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I'm entering high school- and I can't make up my mind on graduating a year early or not. (Details inside)

By graduating a year early I will get away from my mom, (its not like a hormonal teen hating her mother type thing-- My dad wants me to get out too-- but we're not going to get into that) and that will give me a year to work and get money to move on to college---

But by staying, I can shoot for two scholarships, the 12-sport Athlete, and the 4-year Student Council Award. By taking summer school and moving up to AP classes I will already have the credits to graduate early..but should I? Staying an extra year could be dangerous- my mom has put me in the hospital from stress, and because of her "smoke 2-packs a day" routine I now have asthma.

I can't stand it here- and I've been itching to leave since the 3rd grade lol.

I have been working since 5th grade and I only have approx. $2,000 saved up, but by my third year of high school I think I will have enough to get started....



By graduating a year early I will get away from my mom, (its not like a hormonal teen hating her mother type thing-- My dad wants me to get out too-- but we're not going to get into that) and that will give me a yr 2 work and get $ to move on to college

But by staying, I can shoot for 2 scholarships, the 12-sport Athlete, and the 4-year Student Council Award. By taking summer school and moving up to AP classes I will already have the credits to graduate early..but should I? Staying an extra year could be dangerous- my mom has put me in the hospital from stress, and because of her "smoke 2-packs a day" routine I now have asthma.

I can't stand it here- and I've been itching to leave since the 3rd grade lol.

I have been working since 5th grade and I only have approx. $2,000 saved up, but by my third year of high school I think I will have enough to get started.


WAIT IM EDITING THIS AFTER LIKE 20 ANSWERS,my dad doesnt want to KICK me out- he wants me2 get away from my mom

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    why don't you just leave with your dad and finish school in four years?, i think you should not sacrifice yourself this way.Just my opinion, good luck.

    With that money you can help your father put a down payment on another place where you two can go, try going to a counselor with your parents maybe you guys can work something out instead of just wanting to run away. Try forgiving your mother, she sounds like she needs help and if she is not hitting you or anything like that then i think you should get away but never lose contact with her.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Whether she means to be or not, she is abuseing you by smoking around you. Her habit should be taken outside. She sounds like a very selfish person wanting her daughter out of the nest early instead of trying to quit smoking to improove your health. Don't cheat your future, if you want those scholarships and awards that you've earned stay in school. Do you have a friend, who's house you can sleep over at often? Or maybe, if your mom won't take her cigarette outside, you can go outside for fresh air, and escape. It may be extreme, but you could also look for placement assistance from HRS. Just make an annonimous phone-call to find out "hypothetically" what would happen if a teen with asthma was forced to be in a house with a chain smoking parent ( and the stress issue), and where that teen would be sent.

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm a recent high school graduate,and I don't think you should graduate early. I'm not saying it'll be bad to, but you'll be giving up two great scholarships if you do. I know you are determined to leave your house, but if you've been able to handle it this long, four more years won't hurt. Also it'll give you more of a chance to save up money for college. By the way, what college did you have in mind to enroll in? There is a college that you could attend after I believe your sophomore year. If you're really serious about leaving, than you should look more into that school.

  • 2 decades ago

    As I found out the hard way, working to save money for college can really hurt you - it can prevent you from getting loans. I took one year off, made an "incredible" $9,000 and had a few thousand in my savings. They said that I did not qualify for ANY loans due to my income.

    Stay and get the scholarships. School is terribly expensive. I don't know your home situation, but if you think you can, try to brace yourself for one more year of home life. Knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel might make the last year much easier to tolerate. Just maintain a low profile and do whatever it takes to keep the stress level down. If the smoking bothers you, try to stay out of whatever room she smokes in or go outside as much as possible.

    You may have to swallow your pride and deal with things that don't seem fair. However, I think it will be worth it to wait because things will be much easier if you do - you'll be better off financially, you'll be more mature, and one more year will make you appreciate you new life even more.

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  • 2 decades ago

    if staying will allow you to recieve scholarships, then do that. You may not even need to stay the whole year. Just take one or two classes and then work the remainding time. You just need to add activities to your life so that you aren't in the house as much.

    The choice is up to you though. Graduate with your class or if you dont really care about memories of school, just finish, go to college, and have a fun life.

  • 2 decades ago

    Don't waste a full year. Who knows if something come up and you could not join after a year..Anything could happen like some social problem or you falling in love or getting worst of your Asthma.....don't take a chance with your career.

    Scholarship etc. is not a big can always work part time and earn but this age will never come back....go ahead...

  • 2 decades ago

    I'd say stay and go for the scholarships. If you take a year off after high school while trying to save money, you may get stuck in the rut of working and not go back to school. It is best to go straight from school to college without a gap, as it tends to distract people.

  • I think that it would be to ur best interest to go ahead and graduate early get out and contuinue ur edu on ur own. The stress that ur r getting at home is not good and it will only make things harder for u.Make sure that u dont fall off of ur goals,contuinue ur studies and make ur parents proud even if they dont beleive in u show them that u can acheive things with or without them and the stress.

    Source(s): Lifes Lessons and same issues
  • 2 decades ago

    well if you need to get away that badly then ye si would graduate early but take it from me (an incoming sophmore) high school is much harder than you think all of those AP classes may be even more stressful than your mother was.

  • Kismet
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    tha'ts a very difficult decision and ultimately the choice is yours, all we can do is offer suggestions. i really think you should stay. i understand that the situation is bad but even after working for a year you won't have enough for college. perhaps a community college, but if you are shooting for a university those scholarships will help a lot.

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