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A Question about Jesus?

If Christians believe that Jesus is G-d, then they believe that G-d died for their sins. How exactly does G-d die then?

And what would happen to the world if G-d did die?

We wouldn't be here any longer...?


Then why do Christians speak of Jesus as G-d incarnate? I'm not confused at all, my beliefs are steadfast, I just do not understand how that belief makes any sense.

Update 2:

Hear O Israel, The L-rd is you G-d, the L-rd is One.

Devarim 6:4.

Update 3:

Ok. So either God IS Jesus or God was IN Jesus, or Jesus was the SON of god.

If God was IN Jesus than Jesus is not Holy himself, and was only made so by the presence of God. Thus his coming was not that of the messiah. Explain.

Update 4:

Ok.. So Jesus wanted us to follow him, but G-d said that we should worship no one but him. So, the law was broken then?

Update 5:

the Tanach, or the Old Testiment states that the Messiah - Moshiach, must among other things, bring the world to Peace, please, tell me when we reached peace. He must also influence the worship of G-d, but from what you all are telling me Jesus sought to obtain followers? I do not see how then Jesus can be the Savior?

22 Answers

  • Romeo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It varies among denominations, to give a broad idea; Christians believe that Jesus was a complete human and a complete divine. . . So he would experience what any other man would experience. . . . G-d had condemned mankind to eternal curse, He is just and His words would not change, in the same time He is merciful, so He incarnated Himself and condemned Himself to death on behalf of all humanity, since man's sin against G-d is unlimited, and G-d Himself is unlimited, therefore no one can expiate the man's sin other than G-d Himself. That is why Christians believe that Jesus is G-d Himself incarnated in flesh, and that is why they believe that such incarnation is essential for the salvation of mankind. . . To make the faith compulsory, they introduced certain rituals to keep the folks inside, such as baptism for children and then a keen follow up with other sacraments such as communion and confession in Orthodoxy and Catholicism; also, receiving the holy ghost and being saved, possibly talking with tongues afterwards too as in many Protestant and Pentecostal churches. . . .

    I hope that answered your question :-))

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy, you really wanted to open a can of whuupass with this one.

    There are many aspects of Christianity that don't make a lot of sense, but I doubt you will hear them from this audience.

    It is usually explained something like this. The Christian God is really three different entities in one. 'The Father', 'The Son', and the Shekinah (Holy Ghost to you Baptists out there.) So, Y'shua was God, but not all of God, there was enough left over to keep things running.

    And death is a transition, not an end. So anyone who died, still is. Jesus just did a few walk abouts to prove the point.

    By the way. Shalom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't get stuck with the DIVINITY of Jesus, for while He said that He is the "Son of God", He also said that WE ARE ALL "CHILDREN OF GOD..."

    Yeshua Messiah [Jesus Christ] was in fact a HUMAN BEING... and He followed THE LAW to the letter and to every dot that was so written. He wants us to FOLLOW HIS WAYS... in order that we, too, can become worthy to be called the "Children of God" as He was the "Son of God."

    God, our Heavenly Father and Almighty Creator, has no beginning and no end. Therefore, God will NEVER DIE. On the other hand, we, human beings, have a beginning and have an end... Get it??

    Peace be with you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say to you that God will not die... But in this mortal flesh I can not prove that to you. No man can. It is an act of Faith to accept The Truth of God.

    No, God did not die on the cross. The mortal flesh of Jesus did. And it was resurected and Jesus assended into heaven where he recieved the emmortal body. He then returned to walk with his people for about 40 days. He then returned to heaven where he lives still as our advocate to The Father.

    Jesus always has been, is, and always shall be, The Way, The Truth, and the life. No man comes to The Father except through Him.

    Source(s): The Truth of my Salvation... God's Word to me
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Jesus was God, and God can not die, then when Jesus died on the cross only the human part of Him died, that would be a HUMAN death, and profiteth me NOTHING. Jesus is the SON OF THE LIVING GOD, He is the only begotten of the Father. Ps 2:7; Rev 3:14. God is Jehovah, Jesus is Michael. Michael is the only begotten of the Father. Why do you suppose God is named 'Father'? 2Cor 5:19 "To wit, God was IN Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, ...." God IN Christ, not God IS Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus came to the earth as God in human form. Blood had to be shed so that man could have eternal life, so Jesus died on the cross. If he didn't die, when we die our natural death, our spirits would be condemned to eternal death. There would be no everlasting life for our spirits, after our natural life was over. Hard to understand without knowledge of the Bible and Jesus' earthly ministry

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what would happen if God died... it's not worth even thinking about because He CAN'T die. Jesus died because he was flesh and blood... born of a human woman. Like you said God sent him here to die for our sins.

    It gets confusing when you think about God as three persons... it's confused a lot of Christians and I certainly don't have all the answers. Here's a couple of pages about it:

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was a human being (incarnate). God incarnate, yes. His body died, not the Spirit. The Spirit got Him up. God is a Spirit (it is written).

    God did not die. Will not die.

    If there was no God, you would not be here. If there was no Jesus, mankind would have fried himself to a crisp (total destruction) long before this.


  • 1 decade ago

    i went through a search in a christianity website and i couldnt find anything in the bible that says anything about jesus is the son of God or jesus is god. this whole trinity matter is nt mentioned in the bible. that's why it wasnt around since the very start and only came later. however, as christian ppl do see, they say that God takes 3 forms. and the funny thing is.. Jesus is the Son of God and he is God... so he is the son of his own ?!?!? it makes sense to them this way.

  • Why is everybody confusing Jesus with God? Jesus is supposed to be the Son of God not God.

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