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Puerto Rico Lodging!?

Does anyone have a good suggestions on decent lodging in Puerto Rico.. Under $100?? Or weekly rentals?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, for less than a $100 you can find "paradores" (family operated inns) or small hotels, nothing luxury but comfortable and clean. It depends where you want to stay. If you want to stay in the north part of the island, I recommend the Condado area... I'm from PR and I just love being close to the beach... You can stay at the Comfort Inn.. It's a small but clean hotel, nothing luxury but close to the Condado beach and like 3 miles from Old San Juan... or you can also stay at the Best Western in the Condado area for a few more bucks... If you want to stay in the south... Ponce area... you can stay at the Howard Johnson... this hotel is like 3 miles from La Guancha Boardwalk. Best time to go to Ponce this year will be April 25 to 28 to Las Justas... one of the biggest parties in PR. If you are staying in the west... Rincon is your best bet.. and I really like Villa Cofresi Hotel. I you are staying in the East, well, it's hard to find something for less than a $100 in the eastern part of the island. That's where the best hotels are... Palmas del Mar, el Conquistador, and so forth... You can try to check with the Fajardo Inn in Fajardo.. You might find something depending on when you will go there....

    There's also Vieques and Culebra island which are part of PR... there are many hotels there too... Personally, I totally love Culebra.

    Again, your best bet is staying at a Parador... which besides being cheaper than a hotel (most of the times), will give you the real essence of the island...

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Paradores are really nice small hotels and they are the only lodging you could get for less than $100. Its not going to be in the city but you'll like it. Remember PR is really small so no matter where you stay, everything is going to be close by.

    Have fun!

    Source(s): I live here!
  • 1 decade ago

    i found a great place in OLD SAN JUAN..called CASA me if you want to see pics. at present the owner PABLO can be reached at

    i answer posts daily at


    you can find my review and others regarding CASA CANDELA there. this is an excellent an easy to use'd fare well to check it out.

    happy planning..doda

  • 1 decade ago

    Visit and click on th einteractive map on th elower left corner. You can choose area, type of accomodations, amenities... and it will show you the ones that matched your criteria. You click on the yello dots and it will give you a lsit with the properties information, amenities, prices... It is very helpful.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    NO nice cheap lodging in PR. DONT even try it you will regret!

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