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living in another country?

who here lives in another country than where they were born?

Where were you born and where are you now?

Why did you move? Do you like it?

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay.....I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico (8 years). Then I moved with my parents to Suffern, NY for 2 years while they went to the seminary (they're Salvation Army pastors). I lived a summer in Lancaster, PA. Then 4 years in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Then a summer in Chicago, IL. Then 6 years in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Then a summer in Spain. Then a semester in Trieste, Italy. Now, I'm heading back to Puerto Rico to finish the last year of my B.A. Afterwards, it's either NY, Spain, or Italy for graduate school.

    ***When I say I lived for a summer somewhere, I mean I actually lived there.......not as a tourist. ;)***

    I love moving around, and I've always felt I might've been born in the wrong place. I guess I'm looking for home, in a way. Still, as I get older (which is not saying much since I'm only 20), I begin to realize home is nowhere in particular, not a physical place. Home is where I make it and where my loved ones are. The rest........beautiful adventures.

    Okay, that's slightly off-topic, but you get my point. ;p

  • 2 decades ago

    sorry i only feel like i came from another country....i was born in a small town of 500, in an out of the way place....the closest mcdonalds was 60 miles 10 we moved to a city of 30,000...which since boomed to 100,000. I felt like a fish out of water, i experienced culture shock. it did not take ten years for a new movie to get to us....there was more to do than after school programs, not to mention the trouble that was available to a pre-teen in a city.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am currently live in Australia.

    I was born in Indonesia. I lived in Malaysia for almost 3 years, before move to Australia.

    I like to move to new places, to find new experiences and culture.

    I love living in Australia, but some time I miss my family back home.

  • 2 decades ago

    i lived for a little while in cabarete dominican rep it had some pluses but far more minuses im born here usa.

    some countrys I have heard good thing about but I would not recomend the DR.

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  • 2 decades ago

    No, but have plans to live in another country for greener pasture, to have a better place to live, to evade the political bickerings in my country and to have a good environment.

  • 2 decades ago

    I've lived in Oklahoma, Virgina, Wisconsin, Utah, Germany, far.

    I've moved for various reasons, but I think I'm here to stay for quite some time where I now am with my family.


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    this is quite personal info 2 tell a complete stranger.

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