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Favorite Answers17%
  • Weight Loss?

    I started LA Weight Loss yesterday after years and years of gaining/loosing/gaining more etc.

    Has anyone had any good experiences they can share with me? I am looking forward to the fact they 'teach you how to eat'. I am nervous about the new chapter in my life and what is going to mean for me. Any postive experiences would be great to hear..

    35 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • MANGO INN in Puerto Rico?

    Has any stayed here? Or does anyone live in PR that can tell me honestly what this place is like. It's cheap, the pictures look ok. All I want it for is to sleep, and take a shower, I am not expecting the ritz carlton. The only thing I require is no rodents creepy crawlies, or filth..

    thanks to anyone that has honest info!

    2 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade ago
  • Puerto Rico Lodging!?

    Does anyone have a good suggestions on decent lodging in Puerto Rico.. Under $100?? Or weekly rentals?

    5 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade ago
  • Crossing the border to Mexico?

    I'm going to Arizona in October, my friend and I want to take a day trip to Mexico, since neither of us have been to Mexico via a land border, I don't know what place to cross @. We are going to park on the US side and walk across. We are going mainly to do a little shopping. Which crossings do you suggest? I've considered Nogales or Lukeville, but it looks like Lukeville would require a car to get to the shopping. thanks for any info!

    4 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade ago
  • 5 years later?

    Tommorow is the 5th anniversary of Sept 11. What are your feelings, what do you think of, who do you think of? How has your life changed?

    21 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • what on earth?

    I **really** am shocked by something I discovered tonite on accident while looking for a website to report animal neglect. I CANNOT believe people actually do this,think this!This is a post I saw on website:

    I am a zoophile.</p>

    t is a difficult thing to say. A concept my mind desires to reject and my soul yearns to protect. A module of my very being, carried with me from my early years. An undeniable truth, untold.</p>

    Currently in my life I desire nothing more than a canine companion. As a 20-year-old college student, this is difficult to accomplish. Even with a cooperative apartment complex, I could not comfortably adopt a dog without having a yard to share.</p>

    And so I must live a year or two more with an unsatiated heart. I dream of being able to lay side by side with that special dog, all my worries being brushed away with each strand of fur against my skin. To fall asleep with her in my arms, our breathing as one. To love.</p>

    what cld possibly make someone do this?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • what kind of?

    stupid/embarrassing, or just plain bizzare festivals or events does your community hold?

    In my area here are some examples:

    Polka Days

    Hamburger fest

    Pig wrestling

    16 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Annoying co-workers?

    To those of us that have been in the workforce for a few years now- how do you deal with that co-worker that constantly talks about NOTHING,shares there personal business (bathroom info like I needed to know she poo'd 3 times already because of a raunchy muffin) with you, stares @ you if you don't respond to there babbling about nothing, is intrusive and just plain annyoing (and I get the pleasure of being sandwiched between 2 of them) I am already on the fence about my job and want to quit, and I thought being transfered to a new role would help, well it's not much better!!! I am trying to learn my new role which is completely new to my company so there is so much to learn and no one is helping me and then I have to contend with 2 nosey nellies!!!!! Where does the line get drawn? for me it was when i had to find out about the bathroom issues. I mean seriously how do you handle this professionally?


    4 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • living in another country?

    who here lives in another country than where they were born?

    Where were you born and where are you now?

    Why did you move? Do you like it?

    7 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What would you do??????

    this morning i stopped @ my local gas station to fill my car got out headed to the pump, picked up the nozzle and gas came out and spilled on my car, I put the nozzle in and ignored it, in the mean time, I went to walk back to the drivers side, I started to back up and my feet stuck, I backed up again, my feet continued to stick, I looked down and there was a HUGE puddle of 'wet' I instantly new I was standing in a puddle of GAS, that had been spilled during the duration of the evening, I took my flip flop off and picked up and WHOo yeah GAS for sure. I walked in to the station, and said to the attendant "are you aware there is gas all over the front of the pump?" her answer "well yeah" "well yeah?? why on earth would you not tell someone? or put a note up or something? yell over the intercom?" of course NO answer no apology she just lked at me- I hd 2 put the shoes in my trunk they smelt so bad & were causing my head 2 pnd I endd up tossing them becoz of it. they were new, should I c

    16 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • Swollen legs/ankles?

    Have any of you ever suffered/currently suffer with swelling in the legs/ankles that seems to get worse during the hot summer days?

    I have been dealing with this for the past year, and I cannot get relief, I have been to the DR who gives me water pills that do nothing, I have tried several things, cut out salt, drink more water, drink less water, walk more/ walk less, I cannot get it to stop, I know I need to drop some lbs but I can't stand to walk after awhile because my legs hurt..

    any suggestions?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • self tanner?

    Does anyone here have any sucess with any of the self tanners - the ones from Jergens etc that have just a 'touch' of self-tan in them? I start out good and then about a week in my skin looks blotchy and streaky!

    9 AnswersSkin & Body2 decades ago