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What would you do with this much money?

Please answer all the following questions honestly. Include in your answers the assumptions you'd make about the money, and why you would do whatever action you choose.

What would you do if:

1) were in a restaurant and found a $20 bill on the floor?

2) found a wallet with $300 cash, 2 credit cards, and an ID?

3) and a friend were hiking in deep boondocks territory somewhere, stumbled across a plane crash, no survivors in sight, but found a bag containing $2 million?

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) I would use the $20 to tip the waitress at my table. Can't put it in lost & found. Anyone can claim it. I would not keep it for myself, though.

    2) I would turn the wallet in to the proper authorities, or call one of the card companies to call the owner of the wallet. I actually just recently lost my wallet, and the person turned it in fully intact! I must pay it forward...

    3) If I found $2,000,000, I would totally make sure it is mine before I spend it. I would ask a lawyer what I have to do in terms of looking for the proper owner. I would also anticipate that they might reward me, in which case I only really need $120,000 for a goal of mine...

  • steven
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    1) I would pocket the cash, if I knew that it wasn't anyones around. Then have a really good feed. If I knew it was someones like I saw them drop it I might, if I was feeling generous buy them a drink or something.

    2)probally try and contact the person to give it all back. After spending all the cash and then maxing out the criedt cards. Demand a reward and then tell them, (make up a story) about how I saw a guy throw it into the gutter.

    3)split the cash with my friend. But I don't hike and I don't have any friends so I know that I would be dreamming it all. Then I would wake up

  • -_-
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago


    1) I would tip it to the waiter.

    Why? I do not know if it was meant for me.

    2) I would contact the person in the I.D. and return to him the wallet, with all the contents intact.

    Why? Because I would like other people to do the same for me.

    3) I would ask my friend what he/she thinks would be best to do in that situation. Probably to report the plane crash to the authorities, look for identifications in the bag, and keep the bag in the safe place until someone claims it. I'm sure there are records of the passengers and whose bag is whose on the airport log.

    Why? That's hot stuff we're talking about.

  • 2 decades ago

    1) finder keeper. I would pocket it.

    2) I would mail the $300 cash ,2 credit cards and the Id to the Id holder it's not mine

    3) Temptation is a b*tch. I don't think I could take the money without feeling guilty. I would report the accident. Maybe I would take half the money but I know that would be eatting at me so I dont know what I would do.

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  • 2 decades ago

    tip the waiter very well, maybe $20

    return the wallet, id, 2 credit cards and money less any postage.

    Report the wreckage, there may be no survivors but there may be someone wondering what happened to their loved one. the 2 million may be hot or counterfeit so i would register it for a reward, if no one claims it, my friend and I would keep it.

  • Ahwell
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    I'd keep the $20 bill, unless I saw who dropped it.

    I would return the wallet and cash.

    Keep the cash and report the plane crash anonymously! (that's too much money to miss)

  • 2 decades ago

    1. I'd like to keep it, but to be honest I'd try to find the owner of the money.

    2.I'd get the ID and find the person and return it to him, because if I had lost my wallet, I would want someone to return it back to me.

    3.what money!

    Source(s): my kindness and my greed
  • 2 decades ago

    1. Pick it up and use it.

    2. Turn it in since there is an ID.

    3. Burn it.

  • 2 decades ago

    1) spend the twenty on gas for my car

    1) use the I.D to send the wallet back to owner

    3) me and the friend split the 2 mil and carefully invest in legitimate businesses to launder it in order to help ourselves and family (kids get college educations) THEN donate a portion to charity.

  • 2 decades ago

    give the $20 as tip, return the wallet and keep the 2mil

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