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Swollen legs/ankles?

Have any of you ever suffered/currently suffer with swelling in the legs/ankles that seems to get worse during the hot summer days?

I have been dealing with this for the past year, and I cannot get relief, I have been to the DR who gives me water pills that do nothing, I have tried several things, cut out salt, drink more water, drink less water, walk more/ walk less, I cannot get it to stop, I know I need to drop some lbs but I can't stand to walk after awhile because my legs hurt..

any suggestions?

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is probably no one solution.

    Moderate exercise, drinking enough water, eat foods that don't cause inflammation

  • 2 decades ago

    I would advise for you to have a thorough medical exam.Blood pressure check.Possibly ECG.

    Try to lose the extra lbs.

    Check your diet and eat heathy foods.

    There are many reasons for swollen ankles and painful legs.

    Check this link:

    A search like "swollen ankles" on Yahoo or Google

    will give you many links.

    However the most common reasons are a heart condition,including high BP,kidney failure to some degree,varicose veins or deep vein constriction,

    high salt diet etc.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you might have stress fractures. are you all of the sudden running a lot or started a sport? when i started track mine swelled up and they(my doctors) said my ankles were just not strong enough for all the running. but at night my ankles kill and the pain runs up my legs(this is a year later and it happened before too.) i think i have arthritis and rls because i roll my ankles when i go to sleep. hope my beginning paragraph helped.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You need to go back to the doctor to talk about changing or increasing your medications. Retaining fluids can cause serious problems

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  • 2 decades ago

    Check your kidney. Drink more water and pee clear

  • 2 decades ago may need to get your heart checked out. Congestive heart failure may be the answer.

  • 2 decades ago

    usually thats a sign of pregnancy r u pregnant???

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