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self tanner?

Does anyone here have any sucess with any of the self tanners - the ones from Jergens etc that have just a 'touch' of self-tan in them? I start out good and then about a week in my skin looks blotchy and streaky!

9 Answers

  • Rx
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I also use Jergens. I like it. The key is to keep applying it everyday so it doesn't get streaky and blochy. Also, it helps if you exfoliate before you use it because dry skin will absorb it more and create and uneven look in areas that are drier than others. Also, put a teensy bit it areas like your ankles, knees and elbows because those areas are thick skinned and come out darker. Be sure not to rub yourself dry after getting wet or it will be on your towel. Just air dry.

    I have also tried Doves version of Jergens Natural Glow, works just as well.

    Hope I helped!

    Oh and P.S. Only exfoliate this first time you do it in a while otherwise you will just be putting it on and the slothing it off by exfoliating each time. Exfoliating the first time then because the tanning stuff is also lotion, your skin will stay hydrated.

  • 2 decades ago

    I used be an avid sunless tanner and the best advice I have is to exfoliate at least once a week with a washcloth and baking soda or a buff pad going in circular motions, use plain ol lotion on dry spots before adding the lotion with tanner in it to get a more even tan. Then keep moisturized, use another lotion without tanner in it to keep it moist. DHA, the active ingredient in most sunless tanners, tends to dry out the skin.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    It received't have any influence to it. The self tanner actual acts in simple terms as a classic lotion. your self tanner will come off plenty faster than the actual tan once you bypass tanning.

  • 2 decades ago

    I tried that Jergens Natural Glow for your face and body, it worked for a few days, left my skin very greasy and then turned me orange. Try Loreal....

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  • 2 decades ago

    I have used netrogena before and it works very well. You spray ti on and rub it in. It has a slight tint to it so you can see where you are applying it. and as long as you aply evenly and nott oo often it looks natural. [i.e. DO NOT aply twice in a week.]

  • 2 decades ago

    Be careful about how you may be exfoliating. You may not even realize you are doing it. You may also be trying to go too dark.

  • 2 decades ago

    Exfoliating very thouroghly helps avoid that.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yeah I think that natural glow stuff is good!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    try dior for ur face and loreal has a good one out now...Good luck!

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