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What would you do??????

this morning i stopped @ my local gas station to fill my car got out headed to the pump, picked up the nozzle and gas came out and spilled on my car, I put the nozzle in and ignored it, in the mean time, I went to walk back to the drivers side, I started to back up and my feet stuck, I backed up again, my feet continued to stick, I looked down and there was a HUGE puddle of 'wet' I instantly new I was standing in a puddle of GAS, that had been spilled during the duration of the evening, I took my flip flop off and picked up and WHOo yeah GAS for sure. I walked in to the station, and said to the attendant "are you aware there is gas all over the front of the pump?" her answer "well yeah" "well yeah?? why on earth would you not tell someone? or put a note up or something? yell over the intercom?" of course NO answer no apology she just lked at me- I hd 2 put the shoes in my trunk they smelt so bad & were causing my head 2 pnd I endd up tossing them becoz of it. they were new, should I c


that should say 'should I complain, demand new shoes, they were new!"

16 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know the laws in your area, but where I am from the store is responsible to clean up hazardous spills like this. It could cause a fire and also harms the environment.I would ask around and report the store to the proper agency. They might get fined if this is an ongoing problem.

  • 2 decades ago

    You were only wearing flip flops. Its sounds like the issue isn't the money since they are usually pretty cheap. The real issue is that this was a dangerous situation that was ignored.

    If the station manager doesn't at least apologize, you might consider contacting the fire department over their dangerous operating methods. There is a reason for those no smoking signs by the pumps and the vapor from that gasoline could have ignited from someone's cigarette.

    Since this was an open air situation, the fire danger was not high because the fumes could not build up. But the attendant was still being irresponsible and taking a higher risk than they should have.

  • 2 decades ago

    It sounds as though to me you were dealing with an employee that was relatively new... or just young, or lazy or ignorant. In any case, the manager of the station should be made aware that a potentially hazardous situation existed at his station... and wasn't dealt with promptly or safely.

    It is my understanding that gas stations have very strict guidelines set in place for dealing with gas spills, no matter how big or small - due to the massive damage that could occur because of a spill. If you deduce, after speaking with the manager, that the spill was not properly dealt with because of neglect or failure to follow guidelines due to apathy, then you should contact your local fire station and let them know about the safety hazard. They'll deal with it.

  • 2 decades ago

    Not only is that rude but a HUGE fire risk too.! I'd say go complain as soon as possible. Ask to speak to a manager! If there is that much gas they should shut the pump down!!!!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Due to the fact the attendant admitted that he/she was aware of the situation yes you could demand some sort of compensation. Unfortunately if they refused the legal process is, more than likely too costly to make it wort your time. However you could check out small claims court in your state.

  • 2 decades ago

    I would complain, maybe not request new shoes , but explain what happened and advise them about health issues when breathing in fumes of gasoline. I'm sure they will reply and apologize. U need to make sure you add the date, time, pump #, and cashier name.

  • 2 decades ago

    Heck ya complain. There are laws that say ALL gas spill must be cleaned up immediately. Due to their negligence your sandals were ruined so ya they should replace them

  • 2 decades ago

    Best thing to do is talk to the manager and report the incident so they can take the neccessary actions and you can save other's shoes or health maybe...but no, dont ask for shoes..

  • 2 decades ago

    It sounds like you live in California. You have no recourse. The owner probably has the same attitude; if not worse. You could also get arrested if you persist in requesting that they make ammends.

  • ss1886
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Beats Me

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