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what is the freakiest/scariest video game that you have ever played?

the scariest game i've ever played is Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly... actually, I just watched my brother play it, but we both were freaked out... it's scary as hell, but it's entertaining, i would recommend it.


here's the way i work: i watch my brother play video games and i usually help him out by paying close attention to details to give him hints in case he forgot something. anyway, i've helped him play both Doom 3 and Resident Evil, and those two games were not as scary as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I swear to god, both my brother and I were screaming when we had to fight these freaky ghosts. My parents even got interested and wanted to watch, even though they would laugh at me and my brother for screaming so much. The game's plot is fairly complicated, but it's a japanese game, so it has all those freaky ghosts, like the one from the Ring. You have to battle these ghosts in this abandoned village where it's always night using only this special camera with exorcising power. God, I get shivers thinking about it.

Update 2:

here's the way i work: i watch my brother play video games and i usually help him out by paying close attention to details to give him hints in case he forgot something. anyway, i've helped him play both Doom 3 and Resident Evil, and those two games were not as scary as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I swear to god, both my brother and I were screaming when we had to fight these freaky ghosts. My parents even got interested and wanted to watch, even though they would laugh at me and my brother for screaming so much. The game's plot is fairly complicated, but it's a japanese game, so it has all those freaky ghosts, like the one from the Ring. You're a girl and you have to battle these ghosts in this abandoned village where it's always night using only this special camera with exorcising power. In the game, you have this twin sister, and it's your and your sister's destiny to be a sacrafice to save the village. The game's really hard, even on Normal.

Update 3:

here's the way i work: i watch my brother play video games and i usually help him out by paying close attention to details to give him hints in case he forgot something. anyway, i've helped him play both Doom 3 and Resident Evil, and those two games were not as scary as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I swear to god, both my brother and I were screaming when we had to fight these freaky ghosts. My parents even got interested and wanted to watch, even though they would laugh at me and my brother for screaming so much. The game's plot is fairly complicated, but it's a japanese game, so it has all those freaky ghosts, like the one from the Ring. You're a girl and you have to battle these ghosts in this abandoned village where it's always night using only this special camera with exorcising power. In the game, you have this twin sister, and it's your and your sister's destiny to be a sacrafice to save the village. The game's really hard, even on Normal.

Update 4:

here's the way i work: i watch my brother play video games and i usually help him out by paying close attention to details to give him hints in case he forgot something. anyway, i've helped him play both Doom 3 and Resident Evil, and those two games were not as scary as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I swear to god, both my brother and I were screaming when we had to fight these freaky ghosts. My parents even got interested and wanted to watch, even though they would laugh at me and my brother for screaming so much. The game's plot is fairly complicated, but it's a japanese game, so it has all those freaky ghosts, like the one from the Ring. You're a girl and you have to battle these ghosts in this abandoned village where it's always night using only this special camera with exorcising power. In the game, you have this twin sister, and it's your and your sister's destiny to be a sacrafice to save the village. The game's really hard, even on Normal.

Update 5:

here's the way i work: i watch my brother play video games and i usually help him out by paying close attention to details to give him hints in case he forgot something. anyway, i've helped him play both Doom 3 and Resident Evil, and those two games were not as scary as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. I swear to god, both my brother and I were screaming when we had to fight these freaky ghosts. My parents even got interested and wanted to watch, even though they would laugh at me and my brother for screaming so much. The game's plot is fairly complicated, but it's a japanese game, so it has all those freaky ghosts, like the one from the Ring. You're a girl and you have to battle these ghosts in this abandoned village where it's always night using only this special camera with exorcising power. In the game, you have this twin sister, and it's your and your sister's destiny to be a sacrafice to save the village. The game's really hard, even on Normal.

Update 6:

hell, sorry for all those additional details that basically said the same thing! my laptop got messed up and i pressed submit a few times. SORRY!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Condemned. Criminal Origins.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, I played an Arcade game before I played NES. For the longest time I wasn't allowed to own a gaming setup like NES as it rots your brain or some such (parents can be so weird), but I've had a computer for a long time. 1st Arcade Game: Golden Axe. Got so good that I could beat it on normal setting with 1 quarter. Didn't hurt that I owned the Arcade Game. :) 1st computer game (Commodore Amiga): Not sure on this one, it was either Eye of the Beholder II or Shadow of the Beast II. These were followed quickly by Lemmings and Tetris Yep, the unbelievable Commodore Amiga. No hard drive, 3 1/2" floppies ran everything and the entire operating system ran on 5 megs. When windows came out (not as good as the Amiga at the time) it took much more power to run. Oh, and to this day it is the only system with a side scroller BETTER than Super Mario Bros. which is Super Frog. Zool the ninja ant was pretty good as well. Super Frog is a cross between sonic (you can run really fast) Mario (you're a frog, got to be able to jump high) and other stuff. All those games are awesome games btw, check em out if you can find them. 1st game played at school: Oregon Trail Amazing, what else can be said? 1st home game system (Texas Instruments): Hunt the Wumpus or Tombstone Hunt the Wumpus is kinda like mine sweeper, but you have to shoot the Wumpus when you think you've found him and if you miss it eats you. Yikes! Tombstone is kinda like space invaders, but you can move all around and hide from the critters in a grid of nine squares. 3 lives, one hit and you're dead, no save feature! 1st well known game system (NES): Super Mario Bros. or maybe Castlevania Classics

  • 2 decades ago

    For me, Resident Evil. The sound is even freaky. Never heard of Fatal Frame.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Here's one not a lot of people have heard of, but I couldn't even finish (and I always make a point of finishing what I start no matter how bad the game).

    It was called Shadow Man and was for the PS and N64. I made the mistake of putting the game down for a couple weeks to play something else, and when I tried to start playing again, I just went "I can't" and its sat unfinished for over three years now.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Resident Evil was pretty creepy. Whenever you are close to a zombie you can hear there moans across the hall and some zombies are as fast as hell. My sister has been chased by some in the game which really freaked her out!

    Source(s): Sister
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    the first time that I played resident evil it scared the hell out of me, cuz when I had 2 go down this hallway & on the right hand side was a window & I didnt thnk nothing of it, but when I got half way down the hall, one of those dead dogs jumped through the window & killed me on the spot.

    the other game that I played was ALONE IN THE DARK it was scary & I was kinda freaked out by it. I watched brothers play it but I was 2 chicken 2 play it by my self. OH, when the game starts, the game starts out on HALLOWEEN thats what freaked me out.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Doom 3 for Xbox is freaky

  • 2 decades ago

    I've Play the first Fatal Frame on a demo and it scared the sh** out of me and my brother who keep on tring to run from the ghost.

    Source(s): I've never played a game so frighting even though it was a demo!
  • 2 decades ago

    I need to try that one out now! The scariest I've ever played is The Suffering. It's like a good horror movie wrapped in with a game.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have played Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly and it isnt scary at all. I have also played all the games that the guys above me have played and none of them scared me. You all are just being sissies.

  • 2 decades ago

    The Silent Hill series is pretty creepy.

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