International

    Romanian Orthodox


    Russian Orthodox

    Serbian Orthodox

    Seventh Day Baptist

    Seventh-Day Adventist


    Society of Friends

    Southern Baptist Convention


    Syrian Orthodox

    True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days


    Unification Church


    United Church of Canada

    United Church of Christ

    United Church of God

    United Free Church of Scotland

    United Methodist Church

    United Reformed Church

    Uniting Church in Australia

    Unity Church

    Unity Fellowship Church

    Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

    Virtual Churches

    Waldensian Church

    Way International, The

    Web Directories


    Wesleyan Methodist

    Worldwide Church of God

  • 2 decades ago

    What if it wasn't for Catholics ( Jesus ) the christian religion as we know it would not be here today Praise be to GOD and the Catholics!

    OH yea and for all the dumb as*es out there that say we pray to other people... you are wrong we DO NOT WORSHIP them we ask for guidance such as you might with a loved one that has passed away! In your church or Cult do you have a statue or a cross and does that make YOU an Idol worshiper??? Think about it.... Is it sack religious to show Jesus on the cross.... and do you pray to him????//

    Plus do you believe in the BIBLE? If so why were the keys to the CHURCH passed down to Peter from Jesus himself? And Peter is the FIRST POPE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and each successor from then on was given the key as well. The Catholic church can trace its ancessory back to Jesus can you say that about your religion?????


    JESUS tought the Jews about Religion when he was ONLY 14 .... Get A grip on life!

    Source(s): Catholic and proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 decades ago

    I see the Roman Catholic Church as a part of the body of Christ and I recognise there are many Godly people following Christ as Catholics. But I also see the Catholic Church very much as an ailing part.

    Catholics should take a long hard look at their Bible, at their religion and at themselves. I pray that they will subordinate all of their religious traditions to the truth that is found in Jesus only.

  • I am Catholic and I will be forever, perhaps because it works for me, and I am happy to be one as well than very proud to call my self a Roman Catholic. few day's ago I made a question as to what was best Catholicism or Christianity?, I got mix responses, though I see Catholicism, as the through religion of God, the Lord Jesus. because the church of God Jesus call her self roman and Apostolic, as well that they have a representative in earth, and in this World in the House of Peter the apostle and that is the pope, the prince of the (Catholic) Church. Your Holiness Benedict XVI. So I should say that to my knowledge, "Catholics are Christians but, not all Christians are Catholics"

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  • 2 decades ago

    Not all 'Christians' can enter heaven and not all 'Catholics' go to hell. The difference is what each individual believe in, not the church we attend. Sola gratia! but also based on an active faith.

    Where does the protestant bible come from? From the Catholics! The problem is many Catholics (and Christians too) had syncretised their faith to be quite different from what the bible his saying.

  • Jay
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    I would tend ot agree the answer is not Christian. Catholisim has been built from Christian beginnings But as they have added amny ritualisic practices and have omited and added in instances different books of the Bible they are not practicing true Christianity.

    There is also a belief that eventually whenever the end times start the Catholic church will be the one church Satin uses and eventually destroys as described in Revilations.

  • 2 decades ago

    Catholic simply means "universal". In the Creed it says about the Church of Jesus Christ that it is "one, Catholic, Apostolic and Holy.

    'Christian' is a misused term. It does not reflect the true Biblical meaning today. In Biblical terms, a Christian is one who is born of God's Spirit, from above. No one is born a Christian, but one has to be born again by God's Spirit. By having a Christian name nobody becomes a Christian. No one can become Christian by baptism, they may become members of a local congregation. No one can be a Christian by observing rituals and attending Church services. Read John 3 and see what Jesus says.

    Mary had to believe in Jesus for her own salvation, because Mary was part of the Adamic race. Jesus, who was the Second Man, who was not from the Adamic race, died for her sins too. There is only one Saviour. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

    Praying to Mary is self deception. Because in heaven saints don't do anything else but sing God's praises. They don't intercede, mediate or pray. There is only one mediator Jesus and that is the only way. "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men...." (1Timothy 2:5)

  • 2 decades ago

    To both those making the accusation and those defending against it:

    Do you think this question can be settled? How? Perhaps God will send the Archangel Gabriel on wing or the prophet Elijah in a fiery chariot to play referee here? A pox on both your houses. Do something useful with your energy.

  • 2 decades ago

    Catholicism is a form of Christianity. Christianity is any religion that follows the teachings of Jesus. In fact, if you know your history, all modern forms of Christianity are derived from Catholicism. When any group of catholics disagreed with the catholic church, they broke off and formed one of the other christian sects.

    Source(s):, Wikipedia
  • 2 decades ago

    Sorry about this, but Christians are to be like the apostles, who were Jews, not catholic nor Protestant, but believers in Christ.

    So logic will show that true believers in Christ should not be Catholic or Protestant, nor Jewish. They should follow the apostles as to what they said and did for they were the example here on earth.

    Acts 2:38,39 was their first message and that message has not changed. So if you are in a church that does not preach that, your in the wrong church.

    Sorry, its a big pill but we have got to swallow it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I believe the catholic it the lost faith, they have idol and images they worship and pray to, and mother mary is not to be prayed to ever, we Christian no she was a good woman, but we never pray to her. There are NOT to have idol in the churches or Images, that is very clear in the bible...

    There is to be prayer to one God, and only ONE

    1 John 2:22

    Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is the anti christ that denieth the Father and the Son

    Source(s): John 1:1 In the beginning was teh Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not. 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in ehaven, the Father, the WOrd, and the Holy Ghost, and these are One. 1 John 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. 1 John 5:11 And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.. One God....
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