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Lv 5
Jay asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 2 decades ago

Immigration Question??

Is not the argument of illegal aliens a fallacy when they claim to benefiting the US economy? If they can be such an economic benefit why do they not stay in their own countries and make their home a better place to live economically? Would not the millions who are here illegally would stay in their home countries and work as hard as they do here not make a difference and better their own countries for themselves and their families?

Please limit responses to intellegnt discussion. Please withold racist remarks.


Actually I have lived in a 3rd world country.

And the U.S. was not always the richest country which we made better by staying here and fixing it. Instead of running away to another country.

Name calling and swearing is not intellegent discussion.

Update 2:

I too am for legal immigration.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    thank you!!!

    exactly what i was discussing with my friends.

    Illegals need to stop protesting here and go back to South America and protest there, they need the protests there more. Their country needs them now more then ever.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's pretty simple really. If you work for $3 a day in say, Mexico with no rights or freebees.(i.e.: Ins., workers comp., safety gear and concerns etc.) and it's hard, hard labor that's one alternative.

    The other alternative is to come to the US and earn $80 to $120 a day and get some freebees ...and maybe not have to work quite as hard cuz the boss has got fancy machines etc. Hey life is sweet! So you send $$$$ back home and then you want Mom and the kids to come up. Hey! Free school that's way better than tthat old Mexican school house with the pervo devo maestro teaching them. So off the kids and Mom come to be in the US with Papa.

    Important thing to note here, is that they maybe are getting cash and not paying tax. In order to keep this scam going, there is lots of motivation to break the law further and get forged docs so you can Look legal at a glance. Sure you pay a little tax and SS but what the hey!. Meantime, the kids are in school without a clue. They only speak Spanish or ? Not their problem. The US will accomodate everyone! (stupidity!) These folks have not investment here. They are here for the short run. They don't care about our country. Many, many of these people are uneducated, they lack manners or breeding or cultural understanding. They cater to their own basal desires and make babies without thought for what will happen to those children in the long run. Here or elsewhere.

    Kinda like aphids sucking the juice out of a beautiful rose. The more aphids make more aphids and pretty soon, there are not any more roses and then the whole bush dies. Aphids move on to the next rose bush.

    That's called parasitism where I come from. It's going on here and it has to stop. I'm all for legal immigration for anyone who is willing to obey the law, speak English and commit legally to the USA and "pay and obey" the way the rest of us do.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well, for generations, Mexican citizens from all over Mexico have gone to Mexico City and held protests.

    They shut down major streets and freeways to allow their citizens to protest, when have you seen that happen here?.

    They have made some strives, but not enough to make a difference. It is slowly changing over there.

    One thing I noticed when I last visited, more people have newer cars and some that werent able to have a car, can now afford too. They now allow credit in order to purchase a vehicle.

    Before, you had to pay all cash to buy a car. Perhaps this will change with home ownership as well, now the only way to own property is to pay cash for it.This will certainly help the poor and middle classes. As with any nation and its peoples, the wheels of justice are slow to grind.

  • 2 decades ago

    It's easy to say "fix your own country" when you are from the richest country in the world. Obviously , you don't see farther than your nose! Go to a 3rd world country and try to make a living on 30$ a month, then talk BS!Why didn't YOUR ancestors "fix their own country" but came here?

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  • 2 decades ago

    Well i been asking the same quiestions to some kids around. And they only said that for example in their country the are not going to be paid the same money that thet get paid here for cooking, construction or cleaning... And some others came here to get a better living, some others came here to try to send money back to help some of their family members in case of somebody is sick or exetremely poverty. But do you know what i really like this kind of people i don't like criminals of course, but in my opinion if they came here for a good reaon, there is no way to judge them on a mean way, the only one that is able to judge them and decided its the Almighty, i rather to mind my own business.

  • 2 decades ago

    Hi Jay.

    Yes they can do it at home. They don't want to It is easier here. And they are stepping over the poor here and could care less. And yes I have lived poor due to family members in poor health. And who have trouble getting help because their isn't programs for them. And they would never impose on Canada and expect them to make their life better. It is Selfishness on the people of Mexico who feel they can break our laws so they can have more.

  • well i guess that the reason we dont go back to our country is because well some country's dont have any hope on getting any better. and the u.s.a well sopposubly has more hopes for us. i guess?! and in a way we are helping our own country by us working here and urning our own money we sent some of it to our country so it can hopefuly become a better place to live

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    We subsidize their education and benefits, and they drive down worker's wages. Only employers benefit from cheap labor, and we pay slightly lower prices (a nickle less for a tomato). I'll pay the nickle to see my children's schools start providing a decent education and to see the health care prices go down that were driven up by subsidizing health care for illegals. Crime is also up.

    Many illegals may be otherwise nice people, drawn here by subsidies they consider 'free' and lack of enforcement by our government. However, the lack of screening of illegals means that they are bringing the crime rate and corruption of Mexico here with them, as a group.

    I don't want it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No they would not benefit their country the way that they do here. It is all about money, in Mexico they have no money, no buying stuff, no starting big companies, no none of that! So think about it, being here in the US, they earn money, spend money, start businesses, and send money home (helping their country).

  • 2 decades ago

    maybe they could do that. but if they want to come here they should have the right to.since when did it become sinful for a person to want to visit this country?

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